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Critical Marketing Studies

Critical Marketing Studies

Three Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2009 | 1 264 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This major reference collection, Critical Marketing Studies, directs its attention to highlighting how marketing as academic discipline and practical endeavour have developed and continue to change. As a practical exercise, marketing is concerned with meeting and satisfying customer needs, provided, that is, such an exercise would benefit the organisation and its stakeholders. Much more than that, marketing has become a highly influential activity in social, political and economic arenas. Consequently, it is now an appropriate time to call attention to marketing theory and practice, revealing those background assumptions that pervade the discipline and the effects of marketing as a societal practice.

Volume I provides the basis from which more critical marketing studies can be introduced and focuses on the 'broadening of marketing' from its initial focus on business and market exchange, towards the promotion of social and societal wellbeing. Volume II offers contemporary criticism of marketing and consumption, specifically how marketing and advertising allegedly contribute to the production and stimulation of consumer needs, wants and desires. Volume III takes the concerns and issues outlined in the previous two volumes one step further, highlighting how marketing practice and the 'political economy of social choice' are shaped at levels beyond the control of individual actors.

The Practical Domain of Marketing: The Notion of a 'Free' enterprise economy as a guise for institutionalised marketing power

R. Benton
Marketing and Critique: Prospects and problems

R.M. Morgan
Marketing as Technique: The influence of marketing on meanings of consumption

C. Moorman
Social and Societal Marketing: Perspectives and limitations
Contraceptive Social Marketing in the Third World: A case of multiple transfer

R. Luthra
Consumer Sovereignty, Democracy and the Marketing Concept

D.F. Dixon
Societal Marketing and Morality

A. Crane and J. Desmond
Critical Reflections on Marketing Management
Why Business is Bad for Consumer Research: The three bears revisited

M.B. Holbrook
Beyond the One Dimensional Marketing Manager: The discourse of theory, practice and relevance

D. Brownlie and M. Saren
'We Are All Customers Now…' Rhetorical Strategy and Ideological Control in Marketing Management Texts'

C. Hackley
Producing Marketing: Towards a social-phenomenology of marketing work

P. Svensson
Crossing Borders: Globalization as myth and charter in American transnational consumer marketing

K. Applbaum
Critiques of the Consumer Society and Marketing
Beyond Veblen: Rethinking consumer culture in America

J. Lears
Critical Theory, Commodities and the Consumer Society

D. Kellner
Counter-Culture and Consumer Society

J. Desmond, P. McDonagh and S. O'Donohoe
Critical Theory and Marketing
The Critical Imagination: Emanicipatory interests in consumer research

J.B. Murray and J.L. Ozanne
Advertising and the Social Conditions of Autonomy

R.L. Lippke
Towards a Critical Multicultural Marketing Theory

D. Burton
Postcolonialism and Marketing

G. Jack
Critical Theory and Advertising
Critical Theory and Advertising

J. Harms and D. Kellner
Advertising, Needs and 'Commodity Fetishism'

S. Kline and W. Leiss
Magic in the Marketplace: An empirical test for commodity fetishism

S. Jhally, S. Kline and W. Leiss
Fluid Signs of Commodity Fetishism: The cosmologies of Coca-Cola and Tesguino

K. Applbaum and J.M. Levi
Commodity Fetishism and Repression: Reflections on Marx, Freud and the psychology of consumer capitalism

M. Billig
The Panoptic Role of Advertising Agencies in the Production of Consumer Culture

C. Hackley
Currencies of Commercial Exchange: Advertising agencies and the promotional imperative

A.M. Cronin
Feminist Reflections on Marketing
Feminist Thought: Implications for consumer research

J.M. Bristor and E. Fischer
Postmodern Paralysis: The critical impasse in feminist perspectives on consumers

M. Catterall, P. Maclaran and L. Stevens
A Feminist Poststructuralist Analysis of the Rhetoric of Marketing Relationships

E. Fischer and J. Bristor
An Ecofeminist Analysis of Environmentally Sensitive Women Using Qualitative Methodology: The emancipatory potential of an ecological life

S. Dobscha and J.L. Ozanne
Market Feminism: A paradigm shift

L. Scott
Women Outdoors: Advertising, controversy and disputing feminism in the 1990s

J. Winship
The Agency of the Consumer
Democracy's Third Estate: The consumer

R.S. Lynd
Beyond Manipulation: Lillian Gilbreth's industrial psychology and the governmentality of women consumers

L. Graham
Mobilizing the Consumer: Assembling the subject of consumption

P. Miller and N. Rose
The Consumer as a Foucauldian 'Object of Knowledge'

A. Humphrey
Brands: A critical perspective

A. Arvidsson
The Shaping of Consumption Choices
The Social Construction of Consumption Patterns: Understanding macro consumption phenomena

A.F. Firat
Accounting for Materialism in Four Cultures

G. Ger and R. Belk
Does Cultural Capital Structure American Consumption?

D.B. Holt
Countervailing Market Responses to Corporate Co-optation and the Ideological Recruitment of Consumption Communities

C.J. Thompson and G. Coskuner-Balli
The Political Economy of Markets and Development: A case study of health care consumption in the State of Kerala, India

R. Varman
Liberatory Consumption?
Liberatory Postmodernism and the Reenchantment of Consumption

A.F. Firat and A. Venkatesh
Consumer Resistance in a World of Advertising Clutter: The case of adbusters

J.D. Rumbo
The Homeless in America: An examination of possessions and consumption behaviors

R.P. Hill and M. Stamey
Freedom and Consumption: Toward conceptualizing systemic constraints for subaltern consumers in a capitalist society

R. Varman and R.M. Vikas
Challenging Consumption Theory: Production and consumption in Central Mexico

F.A. Rothstein
Marketing and Global Social Justice
Marketing and Development: Macromarketing perspectives

T. Klein and R. Nason
Consumption and Environment in a Global Economy

K. Conca
Fair Trade Coffee and Human Rights in Guatemala

S. Lyon
Marketing and the Hegemony of Development: Of pulp fictions and green deserts

S. Bohm and V. Brei
The Ethics of Marketing
A Contextualist Proposal for the Conceptualization and Study of Marketing Ethics

C.J. Thompson
Global Marketing Ethics: A communicative approach

A. Nill

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ISBN: 9781847875709