Minutes to Midnight
Nuclear Weapons Protest in America
- Frances B. McCrea - Western Michigan
- Gerald E. Markle - Western Michigan University, USA
Violence, Cooperation, Peace
Violence, Cooperation, Peace
August 1989 | 200 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Recipient of the 1991 Scholarly Achievement Award of the North Central Sociological Association
Minutes To Midnight is a timely examination of one of the preeminent moral, political, and economic dilemmas of our time. McCrea and Markle explore the dynamics of social movements behind antinuclear weapons campaigns in America--from the earliest post-war atomic scientists' movement to the "ban the bomb" efforts to the ill-fated Freeze movement of the 1980s. The authors note that the atomic scientists' movement was the first attempt by scientists--as scientists--to protest the uses of their own creation. They locate contemporary problems in their historical context by exploring the ways in which traditional pacifist groups provided the infrastructure and directly presaged--in strategy, tactics, and organizational dilemmas--the Freeze movement. The authors use their information on antinuclear protest activity as a way of understanding how social movements are founded, how they fare, and how social change occurs in postindustrial society.
This highly readable book will be of interest to a broad interdisciplinary audience of scholars, professionals, graduate students, and upper-division undergraduates in political science, peace studies, American studies, sociology and the study of social movements, international relations, and history.
"An excellent supplementary reading in college courses on social movements and political sociology. . . will stimulate discussion and debate on perhaps the most important issue of the century."
--Contemporary Sociology
"The book clearly applies social theory to richly described cases of American protests against nuclear weapons; admirably, the cases are viewed as linked within a broad historical context."
--Louis Kriesberg, Syracuse University
"For those interested in group theory. . . it does compile some useful information on the strategies and tactics of the various associations discussed. Upper-division undergraduates, graduate students, and general readers."
The Rise and Fall of the Freeze
Social Problems in Postindustrial Society
Atomic Scientists Movement and the Bulletin
Ban the Bomb
The Freeze
Origins, Growth and Decline
The Freeze
Strategy, Tactics and Social Control
Beyond the Freeze