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Finding an Academic Job

Finding an Academic Job

Volume: 5

February 1998 | 136 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
You have almost completed your dissertationùwhat will you do after you defend it? You are just entering a graduate programùis there an academic career for you? What does it take to find and secure a job as a full-time college or university faculty member? What do institutions look for in recruiting new faculty? How should you prepare yourself in your pursuit of your first academic position? Authors Karen Sowers-Hoag and Dianne F. Harrison answer these questions and more that haunt graduate students throughout their degree programs. As a guide, Finding an Academic Job explores a range of issues surrounding the process of finding employment in an academic setting: surveying the market, preparing credentials, marketing oneself, job hunting, negotiating an offer, and issues arising in a dual-career partnership. Across disciplines, students in graduate programs and those considering entering graduate programs, faculty advisors, placement officers, career counselors, and others who work with and mentor budding professors will find this book invaluable.

What Colleges and Universities Look for in New Faculty
Preparing Your Credentials Early
Matching Your Credentials and Preferences to the Job Market
Finding the Right Fit

Your Search and Preparing Your Portfolio
Applying for and Getting the Position
Negotiating a Job Offer
Dual Career Issues
B Thyer
What if You Can't Find an Academic Position?


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ISBN: 9780761904014