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Search Results

140175 Results Found


J. V. Vilanilam

John V Vilanilam is the former Head of the Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Kerala, Trivandrum where he also served as the Vice-Chancellor between 1992 and 1996.

Kerric Harvey

A tenured associate professor and the Associate Director of the Center for Innovative Media in the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, Dr. Kerric Harvey is also a working playwright and multimedia producer who explores intercultural conflict in a wide variety of periods and places, including real-world, online, and social media landscapes.

Scheyvens, Regina

Regina Scheyvens

Regina Scheyvens heads the Institute of Development Studies at Massey University, New Zealand. She combines a passion for teaching about international development with research on tourism and development. She has a particular interest in sustainable development options for people living in small island states.

Jon Louis Winek

Jon L. Winek, PhD, LMFT, LPC, currently directs the Marriage and Family Therapy program at Appalachian State University, where he has been teaching since 1993. He has been involved with the theoretical development of the treatment program at Family Solutions, and continues to provide ongoing clinical supervision to the staff. He is the author of the DVD series, Systemic Family Therapy: From Theory to Practice, as well numerous book chapters and journal articles.

Beth M. Sipe

Beth Sipe is a formerly battered woman who is now a survivor. After sixteen years of abuse, she left her violent husband, only to be more severely harassed and threatened when she became independent. The mother of three adult children, she has reclaimed her identity and lives a quiet, productive life.

Evelyn J. Hall

Evelyn J. Hall, Ph.D., was a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice for fourteen years. She served as Clinical Supervisor of the Counseling Office for Temporary Assistance for Domestic Crisis (TADC), a program dealing specifically with domestic violence. A guest speaker for various national and local groups, she taught continuing education classes at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, such as Women and Violence and Families in Crisis. Dr.

Field, Andy

Andy Field

Andy Field is Professor of Quantitative Methods at the University of Sussex. He has published widely (100+ research papers, 29 book chapters, and 17 books in various editions) in the areas of child anxiety and psychological methods and statistics. His current research interests focus on barriers to learning mathematics and statistics.

Nadya A. Fouad

Nadya A. Fouad, PhD, ABPP, is the Mary and Ted Kellner Endowed Chair of Educational Psychology and a University Distinguished Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She received her Ph.D in Counseling Psychology from the University of Minnesota in 1984.

Patricia J. Brooks

Patricia J. Brooks is professor of psychology at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York (CUNY), where she directs the Language Learning Laboratory. She serves as the deputy executive officer of the CUNY PhD Program in Psychology (Area: Pedagogy) and faculty advisor to the Graduate Student Teaching Association of the American Psychological Association.

Vera Kempe

Vera Kempe completed her undergraduate degree in psychology at Moscow State University and her Ph.D. at Humboldt University Berlin (Ger­many), where she studied sentence processing under the supervision of Friedhart Klix. She then worked as a post-doctoral research fellow with Brian MacWhinney at Carnegie Mellon Univer­sity and with Stephen Christman at the University of Toledo (Ohio).
