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Three versions of the Contribution are referenced in these guidelines:
You may share the Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript at any time after your paper is accepted and in any format. Your sharing of the Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript may include posting a downloadable copy on any website, saving a copy in any repository or network, sharing a copy through any social media channel, and distributing print or electronic copies. Please note some journals will not consider papers that have been posted as preprints prior to submission and you may check a journal’s policy regarding considering previously-posted papers by referring to the journal’s submission guidelines.
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Authors of Contributions published as Sage Choice or in a Gold Open Access journal should reference Reusing Open Access and Sage Choice Content. For a list of Sage's Gold Open Access journals, please see Gold Open Access journals.
Authors of Contributions published under a Creative Commons license may re-use their work under the terms of the Creative Commons license attached to their Contributions and additionally have all rights to re-use their work stated above.
For information about requesting permission for content published in Sage journals, see Process for Requesting Permission.
For information about author copies, see Author e-prints policy.
If you are submitting a manuscript to a Sage journal and wish to include previously published materials within the manuscript, visit our Author Gateway Copyright and Permissions FAQs.
Last updated: 25 April 2023