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748 Results Found for "UL0"


Researchers profile four types of non-vaccinators

Los Angeles, CA- While scientists are continuously improving vaccinations to stop the spread of disease, many people continue to opt out. In a new review of the literature, researchers identified four types of people who decide not to vaccinate due to issues of complacency, convenience, confidence, and calculation, and offer strategies to address these issues.

Platinum award win for Adam Matthew

Adam Matthew celebrate second platinum award at LibraryWorks, Inc Modern Library Awards

(Marlborough). LibraryWorks, Inc have announced the winners of their second annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs), which saw Adam Matthew receive a Platinum award for ‘Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900' and Honorable Mention distinction for 'Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975'.

Research finds that financial aid (as it’s currently used) is not the answer to college affordability

Why are some students, especially those who are first generation college students or from low-income households, not applying for or consistently receiving financial aid? According to new research out today, the aid system must be redesigned to earn the trust of students and their families and to help them believe that it can make college affordable. This research was published in Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS) journal published in partnership with SAGE Publishing.


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