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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management
Functions, Applications, and Skill Development

Fourth Edition
Available with:

January 2021 | 696 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Written for both HRM majors and non-majors, Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development equips students with the skills they need to recruit, select, train, and develop employees. Best-selling authors Robert N. Lussier and John R. Hendon explore the important strategic functions that HRM plays in today's organizations. A wide variety of applications and exercises keep readers engaged and help them practice skills they can use in their personal and professional lives. The Fourth Edition brings all chapters up to date according to the SHRM 2018 Curriculum Guidebook; expands coverage on topics such as diversity and inclusion, AI, employee engagement, and pay equity; and features 17 new case studies on a range of organizations, including Starbucks and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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About the Authors
CHAPTER 1 . What Is Human Resource Management?
Why Study Human Resource Management (HRM)?

HRM Past and Present

The Changing World of HRM

Understanding HR’s Critical Factors

HRM Skills

Line Managers’ HRM Responsibilities

HR Managers’ Responsibilities: Disciplines Within HRM

Resources for HRM Careers

Practitioner’s Model for HRM

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 1.1 Straton Industries Shows Why Even Small Businesses Need HR

Case 1.2 Fracturing the Labor Market— Employment in the Oil Services Industry

Skill Builder 1.1 Getting to Know You

Skill Builder 1.2 Comparing HR Management Skills and HR Responsibilities

CHAPTER 2 . Strategy-Driven Human Resource Management
An Introduction to Strategic Planning: The Organization and Its Environment

Organizational Strategy

Strategy Types


Organizational Culture

An Introduction to HR Technology

Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS)

Measurement Tools for Strategic HRM

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 2.1 Catalya Hats: Pulling a Rabbit Out of the Hat or Coming Up Empty-Handed?

Case 2.2 Structure and Culture at Old Town Cape

Skill Builder 2.1 Writing Objectives

Skill Builder 2.2 Strategic Planning at Your College

CHAPTER 3 . The Legal Environment
The HRM Legal Environment and a User’s Guide for Managing People

Major Employment Laws

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Sexual Harassment

Religious Discrimination

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 3.1 You Can’t Get There From Here: Uber Slow on Diversity

Case 3.2 St. Louis Police Face $20 Million Sexual Orientation Discrimination Verdict

Skill Builder 3.1 The Four-Fifths Rule

Skill Builder 3.2 Diversity Awareness

CHAPTER 4 . Workforce Planning: Job Analysis, Job Design, and Employment Forecasting
Workforce Planning: Workflow Analysis

Job Analysis

Job Design and Redesign

Designing Motivational Jobs

HR Forecasting

Reconciling Internal Labor Supply and Demand

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 4.1 Walmart’s Everyday Hiring Strategy: Fueling Future Consumer Demand With Passion and Talent

Case 4.2 Seasonal Staffing at Target Corp.

Skill Builder 4.1 Job Analysis

Skill Builder 4.2 Job Characteristics Model (JCM)

Skill Builder 4.3 O*NET

CHAPTER 5 . Recruiting Job Candidates
The Recruiting Process

Organizational Recruiting Considerations

Internal or External Recruiting?

Challenges and Constraints in Recruiting

Evaluation of Recruiting Programs

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 5.1 Under- or Overmanaging the Hiring Process

Case 5.2 Trying to Build When Nobody Wants to Work

Skill Builder 5.1 Online Job Search

Skill Builder 5.2 Résumé

CHAPTER 6 . Selecting New Employees
The Selection Process

Looking for Fit

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Applications and Preliminary Screening

Testing and Legal Issues

Selection Interviews

Background Checks

Selecting the Candidate and Offering the Job

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 6.1 A Kink in Links of London’s Selection Process

Case 6.2 Hiring for Fit: How Zappos Screens and Makes Hiring Decisions

Skill Builder 6.1 Interview Questions for Use When Hiring a Professor to Teach This Course

Skill Builder 6.2 Interviewing

CHAPTER 7 . Learning, Training, and Development
The Need for Training and Development

The Training Process

Needs Assessment

Learning and Shaping Behavior

Design and Delivery of Training

Assessing Training

Talent Management and Development

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 7.1 Doing Crunches at Nestlé: Continuous Improvement of Human Assets

Case 7.2 Training Staff at Bon Bons of Cape

Skill Builder 7.1 The Training Process

Skill Builder 7.2 Career Development

CHAPTER 8 . Performance Management and Appraisal
Performance Management Systems

The Performance Appraisal Process

Reasons for Conducting Performance Appraisals

What Do We Assess?

How Do We Use Appraisal Methods and Forms?

Who Should Assess Performance?

Performance Appraisal Problems

Debriefing the Appraisal

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 8.1 Not Spilling the Beans at Jelly Belly: Developing a More Accurate Performance Appraisal System

Case 8.2 Appraising Performance at Tilt & Raise Blind Company

Self-Assessment and Skill Builder 8.1 Peer and Self-Assessments

Skill Builder 8.2 Debriefing the Appraisal

CHAPTER 9 . Rights and Employee Management
Commonly Accepted Employee Rights

Management Rights

Coaching, Counseling, and Discipline

Leadership and Management

Teams and Organizational Change

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 9.1 Balancing Rights and Privileges

Case 9.2 You’re Fired! Darcy’s Restaurant Follows Policy

Skill Builder 9.1 Coaching

Skill Builder 9.2 Disciplining

Skill Builder 9.3 Situational Management

Skill Builder 9.4 Developing a Habit

CHAPTER 10 . Employee and Labor Relations
Labor Relations: A Function of Trust and Communication

Job Satisfaction

Legal Issues in Labor Relations

Unions and Labor Rights

Management Rights and Decertification Elections

Managing Conflict


Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 10.1 Willful Violation, or a Problem That Can Be Corrected?

