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748 Results Found for "UL0"


Instructions for Gold Open Access Authors

Thank you for your interest in publishing open access (OA) with Sage. The following instructions will guide you through how to use the Sage Open Access Portal.

Once your article is accepted following the peer review process, within a few days you will receive an email from with a subject line of ‘Complete the Open Access process for your article 10.XXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ – see image below. 

Issue Production

Adherence to issue due dates is imperative to ensure on-time issue publication, as this can affect your journal’s institutional subscriptions, impact factor, and subscription revenue. Please remember the following for smooth sailing through issue production:

Rights and Permissions

The Sage Rights team is committed to ensuring that your task of obtaining permission to reuse, republish, or distribute our content is a fast and convenient experience.  We encourage the sharing of knowledge in support of a healthy and informed global community while protecting our intellectual property and that of the authors and societies with whom we partner.

The following information will guide you toward the most efficient path to copyright compliant reuse of Sage content:

Selecting and Inviting Reviewers

Sourcing reviewers can be the most time-consuming part of an editor’s role. The following guidance aims to minimise the number of invites an editor must send for each manuscript and improve time to decision for our authors.

Click the link to navigate to information on:

June 2022 Vantage Release Checklist

Everything you need to know about the upcoming Vantage release

The following enhancements will go live in all courses, even those that are active and in progress, with the release now planned for June 29, 2022.  
