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The Theory of Democracy Revisted - Part Two

The Theory of Democracy Revisted - Part Two
The Classical Issues

  • Giovanni Sartori - Columbia University, New York, USA, University of Florence, Italy

January 1987 | 253 pages | CQ Press

This is part two of a two-volume set.

"Democracy is, in part, a debate about what democracy is. With The Theory of Democracy Revisted, Sartori offers an overview of classical and contemporary issues. All students of politics will find his arguments provocative, whether or not they agree with his conclusions."

– Jean Bethke Eishtain, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

very technical for the course being considered

Dr Rachael Chapman
Dept. of social sciences, Northumbria University
November 15, 2012

This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.