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Marketing Management

Marketing Management
A Customer-Oriented Approach

First Edition

March 2010 | 568 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc


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This concise new text covers all the traditional topics of the course, and also contemporary subjects such as data warehousing, Web site management, and CRM — all areas of work that students will encounter in their future marketing careers. Unique to this text is its customer orientation, reflected in its content, but also in the way that the authors organize the material through the sequence of customer acquisition, interactions, and retention. Each chapter includes topical mini-cases such as the launch of the iPhone,, and Southwest Airlines. In addition, there are eight full cases in the back of the book, together with a helpful student guide to analyzing a case. 

Key Features  

  • Comprehensive coverage includes chapters not covered in other texts such as data warehousing, internal and external communications, and Web site management
  • Critical thinking exercises stress the importance of quantitative methods in marketing and in the application of marketing concepts
  • End-of-chapter mini-cases can be used by instructors to generate class discussion, for in-class group work, or for individual assignments
  • Stop and Think features encourage the reader to consider how management principles are used in marketing positions (especially for issues related to planning, organizing, or leading)
  • YourCareer sections offer students practical advice regarding marketing careers and profi les of successful marketing graduates
  • Customer Corner scenarios pose a customer service (CS) situation and encourage students to think about the importance of CS and how they would respond to CS problems

This text is accompanied by Cases in Marketing Management, edited by Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack, providing students with many topical examples of marketing management issues and practice.

This text is also available bundled with Marketing Plan Pro, Academic Version, for only $35.00 more than the stand-alone text. To order, please contact SAGE Customer Service on 1-800-818-7243.

Part I: Marketing Foundation
Chapter 1: The Nature of Marketing Management
Southwest Airlines: Fun, Profit, Customer Satisfaction, and a Major Bump in the Road

The Nature of Marketing Management

The Fields of Marketing and Management

Marketing and Management Issues

A Customer Service Failure

Customer Service Champions

The Design of This Book

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1 Case: iPhone Madness

Chapter 2: Market Analysis
Electrolyte Nation

Marketing Analysis

Environmental Analysis

Competitive/Industry Analysis

Analysis of Product Positioning

Market Segment Analysis

Customer Analysis

Consumer Buying Decision Making

Demand and Market Potential

Estimating Demand

Contribution Margin and Break-Even Point

Chapter Summary

Chapter 2 Case: Scooping Up Success?

Chapter 3: Data Warehousing
Costco: Data-Driven, Employee-Centered Marketing

The Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse Functions

The Data in a Data Warehouse

Analytical Data

Data Mining

Data-Driven Marketing Programs

Testing Database-Driven Initiatives

Chapter Summary

Chapter 3 Case: Majestic Mountain Ski Resort

Chapter 4: Building a Customer-Oriented Marketing Department
AFLAC: Employee-Centered Customer Care

Developing a Successful Management Style

Providing Effective Leadership

Making Quality Decisions

Building a Customer-Oriented Culture

Motivating Employees

Empowering and Engaging Employees

Inspiring Creativity

Handling Personal and Employee Stress

Chapter Summary

Chapter 4 Case: The New Boss

Part II: Managing Customer Acquisition
Chapter 5: Customer Acquisition Strategies and Tactics
Sony: From Humble Beginnings to a Worldwide Brand

The Product Life Cycle

The Importance of Customer Acquisition

Customer Acquisition: Identifying Markets

Customer Acquisition: Developing Products


Types of Brands

Developing Powerful Brands

The Role of Customer Service

Chapter Summary

Chapter 5 Case: LensCrafters

Chapter 6: Pricing Reverse Auction Pricing Continues to Survive

Price Considerations

Pricing Strategies and Objectives

Setting Prices

Pricing New Products

Price Discounts

Changing Prices of Existing Products

Legal and Ethical Pricing Issues

The Role of Customer Service

Chapter Summary

Chapter 6 Case: Pricing: That?s How the Cookie Crumbles

Chapter 7: Advertising, Alternative and Direct Marketing
Smucker?s: It Has to be Good

Advertising Management

Establishing Advertising Objectives

Creating an Advertising Budget

Choosing an Advertising Agency

Overseeing an Advertising Program

Assessing Advertising Effectiveness

Alternative Marketing Programs

Direct Marketing

Implications for Entry-Level Employees

Chapter Summary

Chapter 7 Case: Wild West Rodeo

Chapter 8: Sales Promotions
Kraft: Eat and Live Better

Objectives of Promotions

Managing Consumer Promotions

Types of Consumer Promotions

Types of Consumers

International Considerations

Trade Promotions

Implications for Marketing Managers

Customer Service and Promotions Programs

Chapter Summary

Chapter 8 Case: Barney's Bookstore

Chapter 9: Personal Selling
IBM: A Corporate Legend Continues to Grow

Retail Selling

The Business-to-Business Selling Function

Business-to-Business Customer Acquisition

Relationship Selling

Personal Selling: An International Perspective

Managing a Sales Force

Recruiting and Selection



Motivational Programs

Performance Evaluation

Chapter Summary

Chapter 9 Case: Hamming It Up

Part III: Managing Customer Interactions
Chapter 10: Internal Communications
Zappos: To Live and Deliver WOW

