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International Journal of Comparative Sociology

International Journal of Comparative Sociology

Other Titles in:
Comparative Sociology

eISSN: 17452554 | ISSN: 00207152 | Current volume: 65 | Current issue: 6 Frequency: Bi-monthly

International Journal of Comparative Sociology has been accepted into the Social Science Citation Index!

"We live in one world; its been that way for a long time, and the International Journal of Comparative Sociology is an important source of comparative research on the structures and processes of this world-system." Albert J. Bergesen, University of Arizona, USA

The International Journal of Comparative Sociology was established in 1960 to publish the highest quality research that is both international in scope and comparative in method. Fully peer reviewed, the journal draws articles from sociologists worldwide and encourages competing perspectives. IJCS recognizes that many significant research questions are inherently interdisciplinary, and therefore welcomes work from scholars in related disciplines, including political science, geography, economics, anthropology, and business sciences. The journal is published six times a year, including special issues on topics of special interest to the international social science community.

All issues of International Journal of Comparative Sociology are available to browse online.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

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The International Journal of Comparative Sociology was established in 1960 to publish the highest quality research that is both international in scope and comparative in method. Fully peer reviewed, the journal draws articles from sociologists worldwide and encourages competing perspectives. IJCS recognizes that many significant research questions are inherently interdisciplinary, and therefore welcomes work from scholars in related disciplines, including political science, geography, economics, anthropology, and business sciences. The journal is published six times a year, including special issues on topics of special interest to the international social science community.

Phillip A. Hough Florida Atlantic University, USA
Book Reviews Editor
Lucas López Florida International University, USA
Editorial Board
Richard Appelbaum University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Nina Bandelj University of California, Irvine, USA
Catherine Bolzendahl University of California, Irvine
Volker Bornschier University of Zurich, Switzerland
Joseph Borocz Rutgers University, USA
Tetyana Bureychak Ivan Franko National University of L'viv, Ukraine
William Carroll University of Victoria, Canada
Chris Chase-Dunn University of California at Riverside, USA
Mario Diani University of Trento, Italy
Henryk Domanski Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Rob Eisinga Catholic University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Kathleen Fallon Stony Brook University, USA
Juan J. Fernández University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
David J. Frank University of California-Irvine, USA
Loek Halman University of Tilburg, Netherlands
Shin-Kap Han Seoul National University, South Korea
Ann Hironaka University of California, Irvine, USA
K.C. Ho National University of Singapore, Singapore
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Guillermina Jasso New York University, USA
Andrew Jorgenson University of British Columbia, Canada, USA
Michael Kennedy Brown University, USA
Christopher Kollmeyer University of Aberdeen, UK
Ronald Kwon University of North Texas, USA
Pat Lauderdale Arizona State University, USA
Stewart Lockie Australia National University, Australia
Tai-Lok Lui Hong Kong University, China
Rong Ma Peking University, China
Matthew Mahutga University of California-Riverside, USA
Alberto Martinelli University of Milan, Italy
John W. Meyer Stanford University, USA
Elizabeth Moorhouse Lycoming College, USA
Denis O'Hearn Texas A&M University, USA
Sean O'Riain Maynooth University, Northern Ireland, UK
Gil-Sung Park Korea University, South Korea
Charles C. Ragin University of California, Irvine, USA
William I. Robinson University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Leah Ruppanner University of Melbourne, Australia
Matthew Sanderson Kansas State University, USA
Saskia Sassen Columbia University, USA
Evan Schofer University of California - Irvine, USA
Moshe Semyonov Tel Aviv University, Israel
David A. Smith University of California, Irvine, USA
Shaohua Zhan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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