Case 10.2 Conflict Resolution at Cool Brands Shoppe

Skill Builder 10.1 Conflict Resolution

Skill Builder 10.2 Negotiating

CHAPTER 11 . Compensation Management
Compensation Management

Motivation and Compensation Planning

Compensation Strategy

Legal and Fairness Issues in Compensation

Pay Equity, Comparable Worth, and Other Legal Issues

Job Evaluation

Developing a Pay System

Pay Structure

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 11.1 Discounting Everything but Compensation at Costco

Case 11.2 Unilever: Leveling the Playing Field in the Battle for Equitable Pay

Skill Builder 11.1 Job Evaluation

Skill Builder 11.2 Product Market Competition Limits

CHAPTER 12 . Incentive Pay
Incentive Compensation

Individual or Group-Based Incentives?

Common Types of Individual Incentives

Common Types of Group Incentives

Challenges in Creating Incentive Pay Systems

Guidelines for Creating Motivational Incentive Systems

Executive Compensation

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 12.1 Best Buy or Best Scam? Trying to Get Commission Results on So-Called Noncommission Pay

Case 12.2 Buffer's Transparent Compensation Packages

Skill Builder 12.1 Calculating Individual Incentives

Skill Builder 12.2 Developing a Compensation Plan With an Incentive

Skill Builder 12.3 Giving Praise

CHAPTER 13 . Employee Benefits
The Strategic Value of Benefits Programs

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)

Other Statutory Benefits

Voluntary Benefits

Administration and Communication of Benefits

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 13.1 It Is Not Just About the Bling Anymore: Benefits and Perks—The Competitive Edge in Employee Recruitment

Case 13.2 Culture the Joyful Way at Menlo Innovations

Skill Builder 13.1 Developing Flexible Employee Benefit Plans

Skill Builder 13.2 Selecting Flexible Employee Benefit Plans

CHAPTER 14 . Workplace Safety, Health, and Security
Workplace Safety and OSHA

Employee Health


Workplace Security and Violence

Workplace Cybersecurity and Policies

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 14.1 Starbucks Handles the Coronavirus

Case 14.2 You Are Not Hurt? Good—You’re Fired!

Skill Builder 14.1 Developing a Stress Management Plan

Skill Builder 14.2 Safety, Health, and Security

CHAPTER 15 . Ethics, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Responsibility
Ethical Organizations

Ethical Approaches

Creating and Maintaining Ethical Organizations

Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Mean It’s Ethical!

Diversity and Inclusion

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Levels of Corporate Social Responsibility


Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 15.1 Chr. Hansen Holdings Is World’s Most Sustainable Company

Case 15.2 Intel’s Code of Conduct and Ethics

Skill Builder 15.1 Ethics and Whistle-Blowing

Skill Builder 15.2 Code of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

CHAPTER 16 . Global Issues for Human Resource Managers
Globalization of Business and HRM

Legal, Ethical, and Cultural Issues

Global Staffing

Developing and Managing Global Human Resources

Compensating Your Global Workforce

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter Summary


Case 16.1 Sand by Saya: The Challenges of a Small Business Going Global

Case 16.2 Going Global: Fire Chew Candy Company

Skill Builder 16.1 The Global HRM Environment

Skill Builder 16.2 Cultural Diversity Awareness

Skill Builder 16.3 The Most Important Things I Learned From This Course

Appendix: SHRM 2018 Curriculum Guidebook and Template for Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Name Index
Company Index
Subject Index


Instructor Resource Site

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Student Study Site


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Key features


  • The Fourth Edition is available as a digital option through SAGE Vantage, an intuitive digital platform that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools—including video—all designed to enable students to better prepare for class. Learn more.
  • Self-Assessments available on SAGE Vantage help students understand themselves better by integrating their preferences and styles with real-world HRM.
  • Updated chapters reflect the 2018 Curriculum Guidebook from the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), with more than 80% of the primary undergraduate guidelines included, as well as many secondary. The complete guidebook is included in the appendix.
  • New and expanded content covers key and timely topics such as people analytics and metrics; increasing use of AI; employee engagement; high-performance work systems; pay equity; diversity and inclusion; the changing marijuana laws; the changing process of performance appraisal; and new exempt-employee regulations.
  • A streamlined organization includes updated headings that better align with revised learning objectives.
  • Additional end-of-chapter cases further illustrate how specific organizations use HRM functions, with critical thinking questions that challenge students to identify and apply the chapter concepts demonstrated in each case.
  • New examples include some of today’s best companies to capture student interest.
  • A balanced, three-pronged approach that brings together concepts/functions, applications, and skill development helps students master the concepts, apply them, and build essentials workplace skills.
  • Chapter-opening learning objectives identify what students should be able to do after reading the chapter and include page numbers where the relevant content can be found.
  • Trends and Issues in HRM sections cover the latest developments in the field, particularly trends related to data analytics, social media, ethics, privacy, and working in diverse, global organizations.
  • Work Application boxes in the margin pose open-ended questions that prompt students to explain how the HRM concepts apply to their own work experience.
  • Applying the Concept features ask students to determine the most appropriate HRM concept to be used in a specific example.
  • Behavior Modeling features present step-by-step actions to follow when implementing HRM functions, such as how to conduct a job interview and performance appraisal.
  • Chapter-ending learning resources include summaries tied back to chapter-opening learning objectives, lists of key terms along with key term review questions, and communication skills questions.
  • End-of-chapter cases illustrate how specific organizations use the HRM functions; accompanying critical thinking questions challenge students to identify and apply the chapter concepts demonstrated in each case.
  • Skill Builder exercises help students develop HRM skills that they can use in their professional and personal lives.
Vantage Reference: 
Human Resource Management Vantage Learning Platform

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