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Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom

Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom

May 2007 | 656 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

"A brilliant and comprehensive introduction to the most seminal component of leadership: wisdom. The diversity of the readings and wisdom of the authors make this a most original and valuable addition to the management canon."

—Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Management, University of Southern California and author of On Becoming a Leader

"This wonderful compilation proves that management is as much art as science, and that deep thinking can inform and inspire practice to be more humane, ethical, and, yes, wise."

—Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business School Professor and best-selling author of Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End

"If you'll forgive a pun, this is a wise book about organizational and managerial wisdom. It shows what's possible when some of our best thinkers turn their collective attention to such timely subjects as EQ, negotiation, global politics, and individual and organizational ethics."

—Steve Kerr, Chief Learning Officer, Goldman Sachs, and Past President of the Academy of Management

"One of the 'most promising' forthcoming management books."


"To wade into the topic wisdom is to see organizing differently. To wade into this volume is to see wisdom differently. Both forms of effort embody a wonderful moment of wisdom itself."

–Karl E. Weick, Distinguished Professor of Organizational Behavior and Psychology,University of Michigan

Some interesting issues emerge when one views organizations from a wisdom-based perspective. Does technology promote or inhibit wisdom? How do HR systems, organizational forms, management practices, and operational capabilities relate to wisdom? What are the ethical and social dimensions of wisdom? What makes a wise leader? Can wisdom be developed and utilized strategically? Do conceptions and manifestations of wisdom vary across cultures? Can one teach wisdom?

Editors Eric Kessler and James Bailey have produced a ground-breaking compendium of globally renowned thinkers in the Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom. This Handbook systematically explores the characteristics of understanding, applying, and developing organizational and managerial wisdom.

Key Features

  • Organizes wisdom around the five primary philosophical branches—logic, ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, and metaphysics
  • Applies wisdom in organizations and management through international examples that synthesize a set of practical principles for academics and practicing managers
  • Offers an outstanding collection of world-renowned scholars who give profound insights regarding wisdom

Karl E. Weick
Eric H. Kessler and James R. Bailey
Introduction - Understanding, Applying and Developing Organizational and Managerial Wisdom
Part I: Logic
Jennifer Jordan and Robert J. Sternberg
Chapter 1 Individual Logic - Wisdom in Organizations: A Balance Theory Analysis
Tjai M. Nielsen, Amy C. Edmondson, and Eric Sundstrom
Chapter 2 Interpersonal Logic - Team Wisdom: Definition, Dynamics, and Applications
Paul R. Lawrence
Chapter 3 Organizational Logic - Institutionalizing Wisdom in Organizations
Paul E. Bierly, III and Robert W. Kolodinsky
Chapter 4 Strategic Logic - Towards a Wisdom-Based Approach to Strategic Management
Part II: Ethics
Jean M. Bartunek and Jordi Trullen
Chapter 5 Individual Ethics - The Virtue of Prudence
Roy J. Lewicki
Chapter 6 Interpersonal Ethics - The Wise Negotiator
Jay Conger and Robert Hooijberg
Chapter 7 Organizational Ethics - Acting Wisely While Facing Ethical Dilemmas in Leadership
R. Edward Freeman, Laura Dunham, and John McVea
Chapter 8 Strategic Ethics - Strategy, Wisdom and Stakeholder Theory: A Pragmatic and Entrepreneurial View of Stakeholder Strategy
Part III: Aesthetics
Russell Cropanzano, Jordan Stein, and Barry M. Goldman
Chapter 9 Individual Aesthetics - Self-Interest
Richard E. Boyatzis
Chapter 10 Interpersonal Aesthetics - Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies Are Wisdom in Practice
W. Warner Burke
Chapter 11 Organizational Aesthetics - Aesthetics and Wisdom in the Practice of Organizational Development
Angelo S. DeNisi and Carrie A. Belsito
Chapter 12 Strategic Aesthetics - Wisdom and Human Resource Management
Part IV: Epistemology
Dennis A. Gioia
Chapter 13 Individual Epistemology - Interpretive Wisdom
P. Christopher Earley and Lynn R. Offermann
Chapter 14 Interpersonal Epistemology - Wisdom, Culture, and Organizations
Peter B. Vaill
Chapter 15 Organizational Epistemology - Interpersonal Relations in Organizations and the Emergence of Wisdom
Arnoud De Meyer
Chapter 16 Strategic Epistemology - Innovation and Organizational Wisdom
Part V: Metaphysics
Nigel Nicholson
Chapter 17 Individual Metaphysics - The Getting of Wisdom: Self-Conduct, Personal Identity and Wisdom Across the Life Span
Tyrone S. Pitsis and Stewart R. Clegg
Chapter 18 Interpersonal Metaphysics - "We Live in a Political World": The Paradox of Managerial Wisdom
Nancy J. Adler
Chapter 19 Organizational Metaphysics - Global Wisdom and the Audacity of Hope
Cynthia V. Fukami
Chapter 20 Strategic Metaphysics - Can Wisdom be Taught?
Part VI: Synthesizing Commentary
Edwin A. Locke
Chapter 21 Wisdom: Objectivism as the Proper Philosophy for Living on Earth
Robert Chia and Robin Holt
Chapter 22 Wisdom as Learned Ignorance: Integrating East-West Perspectives
Name Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Key features
  • Develop an understanding of wisdom and organization studies
  • Organize the subject into areas of organizational relevance
  • Present chapters by world-renowned scholars from some of the most elite universities as to their insights regarding wisdom
  • Synthesize these approaches and develop a set of practical principles for academics and practicing managers