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Group & Organization Management

Group & Organization Management

An International Journal

eISSN: 15523993 | ISSN: 10596011 | Current volume: 49 | Current issue: 6 Frequency: Bi-monthly

For nearly forty years, Group & Organization Management has served as an international forum for the latest research and analysis in organizational behavior, organization theory, business strategy, and human resources. Whether you’re a scholar or practitioner, Group & Organization Management is your best resource for the new ideas and fresh perspectives you need to stay current in the field of organization studies.

Innovative and Rigorous

Group & Organization Management
is dedicated to publishing theoretically grounded research that addresses a wide range of issues within organizations. From individual behavior to organizational strategy and functioning, GOM features both empirical and theoretical articles spanning various levels of analysis in organizations. GOM’s conceptual and empirical focus gives scholars, educators, and practitioners the tools to help them solve the most challenging problems in today’s organizations.

Unlike most management journals, Group & Organization Management moves away from the boundaries of management subfields and encourages scholarship that challenges traditional distinctions among management scholars. The journal promotes the development of new paradigms and the explorations of paradigms from various disciplines.

Comprehensive Coverage

Each quarterly issue of Group & Organization Management publishes a broad range of articles, including data-based research articles, research review reports, evaluation studies, action research reports, and critiques of research. In addition, GOM brings you articles examining a wide range of topics in organizations from an international and cross-cultural perspective.

And, as an added bonus, Group & Organization Management extends its depth and immediacy of coverage by publishing Special Issues dedicated to important topics or proceedings from recent conferences.

In-Depth and Diverse

Whether you’re a scholar, educator, group facilitator, consultant, trainer, or manager, you’ll find Group & Organization Management brings you the information and discussion you need to excel in your career. GOM sheds new light on a variety of topics, including:

  • Leadership
  • Teamwork & Group Processes
  • Multi-level Theory
  • Organizational Communication
  • Strategic Management
  • Cross-Cultural and International Management
  • Macro OB
  • Organizational Cognition
  • Workplace Diversity

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Group & Organization Management (GOM) publishes the work of scholars and professionals who extend management and organization theory and address the implications of this for practitioners.  Innovation, conceptual sophistication, methodological rigor, and cutting-edge scholarship are the driving principles.  Topics include teams, group processes, leadership, organizational behavior, organizational theory, strategic management, organizational communication, gender and diversity, cross-cultural analysis, and organizational development and change, but all articles dealing with individual, group, organizational and/or environmental dimensions are appropriate.  The journal provides an open forum for debate/synergy among diverging philosophical and methodological traditions in management, social sciences and the humanities, welcoming qualitative and quantitative research-based articles as well as critical research reviews and analyses.

