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Focus Group Research

Focus Group Research

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

October 2012 | 1 656 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Focus groups are a popular, widely accepted, and legitimate research method to determine attitudes, experiences, perceptions, and knowledge on a wide range of topics in many fields of endeavor. For example, studies have been conducted to examine participants' favorite pizza toppings, their quality of life following hip replacement surgery and how they feel about human cloning. Focus groups lead to the voicing of attitudes and insights not readily attainable from other qualitative forms of data collection. The spectrum of interest in focus groups covers virtually all disciplines, and the variety of the applications for this technique is extraordinary. In nine parts, Graham Walden explores what a focus group is, how they are best used, the strengths and weaknesses of focus groups and the ethical issues surrounding focus groups, amongst other things.

Definitions, Characteristics and Overview Studies
Charles Basch
Focus Group Interview
An Underutilized Research Technique for Improving Theory and Practice in Health Education

Peggy Yuhas Byers and James Wilcox
Focus Groups
A Qualitative Opportunity for Researchers

Michael Delli Carpini and Bruce Williams
The Method Is the Message
Focus Groups as a Method of Social, Psychological and Political Inquiry

David Morgan and Margaret Spanish
Focus Groups
A New Tool for Qualitative Research

David Morgan
Focus Groups
Sue Wilkinson
Focus Group Methodology
A Review

Nicoleta Chioncel et al
The Validity and Reliability of Focus Groups as a Research Method in Adult Education
Terminology and Typology
Alfred Goldman
The Group-Depth Interview
James Frey and Andrea Fontana
The Group Interview in Social Research
Clive Boddy
A Rose by Any Other Name May Smell as Sweet but 'Group Discussion' Is not Another Name for a 'Focus Group' nor Should It Be
Historical Context
Emory Bogardus
The Group Interview
Robert Merton and Patricia Kendall
The Focused Interview
Robert Merton
The Focused Interview and Focus Groups
Continuities and Discontinuities

Evelyn Folch-Lyon and John Trost
Conducting Focus Group Sessions
Rosaline Barbour
Making Sense of Focus Groups
Raymond Lee
The Secret Life of Focus Groups
Robert Merton and the Diffusion of a Research Method

Research Applications
Alan Johnson
'It's Good to Talk'
The Focus Group and the Sociological Imagination

George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis
Focus Groups
Strategic Articulations of Pedagogy, Politics and Inquiry

Strengths and Limitations
Ian Mansell et al
The Learning Curve
The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Use of Focus Groups as a Method of Data Collection

Debbie Ho
The Focus Group Interview
Rising to the Challenge in Qualitative Research Methodology

Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
Bobby Calder
Focus Groups and the Nature of Qualitative Marketing Research
Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Anne Kerr and Stephen Pavis
Theorizing Subjects and Subject Matter in Focus Group Research
Tim Freeman
'Best Practice' in Focus Group Research
Making Sense of Different Views

Donald Linhorst
A Review of the Use and Potential of Focus Groups in Social Work Research
Geoffrey Wiggins
The Analysis of Focus Groups in Published Research Articles
Rachel Safman and Jeffery Sobal
Qualitative Sample Extensiveness in Health Education Research
Peter Twohig and Wayne Putnam
Group Interviews in Primary Care Research
Advancing the State of the Art or Ritualized Research?

Elizabeth Halcomb et al
Literature Review
Considerations in Undertaking Focus Group Research with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups

Linda Costigan Lederman
Assessing Educational Effectiveness
The Focus Group Interview as a Technique for Data Collection

Julius Sim
Collecting and Analyzing Qualitative Data
Issues Raised by the Focus Group

Andrew Parker and Jonathan Tritter
Focus Group Method and Methodology
Current Practice and Recent Debate

Jonathan Woodring et al
Focus Groups and Methodological Reflections
Conscientious Flexibility in the Field

Diane Hughes and Kimberly DuMont
Using Focus Groups to Facilitate Culturally Anchored Research
Jeffrey Nevid and Nelly Sta. Maria
Multicultural Issues in Qualitative Research
Janice Dreachslin
Conducting Effective Focus Groups in the Context of Diversity
Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Implications

John Knodel
The Design and Analysis of Focus Group Studies
A Practical Approach

Sampling and Recruiting Participants
Colin MacDougall and Elizabeth Fudge
Planning and Recruiting the Sample for Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews
Group Composition, Group Size and Number of Groups
Emma Clavering and Janice McLaughlin
Crossing Multidisciplinary Divides
Exploring Professional Hierarchies and Boundaries in Focus Groups

Edward Fern
The Use of Focus Groups for Idea Generation
The Effects of Group Size, Acquaintanceship and Moderator on Response Quantity and Quality

James Nelson and Nancy Frontczak
How Acquaintanceship and Analyst Can Influence Focus Group Results
Jean Toner
Small Is Not too Small
Reflections Concerning the Validity of Very Small Focus Groups (VSFGs)

Question Design and Interview Schedule Construction
Claudia Puchta and Jonathan Potter
Asking Elaborate Questions
Focus Groups and the Management of Spontaneity

Claudia Puchta and Jonathan Potter
Manufacturing Individual Opinions
Market Research Focus Groups and the Discursive Psychology of Evaluation

Javier Lezaun
A Market of Opinions
The Political Epistemology of Focus Groups

Janet Smithson
Using and Analyzing Focus Groups
Limitations and Possibilities

Janine Morgall Traulsen, Anna Birna Almarsdóttir and Ingunn Bjornsdóttir
Interviewing the Moderator
An Ancillary Method to Focus Groups

