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The History of Marketing Thought

The History of Marketing Thought

Three Volume Set
Edited by:

March 2008 | 1 208 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This new major work by Sage performs the vital task of collecting together those articles that have examined the history of marketing thought. It includes not only the seminal articles in the field but also those that have been forgotten, neglected and elided from the history of marketing as it has been represented to date.

Part I provides an overview of the development of marketing thought using a range of key publications that cover the history of marketing thought until present day.

Part II introduces historical figures that have played an important role in developing marketing thought.

Part III places the development of marketing thought in its historical context by connecting the changing industrial climate of the late nineteenth century, with the emerging conceptual foundations of marketing thought.

This major work, compiled by well-reputed researchers in the field, will ensure that material published in difficult to obtain sources is kept in circulation as well as providing academics and students with a resource that will endow them with an in-depth understanding of the development of their discipline.

Volume One
Pre-20th Century Marketing Thought
D F Dixon
The Role of Marketing in Early Theories of Economic Development
D F Dixon
Marketing Structure and the Theory of Economic Interdependence
Early Analytical Developments

D F Dixon
Some Late 19th Century Antecedents of Marketing Theory
D F Dixon
Emerging Macromarketing Concepts
From Socrates to Alfred Marshall

E H Shaw
The First Dialogue on Macromarketing
F G Coolsen
Appraisal of Contributions to Marketing Thought by 19th Century Liberal Economists
Early Development of the Marketing Discipline
P D Converse
The First Decade of Marketing Literature
R Bartels
Influences on the Development of Marketing Thought

D G B Jones and D D Monieson
Early Development of the Philosophy of Marketing Thought
Historical Surveys of the Development of Marketing Thought
D G B Jones and E H Shaw
A History of Marketing Thought
W L Wilkie and E S Moore
Scholarly Research in Marketing
Exploring the 'Four Eras' of Thought Development

H H Maynard
Early Teachers of Marketing
M E Zukerman and M L Carsky
Contribution of Women to U S Marketing Thought
W J McKeon
Hugh Elmer Agnew
R W Cox
Ralph F Breyer
J H Wingate
Arthur Norris Brisco
J P Wood
Ralph Starr Butler
A M Crossley
Paul Terry Cherrington
R M Clewett
Fred Emerson Clark
H W Huegy
Paul Dulaney Converse
D G B Jones
Biography and the History of Marketing Thought
Henry Charles Taylor and Edward David Jones

M P McNair
Melvin T Copeland
G L Mehren
Henry E Erdman
D Bloomfield
Edward A Filene and Lincoln Filene
H E Erdman
Benjamin Horace Hibbard
D B Lucas
George Burton Hotchkiss
N H Engle
Leverett Samuel Lyon
T N Beckman
Harold H Maynard
Volume Two
E T Grether
Edwin Griswold Nourse
D J Duncan
Paul Henry Nystrom
W Alderson
Charles Coolidge Parlin
L W Jacobs
Stanley B Resor
P E Rockwood
Clarence Saunders
E C Lynch
Walter Dill Scott
Pioneer Industrial Psychologist

M T Copeland
Arch W Shaw
N H Borden
Daniel Starch
R M Cunningham
Harry R Tosdal
E T Grether
Ronald Snow Vaile
D R G Cowan
Louis D H Weld
D G B Jones
Simon Litman (1873-1965)
Pioneer Marketing Scholar

D G B Jones
Theodore N Beckman (1895-1973)
External Manifestations of the Man

E Shaw and R Tamilia
Robert Bartels and the History of Marketing Thought
R Bartels
Influences on the Development of Marketing Thought, 1950-1987
B Wooliscroft
Wroe Anderson
A Life

S C Hollander
My Life on Mt Olympus
G E Harris
Sidney Levy
Challenging the Philosophical Assumptions of Marketing

Contextualizing the Development of Marketing Thought
W W Keep, S C Hollander and R Dickinson
Forces Impinging on Long-Term Business-to-Business Relationships in the United States
An Historical Perspective

P White
Marketing and the Public / Marketing and the Enterpriser
B J La Londe and E J Morrison
Marketing Management Concepts
Yesterday and Today

M Tadajewski
The Ordering of Marketing Theory
The Influence of McCarthyism and the Cold War

M Tadajewski
Remembering Motivation Research
Toward an Alternative Genealogy of Interpretive Consumer Research

M J Arnold and J E Fisher
Counterculture, Criticisms and Crisis
Assessing the Effect of the Sixties on Marketing Thought

Volume Three
The Schools of Thought in Marketing
E H Shaw and D G B Jones
A History of Schools of Thought in Marketing
The Functions School
S D Hunt and J Goolsby
The Rise and Fall of the Functionalist Approach to Marketing
A Paradigm Displacement Perspective

A W Shaw
Some Problems in Market Distribution
The Commodities School
M T Copeland
Principles of Merchandising
W Zinn and S D Johnson
The Commodity Approach in Marketing Research
Is It Really Obsolete?

The Institutional Approach
L D H Weld
Marketing Functions and Mercantile Organization
D G B Jones and D D Monieson
Origins of the Institutional Approach in Marketing
Inter-Regional Trade School
W J Reilly
The Law of Retail Gravitation
P D Converse
New Laws of Retail Gravitation
Marketing Management School
F J Borsch
The Marketing Philosophy as a Way of Business Life
R J Keith
The Marketing Revolution
R A Fullerton
How Modern Is 'Modern' Marketing? Marketing's Evolution and Myth of the 'Production' Era
S C Hollander
The Marketing Concept
A D[ac]e[gr]a Vu


S Vargo and R F Lusch
Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing
Consumer Behaviour School
R Mittelstaedt
Economics, Psychology and the Literature of the Subdiscipline of Consumer Behavior
H H Kassarjian
Scholarly Traditions and the European Roots of American Consumer Research
Macromarketing School
R Savitt
Pre-Aldersonian Antecedents to Macromarketing
Insights from the Textual Literature

D F Dixon
Consumer Sovereignty, Democracy and the Marketing Concept
A Macromarketing Perspective

R Layton and S Grossbart
Past, Present and Possible Future

Exchange School
W Alderson and M W Miles
Toward a Formal Theory of Transactions and Transvections
R P Bagozzi
Marketing as Exchange
C Gr[um]onroos
On Defining Marketing
Finding a New Roadmap for Marketing


Sample Materials & Chapters

Introduction of Volume One PDF