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In observance of the 2024 holiday season, Sage offices will be closed Monday December 23rd through Wednesday January 1st. Normal operations, including shipping for orders placed during the closure, will resume on Thursday January 2nd. For technical support during this time, please visit our technical support page for assistance options. 

We wish you a wonderful holiday season. Thank you. 

Vida Gulbinas Scarpello University of Florida, USA

Vida Scarpello earned her Ph.D.and M.A. in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota. She served on the faculties of management at the University of Georgia, University of Florida, and Georgia State University, from which she retired in 2002 She was a visiting professor at Cornell University and University of Minnesota. Dr. Scarpello's graduate level teaching included courses in Organization Design, Behavior, and Change; Survey in HRM; Strategic and International HRM; Compensation Theory and Administration; Labor Relations; Field research; and Seminars in HRM.and in Organization Theory. She was honored the University of Georgia for outstanding graduate level eaching and was voted second-year MBA teacher of the year at the University of Florida.Dr. Scarpello has taught in the Executive MBA program at the University of West Indies; the Executive MBA Program for Physicians at the University of South Florida; the Executive MBA Program at Georgia State University and the MBA program at the United Arab Emirates University. Dr. Scarpello's research, published in top academic journals, spans a wide range of topics including theory and measurement of job satisfaction; strategic, justice, and measurement issues in compensation; and inter-organizational relations. She has received several multi-year research grants from the National Science Foundation, has served on NSF’s reviewer panels and currently serves as evaluator for NSF's Industry/University Cooperative Research Program. She has also served on the review panel for workplace violence proposals for the Oklahoma City National Institute for Terrorism Prevention. Dr. Scarpello is co-author of Personnel/human resource management: Environments and functions; Federal regulation of personnel and human resource management; Compensation decision making; and Small business management & entrepreneurship; and contributed chapters to Blackwell dictionary of human resources management; Applying Psychology to Business, and Research in Management. Her professional service includes editorial board memberships for the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Executive; Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management Review and Human Resource Management. She also served as a regular reviewer for 12 other journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Organizational Research Methods. Dr. Scarpello is past chair of the Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management, past president of the Southern Management Association, and a Fellow of the Southern Management Association. She has served as instructor for many management development programs and as interest arbitrator for wage rate disputes in the telephone industry. She consults with major U.S. corporations and has consulted with state and city governments. Dr. Scarpello has served as expert witness before Ontario's Pay Equity Tribunal; and for a number of employment litigation cases in the United States: including McKeon Jones & Johnson-Randolph vs. CWA and AT&T; Carson B. Carmichael et al., v. Martin Marietta Corporation; Haynes v. Shoney; and Reynolds v. Alabama Department of Transportation Currently, she holds a courtesy appointment as Professor at the University of Florida.