The Nature of Communication

Individual Communication

Barriers to Individual Communication

Overcoming Barriers to Individual Communication

The Value of Individual Communication

Communication Systems in Organizations

Barriers to Formal Communication

Overcoming the Barriers to Formal Communication

Internal Communication and Customer Service

International Internal Communications

Implications for Marketing Managers

Chapter Summary

Chapter 10 Case: The Zen Master

Chapter 11: External Communications
Round Rock Express: Making Memoriess One Game at a Time

Communications With Non-Customers

Communications With Customers and Potential Customers

Institutional Statements

Product Appearance and Package Design

The Business Facility

Personal Contacts

Marketing Communication Tactics

In-Store Communications

Public Relations

Image-Building Programs

Implications for Marketing Managers

Relationship to Customer Service

Chapter Summary

Chapter 11 Case: New York Cool

Chapter 12: Distribution and Supply Chain Management
Insight, Inc.: Top of Mind in Supply Chain Management

Distribution Systems

Establishing Channels of Distribution

Managing the Supply Channel

Physical Distribution

Methods of Transportation

Evaluation of Physical Distribution

Implications for Customer Service

Implications for Marketing Managers

Chapter Summary

Chapter 12 Case: Making Movies

Chapter 13: Web Site and Internet Management
Vonage: Challenging and Changing Personal Communication

Web Site Functions

The Value of a Web Site

Designing an E-Commerce Program

Building the E-Commerce Foundation

Creating E-Commerce Components

Finalizing Methods of Interaction With Customers

Promoting the Web Site

International Implications

Chapter Summary

Chapter 13 Case: Love Hurts

Part IV: Managing Customer Retention
Chapter 14: Customer Retention and Recovery
Jet Blue: Crisis Management and Customer Recovery

Developing Customer Loyalty

Types of Customer Loyalty

Factors That Generate Loyalty

Maintaining Customer Relationships

Customer Recovery

Benefits of Customer Retention

Implications for Marketing Managers

Chapter Summary

Chapter 14 Case: A Taxing Situation

Chapter 15: Marketing Control
Aetna: Making Marketing Controls Work

Planning Systems: The Basis of Control

Control Systems

Strategic Controls

Strategic Marketing Controls

Brands and Product Lines

Marketing Function or Departmental Controls

Individual Controls (Performance Appraisal)

Types of Corrections

Strategic Corrections

Tactical Corrections

Individual Rewards and Corrections

Implications for Marketing Managers

Chapter Summary

Chapter 15 Case: Victoria's Secret: Pushing Up Sales During Tough Times

Appendix A: How to Analyze a Case
Appendix B: Comprehensive Cases

I love the layout of this book, all the photographs and the fact that it discusses careers. However, for the UK students, I think it is just too 'American'. I can still make good use of it but not as a core text.

Mrs Hilary Bishop
School of Business and Law, Liverpool John Moores UNiversity
August 9, 2011

It is very interesting approach to adopt the 3R's of the relationship marketing perspective as the structure of this textbook. For a general course on markekting, however, this focus may be a little too specific.

Professor Lars Binckebanck
BWL, Nordakademie
March 16, 2011

The book offers students a structured logical focus to relevent topics.

A good background guide to aid independent learning.

Mrs Janine Crowther
Higher Education, Darlington College
March 14, 2011

This is a very good book with excellent case studies which hep students to put the theoretical concepts into practice. It is very useful for undergraduate students.

Dr Rania Mostafa
Marketing and PR, Leeds Metropolitan University
January 23, 2011

This is an excellent book providing up to date information on the subject of marketing management. My only complaint is that it is (understandably) too American focused rather than UK, but this has lead me to other UK based research.

Mr Gerard Ryan
Business Department, Staffordshire University
October 21, 2010

Marketing Management by Kenneth Clow will be recommended for Spring 2011
with Marketing by Kotler.
Kotler's Marketing Text will be the main text and Marketing Management by Clow will be recommended as a supplemental reading for the students.

Professor Lalith De Silva
Marketing, Otemon Gakuin University, Japan
September 20, 2010

Essential textbook in marketing management. The Book includes very good case studies for students.

Professor Holger Nohr
Communications , Stuttgart Media University
September 14, 2010

An excellent and more importantly easy to read and understand book which is very well laid out and really gets the customer importance accross to the students. I really like the format and will recommend it to my students

Mr Patrick Mates
School of Business @ Management, Waterford Institute of Technology
March 12, 2010

Highly desirable text book, suitable for all undergraduate students studying marketing and the management of service organisatiions.
Graphic and visual displays are excellent, chapters follow a logical sequence and are well written. The book makes excellent use of current case studies to effectually reinforce the theroetical perspectives.

Mr Michael Hall
Management , City College Norwich
March 11, 2010

It's a very nice book with many practical examples.

Dr Marusya Smokova
Economics , D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics
February 1, 2010