Michael Hennessy
Icek Ajzen
Martin Fishbein’s Legacy: The Reasoned Action Approach
Amy Bleakley and Michael Hennessy
The Quantitative Analysis of Reasoned Action Theory
Michael Hennessy, Amy Bleakley and Martin Fishbein
Measurement Models for Reasoned Action Theory
James Jaccard
The Reasoned Action Model: Directions for Future Research
Susan E. Middlestadt
Beliefs Underlying Eating Better and Moving More: Lessons Learned from Comparative Salient Belief Elicitations with Adults and Youths
Marco Yzer
Perceived Behavioral Control in Reasoned Action Theory: A Dual Aspect Interpretation
Amy Jordan, Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, Amy Bleakley, and Giridhar Mallya
Developing Media Interventions to Reduce Household Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption
Brenda Curtis
Understanding Tailored Internet Smoking Cessation Messages: A Reasoned Action Approach
John B Jemmott III
The Reasoned Action Approach in HIV Risk-Reduction Strategies for Adolescents
Michael B. Blank and Michael Hennessy
A Reasoned Action Approach to HIV Prevention for Persons with Serious Mental Illness