Yannick Griep North-West University, South Africa
Senior Associate Editor
Kevin Cruz Georgia Southern University, USA
Walter Davis University of Mississippi, USA
Stacey Kessler Kennesaw State University, USA
Jonathan Pinto Imperial College London, UK
Tammy Rapp Ohio University, USA
Devaki Rau Northern Illinois University, USA
Thomas J. Zagenczyk North Carolina State University, USA
Associate Editors
Andrew Bennett Old Dominion University, USA
Dane Blevins University of Central Florida, USA
Neva Bojovic KEDGE Business School, France
Layla Branicki The Open University, UK
Turanay Caner North Carolina State University, USA
Rich DeJordy Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Emilija Djurdjevic University of Rhode Island, USA
Achiel Fenneman Radboud University, The Netherlands
Jesse Fenneman Radboud University, The Netherlands
Roberta Fida Aston University, UK
Kayla Follmer West Virginia University, USA
Marion Fortin Université Toulouse Capitole, France
Yvonne Garbers Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences, Osnabruck, Germany
Patrick Garcia Macquarie University, Australia
Peter Gianiodis Duquesne University, USA
Ray Gibney PSU-Harrisburg, USA
Hannes Guenter Maastricht University, Netherlands
Dana Haggard Missouri State University, USA
N. Paul Harvey University of New Hampshire, USA
Anya Johnson The University of Sydney, Australia
Dustin Jundt Saint Louis University, USA
Maria Kakarika EM Normandie Business School, France
Deanna Kennedy Western Washington University, USA
Christian Kiewitz University of Dayton, USA
Wieke Knol Radboud University, The Netherlands
Gamze Koseoglu University of Melbourne, Australia
Johannes Kraak KEDGE Business School, France
Lyonel Laulié University of Chile, Chile
James Lemoine University of Buffalo, USA
Marcie LePine Arizona State University, USA
Xander Lub Hogeschool Utrecht, The Netherlands
Zhu Luke York University, Canada
Joshua Marineau North Dakota State University, USA
Jeremy D. Meuser University of Michigan, USA
Curt Moore Oklahoma State University, USA
Paul Mulvey North Carolina State University, USA
Amanda Peticca-Harris Grenoble Management School, France
Cort Rudolph Wayne State University, USA
Joyce Elena Schleu Radboud University, The Netherlands
Maria Simosi University of London, UK
Jarvis Smallfield Central Michigan University, USA
Amanuel Tekleab Wayne State University, USA
Joost van de Brake Groningen University, The Netherlands
Christian Vandenberghe HEC Montréal, Canada
Ivana Vranjes Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Gang Wang Florida State University, USA
Marvin Washington Portland State University, USA
Zhiqing Zhou Baruch College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA
Editorial Review Panel
Garry Adams Auburn University, USA
Maryam Aldossari Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Frederik Anseel Ghent University, BE, Belgium
Chad Autry University of Tennessee, USA
Dotun Ayeni University of Edinburgh, UK
Dan Bachrach The University of Alabama, USA
Ted Baker Rutgers University, USA
Arnold B. Bakker Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL, Netherlands
Prasad Balkundi University at Buffalo, USA
Sarah Bankins Macquarie University, Australia
Yehuda Baruch University of Southampton, UK
Gayle Baugh University of West Florida, USA
Andrew Bennett Old Dominion University, USA
Jeremy Bernerth San Diego State University, USA
Lorenzo Bizzi California State University at Fullerton, USA
Dane Blevins University of Central Florida, USA
Michelle Bligh Claremont Graduate University, USA
Robert Blomme Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Netherlands
Nikos Bozionelos Emlyon Business School Lyon, France
Justin Brienza University of Queensland, Australia
Lee Brown Texas Women’s University, USA
Matthew Brown Geisinger, USA
Henri Burgers University of Queensland, Australia
Gaetane Caesens UC Lovain, Belgium
Jack Carson Appalachian State University, USA
Stephanie Castro Florida Atlantic University, USA
Sara Chaudhry Birkbeck Business School London, UK
Jianhong Chen University of New Hampshire, USA
Tianxu Chen West Virginia University, USA
Jin Nam Choi Seoul National University, Korea
Mark Clark American University, USA
Michael Collins University of Queensland, Australia
Neil Conway Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Katherine Crawford Loyola University Chicago, USA
Lauren D'Innocenzo Drexel University, USA
Rob Davison  
Rein De Cooman University of Leuven, Belguim
Bart de Jong Australian Catholic University, Australia
Jason DeBode Missouri State University, USA
Evangelia Demerouti Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Vanessa Druskat University of New Hampshire, USA
Scott Dust Miami University (Ohio), USA
Kimberly Ellis Florida Atlantic University, USA
Nathan Eva Monash University, Australia
W. Randy Evans University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA
Amanda Ferguson Northern Illinois University, USA
Lisa M. Finkelstein Northern Illinois University, USA
Patrick Flynn University of South Carolina, USA
Kayla Follmer West Virginia University, USA
Michael Ford The University of Alabama, USA
Marion Fortin Université Toulouse Capitole, France
Yitzhak Fried Texas Tech University, USA
Mel Fugate Mississippi State University, USA
Vickie Coleman Gallagher Cleveland State University, USA
Yvonne Garbers Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences, Osnabruck, Germany
Patrick Garcia Macquarie University, Australia
William L. Gardner Texas Tech University, USA
Lyndon Garrett Boston College, USA
Sabine Geurts Radboud University, Netherlands
Brenda Ghitelescu The College of New Jersey, USA
Peter Gianiodis Duquesne University, USA
Ray Gibney PSU-Harrisburg, USA
Maria Gondo University of Mississippi, USA
Thomas Greckhamer Louisiana State University, USA
Curtis Gregory Temple University, USA
