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20 Results Found for "KE7"


Huiling Ke

Huiling Ke is a professor at the Renmin Business School.

Ke Ren

Ke Ren holds a First Class B.A. (Hons) Degree in Early Childhood Studies and a Master’s Degree in Early Intervention (Education). She is now a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin.

Feed review for Book258590

Unquestionably, this text is the richest, most robust scholarly  investigation into the realm of gifted and talented in the last twenty years.  Belle Wallace, Dorothy Sisk and John Senior have brought together the finest scholars and researchers in the field to compile a massive and masterful text that is both insightful and illuminating. The chapters are captivating, riveting  and inspiring while at the same time written with passion and panache.
