Data Analysis
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
November 2007 | 1 672 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
'What is data analysis' is a key question in social research, defined by the foundations of various research models. This four-volume set presents the leading directions in data analysis and published in the 'classic' articles in the field. It brings together the most outstanding 'vintage' and contemporary work that have helped define and demarcate data analysis. It covers both quantitative and qualitative aspects, as centred around realism, positivism and empiricism on the one hand, and relativism and interpretivism on the other.
Volume One: covers qualitative data analysis: choosing and processing data, approaches to analysis and analytic techniques.
Volume Two: focuses on mixed methods: mixed method approaches and techniques, and the integration of findings.
Volume Three: moves to quantitative data analysis: analysing survey data, text, structure and sequences, testing and multivariate analysis.
Volume Four: concludes with issues surrounding the quality of research outcomes.
Volume One
John R Hall
Epistemology and Sociohistorical Inquiry
Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
Arthur J Vidich
Participant Observation and the Collection and Interpretation of Data
Janet Smithson
Using and Analyzing Focus Groups
Hsiu-Fang Hsieh and Sarah E Shannon
Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis
Cynthia Weston et al
Analyzing Interview Data
Approaches to Data Analysis
Juliet Corbin and Anselm Straus
Grounded Theory Research
Charles Goodwin and John Heritage
Conversation Analysis
Teun A van Dijk
Discourse Analysis
Norman Fairclough
Discourse and Text
Roberto Franzosi
Narrative Analysis - or Why (and How) Sociologists Should Be Interested in Narrative
Anshuman Prasad
The Contest over Meaning
Manfred Lueger and J[um]urgen H P Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik
Hermeneutic Interpretation in Qualitative Research
Stephan R Barley
Semiotics and the Study of Occupational and Organizational Cultures
Jonathan A Smith, Maria Jarman and Mike Osborn
Doing Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
David L Altheide
Tracking Discourse and Document Analysis
Strategies of Data Analysis
W S Robinson
The Logical Structure of Analytic Induction
Hennie Boeije
A Purposeful Approach to Constant Comparative Method in the Analysis of Qualitative Interviews
Michael H Agar
Political Talk
Li Wei and Lesley Milroy
Conversational Code-Switching in a Chinese Community in Britain
Volume Two
Strategies of Data Analysis
Blake Poland and Ann Pederson
Reading between the Lines
George W Dowdall and Janet Golden
Photographs as Data
Norman K Denzin
Reading Tender Mercies
Mixing, Integrating, Bridging and Beyond
Larry Griffin and Charles C Ragin
Some Observations on Formal Methods of Qualitative Research
A Georges and L Romme
Boolean Comparative Analysis of Qualitative Data
John W Mohr
Measuring Meaning Structures
Ann Chih Lin
Bridging the Positivist and Interpretivist Approaches to Qualitative Methods
Nicole E Coviello
Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques in Network Analysis
Mixed-Method Analytical Techniques
Karl Henrik Sivesind
Structured, Qualitative Comparisons
Charles C Ragin
Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis
David Heise
Modeling Event Structures
Andrew Abbott
Sequence Analysis
Donald G McTavish and Ellen B Pirro
Contextual Content Analysis
Paul D McLean
A Frame Analysis of Favour-Seeking in the Renaissance
Ward H Goodenough
Componential Analysis and the Study of Meaning
Raymond M Lee and Lea Esterhuizen
Computer Software and Qualitative Analysis
Integrating Research Findings
Lynn H Doyle
Synthesis through Meta-Ethnography
Mike Weed
'Meta Interpretation'
Analyzing Survey Data
D A Dargatz and G W Hill
Analysis of Survey Data
Joop J Fox, Ita G G Kreft and Piet L J Hermkens
The Analysis of Factorial Surveys
Graham J G Upton
The Exploratory Analysis of Survey Data Usin Log-Linear Models
Volume Three
Analyzing Text
Carl W Roberts
A Conceptual Framework for Quantitative Text Analysis
D I Holmes
The Analysis of Literary Style
Analyzing Structures and Sequences
Caroline Haythornthwaite
Social Network Analyses
Tom A B Snijders
The Statistical Evaluation of Social Network Dynamics
M Angeles Cerezo and Ana D'Ocon
Sequential Analyses in Coercive Mother-Child Interaction
Michael T Hannan and Nancy Brandon Tuma
Methods for Temporal Analysis
Michael Greenacre and Trevor Hastie
The Geometric Interpretation of Correspondence Analysis
Dealing with Missing Data
Roderick J A Little and Donald B Rubin
The Analysis of Social Science Data with Missing Values
Describing Distributions
Gordon R Stavig and Jean D Gibbons
Comparing the Mean and the Median as Measures of Centrality
O L Davies and E S Pearson
Methods of Estimating from Samples the Population Standard Deviation
Testing Association and Prediction
Herbert L Costner
Criteria for Measures of Association
John Aldrich
Correlations Genuine and Spurious in Pearson and Yule
Leo A Goodman
Simple Models for the Analysis of Association in Cross-Classifications Having Ordered Categories
D Holt and A J Scott
Regression Analysis Using Survey Data
Testing Significance
Jose M Cortina and William P Dunlap
On the Logic and Purpose of Significance Testing
Churchill Eisenhart
The Assumptions Underlying the Analysis of Variance
D Holt, A J Scott and P D Ewings
Chi-Squared Tests with Survey Data
Multivariate Analysis
Thomas A DiPrete and Jerry D Forristal
Multilevel Models
H Smith, R Gnanadesikan and J B Hughes
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
Karl Schuessler
Covariance Analysis in Sociological Research
A S C Ehrenberg
Some Questions about Factor Analysis
D N Lawley and A E Maxwell
Factor Analysis as a Statistical Method
Volume Four
Multivariate Analysis
Barnet Woolf
Computation and Interpretation of Multiple Regressions
Otis Dudley Duncan
Path Analysis
S Philip Morgan and Jan D Teachman
Logistic Regression
Dealing with Multiple Sets of Data/Objects
B S Everitt
The Analysis of Repeated Measures
A D Gordon
A Review of Hierarchical Classification
Stephen C Johnson
Hierarchical Clustering Schemes
Byron J T Morgan
Three Applications of Methods of Cluster-Analysis
A Mead
Review of the Development of Multidimensional Scaling Methods
J N R Jeffers
Principal Component Analysis of Designed Experiment
Integrating Research Findings
Sarah E Brockwell and Ian R Gordon
A Comparison of Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis
Research and Theory
Martyn Hammersley
Theory and Evidence in Qualitative Research
Jeffrey W Lucas
Explanation and Causation
Jan Faber and Willem J Scheper
Social Scientific Explanations? On Quine's Legacy and Contextual Fallacies
Peter Abel
Narrative Explanation
David M Klein
Causation in Sociology Today
Michael E Sobel
An Introduction to Causal Inference
Quality Control
William B Stiles
Quality Control in Qualitative Research
Tenko Raykov
On the Use and Utility of the Reliability Coefficient in Social and Behavioural Research
B D McCullough
Assessing the Reliability of Statistical Software, Part Two
Theory-Testing, Generalization and the Problem of External Validity