Matt L. Huffman
Introduction: Gender, Race, and Management
William T. Bielby
Minority Vulnerability in Privileged Occupations: Why Do African American Financial Advisers Earn Less Than Whites in a Large Financial Services Firm?
Susan T. Fiske
Managing Ambivalent Prejudices: Smart-but-Cold and Warm-but-Dumb Stereotypes
Jeffrey W. Lucas and Amy R. Baxter
Power, Influence, and Diversity in Organizations
Lauren A. Rivera
Diversity Within Reach: Recruitment versus Hiring in Elite Firms
Fiona M. Kay and Elizabeth H. Gorman
Developmental Practices, Organizational Culture, and Minority Representation in Organizational Leadership: The Case of Partners in Large U.S. Law Firms
Heather H. Haveman and Lauren S. Beresford
If You're So Smart, Why Aren?t You the Boss? Explaining the Persistent Vertical Gender Gap in Management
George Wilson
Women's Mobility into Upper-Tier Occupations: Do Determinants and Timing Differ by Race?
Ryan A. Smith
Money, Benefits, and Power: A Test of the Glass Ceiling and Glass Escalator Hypotheses
Fidan Ana Kurtulus and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
Do Female Top Managers Help Women to Advance? A Panel Study Using EEO-1 Records
David Maume
Minorities in Management: Effects on Income Inequality, Working Conditions, and Subordinate Career Prospects among Men
Kevin Stainback and Soyoung Kwon
Female Leaders, Organizational Power, and Sex Segregation
Sheryl L. Skaggs and Julie A. Kmec
Checking the Pulse of Diversity among Health Care Professionals: An Analysis of West Coast Hospitals
Taekjin Shin
The Gender Gap in Executive Compensation: The Role of Female Directors and Chief Executive Officers