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Dr. Nikki Kiyimba

Dr Nikki Kiyimba is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for the Msc in Therapeutic Practice for Psychological Trauma at Chester University UK, and also works as a Chartered Clinical Psychologist for Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust. Clinically, Nikki works with a range of clients presenting with severe and enduring psychological difficulties. Nikki’s research interests are mainly in the areas of qualitative methods and therapeutic approaches. She is also interested in the impact of trauma and vicarious trauma. Grounded in a social constructionist epistemological perspective, she has a particular interest in qualitative research, and her analytic specialism is in using discursive approaches. Nikki has also recently co-authored the book ‘Doing Mental Health Research with Children and Adolescents: A Guide to Qualitative Methods’ (Sage).