Mark Geiger Duquesne University, USA
Travis Grosser University of Connecticut, USA
Hannes Guenter Maastricht University, Netherlands
Vishal Gupta University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Dana Haggard Missouri State University, USA
Daniel Halgin University of Kentucky, USA
Hans Hansen Texas Tech University, USA
N. Paul Harvey University of New Hampshire, USA
Long He York University, Canada
Ciaran Heavey University College Dublin, Ireland
Ralph Heidl University of Oregon, USA
Matt Hersel Clemson University, USA
Guido Hertel University of Munster, Germany
Michael Holmes Florida State University, USA
Jinyu Hu University of Nevada, USA
Wei Hua Texas Tech University System, USA
Joachim Hüffmeier Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Heidi Hughes Central Connecticut State University, USA
Beth Humberd University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Didde Maria Humle Lund University, Denmark
Christine L. Jackson Wayne State University, USA
Farid Janantab The Pennsylvania State University – Scranton, USA
Jim Jawahar Illinois State University, USA
Hana Huang Johnson Washington State University, USA
Min-Kyu Joo University of Sydney, Australia
Samantha Jordon Florida State University, USA
Dustin Jundt Saint Louis University, USA
Elizabeth Karam Texas Tech University, USA
Steven Karau Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA
Joy Karriker East Carolina University, USA
Sejin Keem Portland State University, USA
Franz Kellermanns University of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA
Theodore Khoury Portland State University, USA
Kohyar Kiazad Monash University, Australia
Virginia Kidwell University of North Texas
Sung Soo Kim University of Denver, USA
Don Kluemper Texas Tech University, USA
Dejun (Tony) Kong University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Alison Konrad University of Western Ontario, CA
Johannes Kraak KEDGE Business School, France
Sara Krivacek Clemson University, USA
Claire Kueny Missouri State University, USA
Kristine Kuhn Washington State University, USA
Michael Kukenberger University of New Hampshire, USA
James Lemoine University of Buffalo, USA
Marcie LePine Arizona State University, USA
Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester San Jose State University, USA
Ariel Levi Wayne State University, USA
Andrew Li West Texas A&M University, USA
Wendong Li Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Wan-Chien Lien University of New Hampshire, USA
Chieh-Peng Lin National Chiao Tung University, TW
Robert Litchfield Washington & Jefferson College, USA
Gordon Liu Open University, UK
Xing Liu Wayne State University, USA
Andrew Loignon Louisiana State University, USA
Manuel London State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Misty Loughry Rollins College, USA
Kevin Lowe University of Sydney, Australia
Jeremy Mackey Auburn University, USA
Liam Maher Boise State University, USA
Jaclyn Margolis University of Pepperdine, USA
Joshua Marineau North Dakota State University, USA
Sophia Marinova University of Alabama Huntsville, USA
Russell A. Marion Clemson University, USA
Laura Marler Mississippi State University, USA
Martin Martens Vancouver Island University, CA
M. Travis Maynard Colorado State University, USA
Charn McAllister Northern Arizona University, USA
Cynthia McCauley Center for Creative Leadership, USA
Kelly McCauley West Texas A&M University, USA
Lynn McFarland University of South Carolina, USA
Benjamin McLarty Mississippi State University, USA
Amy McMillan East Carolina University, USA
Salar Mesdaghinia Eastern Michigan University, USA
Jessica Mesmer-Magnus University of North Carolina at Wilmington, USA
Isabel Metz Melbourne Business School, Australia
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Colleen Mills University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Sal Mistry University of Delaware, USA
Ronald K. Mitchell Texas Tech University, USA
Michael D. Mumford University of Oklahoma, USA
Christopher Myers Johns Hopkins University, USA
Pedro Neves Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Karen Nicholas Boise State University, USA
Guy Notelaers Bergen University, Norway
Michael O'Leary Georgetown University, USA
Thomas O'Neill University of Calgary, Canada
William Obenauer University of Maine, USA
Margaret Ormiston George Washington University, USA
Joshua Palmer Kennesaw State University, USA
Wei Pan School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China
T. K. Peng I-Shou University
Duygu Phillips Oklahoma State University, USA
Shaun M. Pichler California State University at Fullerton, USA
Rajnandini Pillai California State University, San Marcos, USA
Shani Pindek University of Hafia, Israel
Matt Piszczek Wayne State University, USA
Ajay Ponnapalli Wayne State University, USA
Erin Powell NC State University, USA
Radostina Purvanova Drake University, USA
Russell Purvis Clemson University, USA
Yuanmei Qu Rowan University Rohrer College of Business, USA
Narda Quigley Villanova University, USA
Sebastian Raetze Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Abdul Rasheed University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Stefan Razinskas Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Becky Reichard Claremont Graduate University, USA
Simon Restubog University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Noellia-Sarah Reynolds Essex Business School, United Kingdom
Darryl Rice Miami University, USA
Orlando Richard University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Hettie Richardson Texas Christian University, USA
Julia Richardson Curtin Business School, Australia
Jason Ridge University of Arkansas, USA
Christopher Robert University of Missouri, USA
Patrick Rosopa Clemson University, USA
Denise Rousseau Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Zachary A. Russell Xavier University, USA