Analyzing the Data
Pamela Kidd and Mark Parshall
Getting the Focus and the Group
Enhancing Analytical Rigor in Focus Group Research

Marla Clayman et al
Video Review
An Alternative to Coding Transcripts of Focus Groups

Sue Wilkinson
Focus Groups in Feminist Research
Power, Interaction and the Co-Construction of Meaning

Wendy Duggleby
What about Focus Group Interaction Data?
Deborah Warr
'It Was Fun… but We Don't Usually Talk about These Things'
Analyzing Sociable Interaction in Focus Groups

Dianne Morrison-Beedy, Denise Côté-Arsenault and Nancy Fischbeck Feinstein
Maximizing Results with Focus Groups
Moderator and Analysis Issues

Lars-Christer Hydén and Paul B low
Who's Talking
Drawing Conclusions from Focus Groups - Some Methodological Considerations

Michael Agar and James MacDonald
Focus Groups and Ethnography
Celia Kitzinger and Hannah Frith
Just Say No? The Use of Conversation Analysis in Developing a Feminist Perspective on Sexual Refusal
Allison Tong, Peter Sainsbury and Jonathan Craig
Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ)
A 32-Item Checklist for Interviews and Focus Groups

Roxanne McDaniel and Carole Ann Bach
Focus Group Research
The Question of Scientific Rigor

Dawne Vogt, Daniel King and Lynda King
Focus Groups in Psychological Assessment
Enhancing Content Validity by Consulting Members of the Target Population

Jamie Murdoch, Fiona Poland and Charlotte Salter
Analyzing Interactional Contexts in a Data-Sharing Focus Group
Hannah Frith
Focusing on Sex
Using Focus Groups in Sex Research

Greg Myers
Displaying Opinions
Topics and Disagreement in Focus Groups

Pascale Lehoux, Blake Poland and Genevieve Daudelin
Focus Group Research and 'the Patient's View'
David Wooten and Americus Reed II
A Conceptual Overview of the Self-Presentational Concerns and Response Tendencies of Focus Group Participants
Terry Bristol and Edward Fern
The Effects of Interaction on Consumers' Attitudes in Focus Groups
Theodore Zorn et al
Focus Groups as Sites of Influential Interaction
Building Communicative Self-Efficacy and Effecting Attitudinal Change in Discussing Controversial Topics

Clare Wilkinson, Charlotte Rees and Lynn Knight
'From the Heart of My Bottom'
Negotiating Humor in Focus Group Discussions

Jocelyn Hollander
The Social Contexts of Focus Groups
Colin MacDougall and Frances Baum
The Devil's Advocate
A Strategy to Avoid Groupthink and Stimulate Discussion in Focus Groups

Jenny Kitzinger
The Methodology of Focus Groups
The Importance of Interaction between Research Participants

Telephone Focus Groups
Crystale Purvis Cooper, Cynthia Jorgensen and Tracie Merritt
Telephone Focus Groups
An Emerging Method in Public Health Research

Online Focus Groups
Ted Gaiser
Online Focus Groups
Donna Reid and Fraser Reid
Online Focus Groups
An In-Depth Comparison of Computer-Mediated and Conventional Focus Group Discussions

Elisabeth Br ggen and Pieter Willems
A Critical Comparison of Offline Focus Groups, Online Focus Groups and E-Delphi
Kate Stewart and Matthew Williams
Researching Online Populations
The Use of Online Focus Groups for Social Research

Albino Claudio Bosio, Guendalina Graffigna and Edoardo Lozza
Toward a Theory of Technique for Online Focus Groups
David Deggs, Kenda Grover and Kit Kacirek
Using Message Boards to Conduct Online Focus Groups
Michele Easter et al
Una Mujer Trabaja Doble Aquí
Vignette-Based Focus Groups on Stress and Work for Latina Blue-Collar Women in Eastern North Carolina

Richard Shepherd et al
Towards an Understanding of British Public Attitudes Concerning Human Cloning
Steve Sato and Tony Salvador
Play-Acting and Focus Troupes
Theater Techniques for Creating Quick, Intense, Immersive and Engaging Focus Group Sessions

Frederic Bill and Lena Olaison
The Indirect Approach of Semi-Focused Groups
Expanding Focus Group Research through Role-Playing

Lonneke Bokken, Jan van Dalen and Jan-Joost Rethans
The Impact of Simulation on People Who Act as Simulated Patients
A Focus Group Study

Clo Mingo, Carla Herman and Marla Jasperse
Women's Stories
Ethnic Variations in Women's Attitudes and Experiences of Menopause, Hysterectomy and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Amanda Clarke, Elizabeth Jane Hanson and Helen Ross
Seeing the Person behind the Patient
Enhancing the Care of Older People Using a Biographical Approach

Felice Yuen
'It Was Fun… I Liked Drawing My Thoughts'
Using Drawings as a Part of the Focus Group Process with Children

Repeat Receipts
Claudia Puchta, Jonathan Potter and Stephan Wolff
Repeat Receipts
A Device for Generating Visible Data in Market Research Focus Groups

Poetic Transcription
Melissa Freeman
Nurturing Dialogic Hermeneutics and the Deliberative Capacities of Communities in Focus Groups
Concept Boards
Radan Martinec
Concept Evaluation in Focus Groups
Semantic Fields and Evaluative Strategies

Sara Owen
The Practical, Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas of Conducting Focus Groups with Vulnerable Clients
David Morgan
Future Directions for Focus Groups
Richard Krueger
The Future of Focus Groups

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ISBN: 9780857025678