The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Briefing to the President: Failed Middle Eastern States and Countering Violent Extremism
- Richard Clarke
- Rand Beers - Dartmouth
- Emilian Papadopoulos
- Paul Salem
security of the nation and its people. Terrorism, specifically violent Islamist extremism, is ravaging the Middle
East while having repercussions here in the United States and the world. This volume of The ANNALS delves
into the issue of terrorism and offers direction and guidance to the next president and administration for
countering violent extremism (CVE).
The volume explores the failing states of the Middle East, including the collapse of the socioeconomic and
political systems there, as well as the alienation of Muslims in Western Europe and elsewhere, and offers
courses of action for the next president to take against terrorism. The final section delves into the practice of
CVE as a growing and promising discipline and practice.