Eduardo Salas Rice University, USA
Denise Salin Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Terri A. Scandura University of Miami, USA
M.J.D. (René) Schalk Tilburg University, NL
Joseph Schmidt University of Saskatchewan, CA, Canada
Andreas Schwab Iowa State University, USA
Birgit Schyns Durham University, UK
Kristin L. Scott Clemson University, USA
Rosalind Searle University of Glasgow, UK
Anson Seers Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Linda Shanock UNC-Charlotte, USA
Meir Shemla Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Sharon Sheridan Clemson University , USA
Yuhyung Shin Hanyang University, South Korea
Mindy Shoss University of Central Florida, USA
Marissa L. Shuffler Clemson University, USA
Nathapon (Max) Siangchokyoo Old Dominion University, USA
Maria Simosi University of London, UK
Robert Sinclair Clemson University, USA
Stephanie T. Solansky Texas State University, USA
John Paul Stephens Case Reserve Western University, USA
Florence Stinglhamber Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Brendan Strejcek University of British Columbia, Canada
Sherry E. Sullivan Bowling Green State University, USA
Li-yun Sun Macau University of Science & Technology, MO, China
Sun Young Sung Nanjing University, China
Erik Taylor East Carolina University, USA
Manuel J. Tejeda Barry University, USA
Amanuel Tekleab Wayne State University, USA
Sherry Thatcher University of Tennessee, USA
Amanda Thayer Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Monica Thiel Asian Institute of Management, Philippines
Benjamin J. Thomas University of Texas at Austin, USA
Christopher Thomas Saint Louis University, USA
Christian Thoroughgood Villanova University, USA
Andrew Timming RMIT University, Australia
Edward Tomlinson West Virginia University, USA
Nick Turner University of Calgary, Canada
Sijir Uitdewilligen Maastricht University, Netherlands
Christian Vandenberghe HEC Montreal, CA, Canada
James M. Vardaman Mississippi State University, USA
Marijke Verbruggen University of Leuven, Belgium
Prajya R. Vidyarthi University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Ivana Vranjes Tilburg University, the Netherlands
William P. Wan City University of Hong Kong, HK
Gang Wang Florida State University, USA
Sheng Wang University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Marvin Washington University of Alberta, CA, Canada
Paige Watson Auburn University, USA
Todd Weber Central Washington University, USA
Liqun Wei Hong Kong Baptist University, USA
Anthony R. Wheeler Widener University, USA
Celeste Wilderom University of Twente, NL, Netherlands
Jessica Wildman Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Ethlyn Williams Florida Atlantic University, USA
Christopher Woodrow University of Reading, UK
Haoying (Howie) Xu Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Emily Yarrow University of Portsmouth, UK
Kang Yang (Trevor) Yu Nanyang Technical University, SG, Singapore
Yumeng Yu University of Edinburgh, UK
Gary Yukl State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany, USA
Miles A. Zachary Auburn University, USA
Hannes Zacher Leipzig University, Germany
Hannes Zacher Leipzig University, Germany
Carrie Zhang Wayne State University, USA
Haisu Zhang New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Zhang Zhe Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Dianhan Zheng Kennesaw State University, USA
Zhu Zhu Montclair State University, USA
Social Media Coordinator
Bella Crowell University of New Hampshire, USA
GOM Now Editorial Board
Layla Branicki The Open University, UK
Kevin Cruz Georgia Southern University, USA
Walter Davis University of Mississippi, USA
Bart Debicki University of Baltimore, USA
Rich DeJordy Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Deborah Diazgranados Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Emilija Djurdjevic University of Rhode Island, USA
Keaton Fletcher Georgia Tech, USA
Mingang K. Geiger Duquesne University, USA
Peter Gianiodis Duquesne University, USA
Raymond Gibney PSU-Harrisburg, USA
Brad Harris Texas Christian University, USA
Oscar Holmes Rutgers University, USA
Joachim Hüffmeier Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Don Kluemper Texas Tech University, USA
Patricia Lanier University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
James Lemoine University of Buffalo, USA
Steele Logan University of South Florida, USA
Lee Macenczak Kennesaw State University, USA
Jeremy Mackey Auburn University, USA
Laura Madden East Carolina University, USA
Tim Madden East Carolina University, USA
Jaclyn Margolis University of Pepperdine, USA
Nancy McIntyre West Virginia University, USA
Ben McLarty Mississippi State University, USA
Salar Mesdaghinia Eastern Michigan University, USA
Jeremy D. Meuser University of Michigan, USA
Gazica Michele Embry Riddle University, USA
Colleen Mills University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Shani Pindek University of Hafia, Israel
Radostina Purvanova Drake University, USA
Indu Ramachandran Texas State University, USA
Robert Randolph Kennesaw State University, USA
Devaki Rau Northern Illinois University, USA
Rebecca Reichard Claremont Graduate University, USA
Hettie Richardson Texas Christian University, USA
Eduardo Salas Rice University, USA
Birgit Schyns Durham University, UK
Jennifer Sexton Mississippi State University, USA
Mindy Shoss University of Central Florida, USA
Anit Somech University of Haifa, Israel
Paul Spector University of South Florida, USA
John Paul Stephens Case Reserve Western University, USA
Amanuel Tekleab Wayne State University, USA
Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester San Jose State University, USA
Dianhan Zheng Kennesaw State University, USA
Zhiqing Zhou Baruch College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA
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