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Social Problems Activity 2

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Activity 2: Contesting Crime 

Social Problems: Sociology in Action, 2e

  • Time frame: 15 -30 Minutes
  • Setting: Online or face-to-face
  • Source: Chapter 9 (Learning Outcome 9.1)
    from Social Problems: Sociology in Action, 2e,
    edited by: Maxine P. Atkinson and Kathleen Odell Korgen
  • Contributor(s): Bridget Diamond-Welch

Confronting Social Problems 9.1 When You Are Expected to Commit Crimes

What is the relationship between deviance and crime?

In this exercise, you will examine when social rules clash.

In general, crimes are actions that society has declared deviant and are punishable with negative sanctions. However, there are behaviors deemed criminal that are normative in society. Consider jaywalking. In most communities (and college campuses), there are areas where people cross the street without the right of way (e.g., against the light). Seeing someone wait for the light to change may actually puzzle and annoy fellow walkers.

  1. List other behaviors that some groups may expect you to do but law enforcement could arrest or give you a ticket for doing. What groups would encourage you to do this behavior?
  2. How does this activity help you clarify the relationship between deviance and crime?

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