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Teaching Mathematics in Grades 6 - 12

Teaching Mathematics in Grades 6 - 12
Developing Research-Based Instructional Practices

First Edition

A journey into the vibrant and intriguing world of mathematics education

August 2012 | 512 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

A journey into the vibrant and intriguing world of mathematics education

Teaching Mathematics in Grades 6 - 12 explores how research in mathematics education can inform teaching practice in grades 6-12. The author shows secondary mathematics teachers the value of being a researcher in the classroom by constantly experimenting with methods for developing students' mathematical thinking and then connecting this research to practices that enhance students' understanding of the material.

The chapters in Part I introduce secondary teachers to the field of mathematics education with cross-cutting issues that apply to teaching and learning in all mathematics content areas. The chapters in Part II are devoted to specific mathematics content strands and describe how students think about mathematical concepts. The goal of the text is to have secondary math teachers gain a deeper understanding of the types of mathematical knowledge their students bring to grade 6 – 12 classrooms, and how students' thinking may develop in response to different teaching strategies.

Part I. Introduction to Teaching and Learning Mathematics
1. Introduction to the Field of Mathematics Education
2. Key Psychological Ideas and Research Findings in Mathematics Education
3. Planning Mathematics Lessons
4. Mathematics Curriculum Models and Techniques
5. Implementing and Assessing Mathematics Lessons and Curricula
6. Becoming a Professional Mathematics Teacher
Part II. Developing and Teaching Mathematical Thinking
7. Developing Students' Thinking in Number and Operations
8. Developing Students' Algebraic Thinking
9. Developing Students' Statistical and Probabilistic Thinking
10. Developing Students' Geometric Thinking
11. Developing Students' Thinking in Advanced Placement Courses
About the Author


Instructor Teaching Site
The instructor site will include an author-provided test bank, links to web resources listed in the text, and tutorials and grading rubrics for the Lesson Plans featured in chapters 7-11 (Part II) of the text.

Groth's text includes a full coverage of critical topics. It makes excellent connections to research that are accessible to undergraduates. It also illustrates appropriate uses of technology in secondary mathematics teaching. Great book!

Dr Tracy Goodson-Espy
Curriculum Instruction Dept, Appalachian State University
May 5, 2015

Very complete and useful for students.

Professor Elizabeth Baker
Scholl of Education, Mills College
October 4, 2014

Book ties research to teaching well. I like the division between methods and content.

Dr Ray Siegrist
Education Dept, Suny College At Oneonta
March 5, 2014

Very user friendly and affordable

Dr Mark Malisa
School Of Education, College of St Rose
August 22, 2013
Key features
Key Features

  • Vignette Analysis Activities are realistic classroom situations that highlight common potential pitfalls for beginning teachers and serve as the basis for analytic class discussions about teaching mathematics.
  • Clinical Tasks engage readers in conducting small-scale research projects and bring chapter content to life. Instructors can use the tasks to provide structure for the clinical time students are required to spend in mathematics classrooms.
  • Implementing the Common Core marginal notes point readers toward homework and clinical tasks that relate to implementing the Common Core State Standards. Instructors can quickly flip through the text to quickly see connections between the Common Core State Standards and the content of each chapter.
  • Technology Connections help future teachers understand how today's technology can enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics.
  • Ideas for Differentiating Instruction provides ideas about how to structure lessons to help a wide range of students learn.
  • Four-column lesson plans demonstrate how articles from teacher-oriented journals can be transformed into lesson-plans that help develop students' mathematical thinking.
  • Stop to Reflect questions prompts readers to answer a question related to the reading. Instructors can also use these questions as catalysts for class discussions.
  • Homework Tasks extend and deepen readers' knowledge of the content and pedagogy discussed in each chapter.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Lesson Plan Template


ch 1

ch 10

Sage College Publishing

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