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Sociology of Families

Sociology of Families

First Edition
Edited by:

March 1999 | 528 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
"Cheryl Albers' reader for use in family sociology courses is a cutting edge collection of articles about cutting edge topics. She addresses nine topics central and critical to family sociology and provided thoughtful articles from diverse perspectives for each, from adolescent childbearing to the construction of family policy. This volume of readings is where the students are. It could enrich any instructor's approach to the burning questions in the field of family sociology." Dana Vannoy, University of Cincinnati

Intimate Relationships
Public and Private Sexuality

Cohabitation and Marriage

Having Children
Biological and Social Parenting

Working Families
Gender and Role Balance

Families in Poverty
Homelessness and Welfare

Divorce and Remarriage
Economic and Emotional Impact

Family Transitions
Generational Obligations

Social Change and Future Trends

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 3

Issue 1. What is a Family?
