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Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
Choosing Among Five Approaches

Fifth Edition

January 2024 | 552 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
In the Fifth Edition of the bestselling text Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches, John W. Creswell and Cheryl N. Poth guide researchers in selecting the best option for their studies by exploring, evaluating, and applying five qualitative research approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. For each of these qualitative inquiry traditions, the authors explore the philosophical underpinnings, history, defining features, common data procedures, and writing structures. With expanded content reflecting technological developments in the qualitative research process, more inclusivity and diversity in examples, and updated references, the Fifth Edition is an ideal introduction to the theories, strategies, and practices of qualitative research.

Winner of the 2018 Textbook & Academic Authors Association's The McGuffey Longevity Award

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1 • Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
2 • Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks
3 • Designing a Qualitative Study
4 • Five Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry
5 • Five Different Qualitative Studies
6 • Introducing and Focusing the Study
7 • Data Collection
8 • Data Analysis and Representation
9 • Writing a Qualitative Study
10 • Standards of Validation and Evaluation
11 • “Turning the Story” and Conclusion to Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design


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Online resources included with this text

The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

"Creswell & Poth's text is clear, comprehensive, and compelling. The students loved this text."

Michael Kearns
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario

"After almost 6 years of teaching this class using this book, I have yet to find a student who does not like it. This is unusual in textbooks, and it shows me that the writing is clear, yet at a level of complexity that matches my students' needs. My students consider this a kind of 'formula' book, where they can follow the examples and conduct their own study with some guidance from me. I respect what Dr. Creswell has attempted to do for instructors and students, and I appreciate the approaches he takes (both methodologically and text-wise!)."

Randy Larkins
University of Northern Colorado

"The writing is clear and to the point. The use of jargon is minimal. Focusing on five different types of research designs is a friendly way to introduce this topic to students interested in qualitative research."

Alejandro Morales
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

"The vivid and extended examples of the different approaches to research that is a theme throughout the entire book is a huge strength. Those examples really help learning. In addition, the charts and tables which help the reader make distinctions among the approaches are helpful."

Tessa Milman
University of Southern California

Creswell and Poth provide clear guidelines for qualitative research, the book is an ideal resource for developing the framework for a successful qualitative study and is easy to read.

Dr Susan Gale Hicks
Education Dept, Southeastern University
March 13, 2024
Key features
  • Brand new "Try This Now" activities extend learning by asking readers to apply the material to their own studies.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS) receives much greater coverage, especially in Chapter 8, to reflect the growing importance of digital tools.
  • Expanded coverage of postcolonial theories help expand the awareness of students.
  • New studies in the appendices, referred to and incorporated throughout the chapters, provide new insights on phenomenology, grounded theory, and case study research.
  • Additional coverage of ethics offers new information for documenting consent digitally, online research ethics mapping, ethics during writing, and self-study considerations.
  • Additional figures, tables, and checklists offer new ways to visualize and organize research.
  • APA 7th edition updates ensure non-discriminatory and gender inclusive language throughout, as well as instructing readers on updated citation style and best research practices.
  • A wide range of coverage includes comparison of theoretical frameworks, ways to employ standards of quality, and strategies for writing introductions, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a narrative, and verifying results.
  • An emphasis on social justice as one of the primary features of qualitative research can be seen throughout the book.
  • Featured studies that are purposefully selected to represent each of the five approaches to qualitative research are introduced in Chapter 5, revisited throughout Chapters 6-10 as a means of bridging theory with real research projects, and presented in their entirety in the appendixes.
  • Numerous in-book resources include discussion questions, a detailed glossary of terms, an analytic table of contents that organizes the material in this book according the five approaches, check-ins and summaries at the end of each chapter.