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Indexing & Discoverability

At SAGE, we take seriously our obligation to ensure readers get to the SAGE content they need as smoothly and effectively as possible wherever their starting point and regardless of their device. We tackle discoverability for our products in 4 key areas: open web discovery, institutional discovery, specialized database discovery, and across-SAGE discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

About SAGE Premier

What is SAGE Premier?

SAGE Premier is the largest journals package offered by SAGE. It includes international, peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of over 400 scholarly and professional societies. Its interdisciplinary coverage is unparalleled, spanning subject areas including business; humanities; social sciences; science, technology, medicine; and many more.

Print and Digital Content Sponsorship

Leverage SAGE’s peer-reviewed content to establish credibility and rust. We offer a variety of print and digital opportunities to help you reach your target audience and promote our brand.

Digital Options

Digital Edition Sponsorship

Promote your brand with a dedicated, online sponsored issue. Perfect for conferences, this is sure to be seen by conference attendees and society members.

Gold Open Access Article Processing Charge Waivers

Corresponding Authors who reside in the countries described by the Research4Life program (both Group A and Group B) publishing in one of Sage’s gold open access journals will automatically receive a full APC waiver without needing to take any action. The waiver will be applied based on the Corresponding Author affiliation in the Sage Open Access Portal.

SAGE titles honored by Library Journal and ALA'S RUSA

Los Angeles, Four more SAGE titles have recently received recognition for excellence. Library Journal has chosen three titles to be included in its Best Reference 2014 list and ALA’s RUSA, Reference and User Services Association, chose two titles for its Outstanding Reference Sources list. One title, Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, was included in both lists.

Page Budgets

Your journal has a contractual number of pages allowed per volume. Maintaining awareness of your page usage (both when accepting manuscripts and planning issues) is important for optimizing publication schedules and minimizing extra costs. Exceeding your page budget can be costly and we strive to help you keep your journal within its page budget:

Program Overview, Curriculum, and Delivery

Program Overview 
Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change is an action-oriented, cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) program. It  focuses on the egocentric (addressing individual problems)  and the sociocentric (enhancing moral and social responsibility) areas of change which are two important pathways to positive personal and prosocial adjustment.  It is uniquely designed for at-risk youth, 14 – 18 years of age, including:


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我们希望您能在Sage中文作者门户找到所需的一切,但如有任何问题,敬请联系,我们将在 24 小时内给予回复。

选择在 Sage 发表论文的主要原因


Sage 是世界领先的独立学术出版商,致力于在全球范围内传播教学和研究成果,从而在社会中发挥创造性作用。对此,我们深感自豪。选择在 Sage 发表文章可获得如下益处:

Research ethics policies

Editors and publishers have a key role to play in protecting the integrity of scientific and academic research. Misconduct can seriously harm the research community:
