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Public Human Resource Management

Public Human Resource Management
Strategies and Practices in the 21st Century

September 2014 | 440 pages | CQ Press
Public Human Resource Management: Strategies and Practices in the 21st Century offers a novel take on public human resource management (PHRM) by providing practical guidance for practitioners operating in a drastically reformed HR environment. A comprehensive introduction to contemporary public HR management, this text incorporates analysis of the impact of the private sector-oriented reforms over the last few decades that have aimed to bring greater efficiency and productivity to the public sector. Reviewing foundational topics like recruitment and retention, pay and benefits, equal employment opportunity, and performance appraisal in light of five key reforms (decentralization, deregulation, declassification, privatization, and performance-based pay), author R. Paul Battaglio assesses how the traditional practice of public HR has changed—and not necessarily for the better. New material on human resource information systems, managing motivation in the public sector, and public HR management education is included — a topic rarely found in contemporary PHRM texts. Public Human Resource Management is an essential guide to public HR management and navigating the challenges and opportunities posed in the changing landscape of HR reform. 

Part I: Foundations
Chapter 1: Introduction: Public Human Resource Management in the 21st Century
Public HRM Reform: An Overview

Implications for Public HRM

Organization of the Book


Chapter 2: Evolution of the Public Service in the United States
Government by Gentlemen: The Guardian Period (1789-1829)

Government by the Common Man: The Spoils Period (1829-1883)

Government by the Good: The First Reform Period (1883-1906)

Government by the Efficient: The Scientific Management Period (1906-1937)

Government by Individuals: The Behavioralism Period (1937-1964)

Government by Equality: The Civil Rights Period (1964-1978)

Government by Reform: The Managerialist Period (1978-present)

Assessing the Impact of PHRM Reform



Chapter 3: Employment Law in the Public Sector
The Legal Landscape of PHRM

Codified Law in the United States and PHRM

The Constitutional Rights of Public Employees

Nonprofits in Focus: Employee Privacy and Nonprofit Organizations: The Age of Social Media

Public Employees and Constitutional Torts

The Legal Environment of PHRM in an Era of Reform



Appendix: Important Public Sector Employment Law Cases

Case 3.1: Freedom of Speech and Public Employment Law


Chapter 4: Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Diversity Planning
Representative Bureaucracy as Administrative Theory

The Civil Rights Movement

Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Diversity

Does Diversity Matter?

Additional EEO Concerns

Nonprofits in Focus: Diversity, Sexual Orientation, and NPOs

Equal Employment, Diversity, and PHRM Reform



Case 4.1: The Courts and PHRM Reform – The Jefferson County, Alabama, Personnel Board


Part II: Functions
Chapter 5: Recruitment and Selection
The Legal Climate Regulating Selection and Hiring Practices

Recruitment for Public Service

Nonprofits in Focus: Recruiting Online Volunteers

Selection Procedures

Assessing Reliability and Validity of Selection Procedures

Employee Recruitment and Selection in an Era of PHRM Reform



Case 5.1: Decentralization, Declassification, and Efficiency: Recruitment and Selection Reform in the State of New York Civil Service


Chapter 6: Pay and Benefits
Laws Affecting Compensation Policy and Practice in the Public Sector

Job Analysis: The Foundation of Public Sector Compensation

Objectives, Strategies, and Structures of Public Sector Compensation

Nonprofits in Focus: Executive Pay in Nonprofit Organizations: A Comparison

Alternative Compensation Systems

Performance Appraisal in an Era of PHRM Reform

Contemporary Benefits in the Public Sector

Pay and Benefits in an Era of PHRM Reform



Case 6.1: Rhode Island’s Bid for Performance-Based Compensation Reform


Chapter 7: Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal: Purpose and Process

Criteria Used in Performance Appraisals

The Question of Reliability and Validity

Methods for Appraising Employee Performance in the Public Sector

Nonprofits in Focus: Poor Performers in NPOs

Alternative Appraisal Methods

Avoiding Rater Error and Bias

Performance Appraisal in an Era of PHRM Reform



Appendix: Performance Appraisal Report Example

Case 7.1: The Mouse that Roared


Chapter 8: Managing Motivation in the Public Service
Defining Public Service Motivation

Nonprofits in Focus: Do Public Employees Volunteer?

