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748 Results Found for "UL0"


Reprints and E-prints

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SAGE offers you the opportunity to deliver high quality, yet cost-effective, content from one of our 1,000 peer-reviewed journals delivered to your target audience. Customization options include:

SAGE launches Business Researcher as the first in a series of library business resources

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE is pleased to announce the launch of SAGE Business Researcher which comprises biweekly in-depth reports, data, short articles, expert views, and resources for deeper investigation on the most pressing topics in business and management. SAGE Business Researcher is the first in a suite of resources that draws upon a thorough understanding of business curricula and research to support teaching and to guide students through all stages of undergraduate and graduate careers.

How do men and women respond to gender bias in STEM?

Los Angeles, CA. Research has revealed that gender biases limit the opportunities for women within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. But just how prevalent are these biases and how are they perceived differently by men and women? A new study out today in Psychology of Women Quarterly examined a well-known space for candid sharing of thoughts – the comments sections of online articles – and found that men are much less likely to agree with scientific evidence of gender bias in STEM than women.

The Conversation in the UK celebrates its first year

Independent news analysis and commentary site The Conversation celebrates its first birthday in the UK today and also welcomes Alice Roberts, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, as a Patron.

The Conversation was launched in the UK on 16 May 2013 as a collaboration between professional editors and academics. It provides the public with rolling coverage of news and access to new information about cutting-edge research as it becomes available.

Manuscript Submission

Please ensure the manuscript…

  • Is a Word file (.doc or .docx) or TeX file.
  • Conforms to the appropriate style throughout (APA, AMA, etc.).
  • Is the final version for publication, with developmental editing completed.
  • Includes title, short title, abstract, and keywords.
  • Includes names, e-mails, affiliations, degrees, and biographies for ALL authors and a mailing address for the corresponding author.

Who to Contact

In matters relating to your journal, you may need to contact several people at Sage.
To route your questions, comments, suggestions, or needs to the appropriate person, please use this guide.

Three-Day Training Workshop


8:30 – 9:00 a.m. 

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 
Part I: Theoretical and Research Perspectives

Response to reviewers template

Authors are encouraged to use this template to respond to peer review comments and detail the changes made to their manuscript. Authors should read the instructions carefully and include the completed form with their revised submission.

Response to reviewers template

SSC Provider Training and Trainer of Trainers

Training to become a qualified provider is available upon request. 

Required preparations for SSC program delivery include:

  • Familiarity with and/or training in manual-guided treatment programs
  • Thorough familiarity and study of the key concepts, content, exercises and worksheets of each SSC session before session delivery
  • Thorough familiarity with and study of the support material for each session in Section IV of the Provider's Guide

The SSC Training Workshop has two components:
