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Ming Fang He Georgia Southern University, USA
Ming Fang He is an Associate Professor of Curriculum Studies at Georgia Southern University. She received her Ph.D. from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto at the Centre for Teacher Development with Michael Connelly. She taught English as a Foreign Language in P. R. China and English as a Second Language to immigrant adults and children in Toronto, Canada. She currently advises doctoral students, directs doctoral dissertations, and teaches graduate courses in curriculum studies, multicultural education, and qualitative research methods. Her preservice teacher education courses are in foundations of education. She has also taught doctoral level courses in Hong Kong, and currently advises doctoral students and serves on dissertation committees, for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education cohort-based doctoral program for Hong Kong Institute of Education faculty members. Her work is on cross-cultural narrative inquiry of language, culture, and identity in multicultural contexts, cross-cultural teacher education and curriculum studies. Her book, A River Forever Flowing: Cross-Cultural Lives and Identities in the Multicultural Landscape, is published with Information Age Publishing. She is Professor of Curriculum, an editor of Curriculum Inquiry, and an associate editor of Multicultural Perspectives.