PSM and Public Human Resource Management

Motivation and PHRM Reform


Case 8.1: "Radical” Civil Service Reform in Georgia


Chapter 9: Labor Relations in the Public Sector
Unions and Labor-Management Relations

Setting the Stage: Rise of Private Sector Labor Unions

Unionism in the Public Sector

Frameworks for Labor-Management Relations

Developing a Framework for Collective Bargaining

Labor Management Relations in a PHRM Reform Environment

Nonprofit in Focus: Labor Relations, Collective Bargaining, and NPOs



Case 9.1: Labor Unions and Civil Service Reform: Florida and Service First


Part III: The Future
Chapter 10: Privatizing Human Resource Functions in the Public Sector
Privatization of Public HR Management

Nonprofits in Focus: Outsourcing Volunteer Management

The Legal Environment of PHRM Outsourcing

Managing Privatization

Pitfalls to PHRM Privatization

Conclusion: Incorporating Public Value into Privatization


Case 10.1: Privatizing State Services in Louisiana


Chapter 11: Human Resource Information Systems
History of HRIS

HRIS Applications

Types of HRIS

HRIS Software

Nonprofits in Focus: Volunteer Management Software

HRIS Applications in the Public Sector

Legal Considerations Related to HRIS

HRIS and PHRM Reforms



Case 11.1: Edward Snowden and the Safeguarding of Information


Chapter 12: Strategic Public Human Resource Management
Human Capital Management

Thinking Strategically about Human Resource Management in the Public Sector

Strategic Human Resource Management and Workforce Planning

Practical Steps toward Strategic Public Human Resource Management

Nonprofits in Focus: Strategic Planning in the Nonprofit Sector

SHRM in an Era of PHRM Reform



Case 12.1: Louisiana and Vision 2020


Chapter 13: Public Human Resource Management Education
The Traditional Core of Public HRM

HRM Reform: Factors Influencing Vocation

Implications for Public HRM Education

Evaluating Private Sector Models of HRM Education: Graduate Programs in HRM

Status and Future of PHRM Education

Training and Development

Conclusion: Proposals for Change


Case 13.1: Assessing Future Knowledge and Skill Sets in a PHRM Reform Environment


Chapter 14: Conclusion: Challenges and Opportunities
Challenges of PHRM Reform

Opportunities: The Future of PHRM

Final Thoughts



“I am impressed by the selection of the materials covered in the text. The inclusion of HRIS is a very welcome addition to the HR content. As far as I am aware, this is the first textbook to include a substantive discussion of HRIS among the topics covered. HRIS has been previously confined to stand-alone handbooks, trade books, scholarly books and numerous journal articles. The book is also strong on public service applications and perhaps the most up-to-date volume on reforms in the profession.  No other book I am aware of provides a concise analysis of the impact of PHRM reforms relevant for the 21st century learner. Dr. Battaglio is one of the field’s leading minds and he has written a most integrated book on 21st-century human resource management directions and reforms. His work seamlessly integrates HRM reforms within the overall architecture of the larger field of public administration.”

Eric Otenyo
Northern Arizona University

Public Human Resource Management is very thorough and covers all of the important areas in preparing a 21st-century public administrator.  I am very impressed with the case studies and tables within the book.  They are very relevant to issues that are important to public administration practitioners.  The text is definitely different than other books on the market because it covers new and exciting topics such as HR Information Systems and Privatization.  In the past, I have found myself looking for several different resources and compiling them but this book has included those items, such as strategic planning and management and diversity and social equity.  I am really excited about using this text.”

Veronica Womack
Georgia College & State University
Key features


  • Coverage of key PHRM topics with chapter-specific assessment of pertinent reforms give students a review rarely covered by contemporary texts 
  • Real world case studies illustrate the promise, pitfalls, and challenges of PHRM reforms  
  • End-of-chapter exercises give readers the opportunity to consider issues faced by HR practitioners and to apply what they’ve learned
  • Special coverage of HR from the perspective of nonprofit organizations is featured in a “Nonprofits in Focus” box in each chapter.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 8

Chapter 11

Sage College Publishing

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