Criminal Justice Ethics
Theory and Practice
- Cyndi Banks - Northern Arizona University
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I have used this book before and trust it. I like the practical parts, and only then, it gets more philosophical.
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Textual revision
Chapter 1:
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Summary of Changes:
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Chapter 2: “
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?Major Changes ?Minor Changes ?Changed Tables/Figures
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Summary of Changes:
New section on ethical policing and drones; updated discussion of the nature of policing; updated description of the institution of policing; updates on police culture; addition to police ethics instruction; new discussion of ethical police leadership. Updates of data on causes of police deaths and on the stress involved in covert policing and to institutional explanations of police corruption. Discussion of recent studies and reports concerning police oversight, and of oversight of policing practice by the U.S. Department of Justice. Updated section on racial profiling.
Chapter 3:
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Summary of Changes:
Updated section on police-related deaths; new extended discussion and review of studies of police body worn cameras; additions to discussion on filming the police; review and update of series of police shootings. New discussion of police use of no knock warrants. Updates to discussion of procedural justice and policing and to citizen concern about police brutality and to police anti-bias training. Updated discussion of sociological explanations of police violence and of proposals to limit police use of violence. Exploration of new studies of policing persons with mental health challenges
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Chapter 4:
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?Major Changes ?Minor Changes ?Changed Tables/Figures
?Changes Data &Statistics ?Changed References/Citation
Summary of Changes:
Updated statistics on discrimination in the juvenile justice system; additions to section on interactions between police and Black youth ; updates on the exercise of prosecutorial discretion and grant of bail and on discrimination in sentencing; updated data on imprisonment rates and death penalty cases and hate crimes.
Chapter 5:
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?Changes Data &Statistics ?Changed References/Citation
Summary of Changes:
Updates to discussion of prosecutorial discretion to bring charges, to excessive charging and of checks on the discretion of the prosecutor. Revisions to plea bargaining discussion and to exploration of prosecutorial misconduct. Revisions to discussion of relationship between police and prosecutors and the outcome of prosecutions of police. Additional material on judicial ethics and a judicial code of ethics for the Supreme Court. Additions to section on electing judges including lawyers contributing to judicial election campaigns.
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Chapter 6:
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?Changes Data &Statistics ?Changed References/Citation
Summary of Changes:
Additional discussion of communicative punishments, theory of just deserts including its relationship to parole, and restorative justice.
Chapter 7:
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?Major Changes ?Minor Changes ?Changed Tables/Figures
?Changes Data &Statistics ?Changed References/Citation
Summary of Changes:
Updated statistics on incarceration numbers and rates and on persons under community supervision; additions to timelines on the explosion of incarceration; new material on shackling pregnant women in prison; updates to data on incarcerated women and to new forms of incarceration. New material on maximum security prisons and significant additional discussion on solitary confinement; updates to section on private prisons and additional material on disenfranchising inmates. New section on aging inmates and the law and policy associated with compassionate release.
Chapter 8:
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?Major Changes ?Minor Changes ?Changed Tables/Figures
?Changes Data &Statistics ?Changed References/Citation
Summary of Changes:
New material on correctional officer stress and violence in prisons; significant revisions to discussion of use of force in prisons. New material on sexual violence in prisons including updated statistics; additional discussion of transgender prisoners; revised case studies and new material on prison oversight. Updates to section on probation and parole including statistics and to section on sentence of life without parole
Chapter 9:
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?Major Changes ?Minor Changes ?Changed Tables/Figures
?Changes Data &Statistics ?Changed References/Citation