Customized support and live instruction is available for your institution
SAGE Engagement provides a range of customized live instruction sessions on SAGE resources. These sessions provide in-depth instruction, guidance, and best practices for using SAGE resources for librarians, faculty and instructors, researchers, and students.
- Train the trainer: to help you become the resource expert at your library and/or teach others about the resource
- End user (patrons, faculty, students, institution-wide): to raise awareness, boost engagement, and demonstrate how the resource aligns with various research needs
- General resource overview: to learn about our content, how our collections are curated, and how our platform tools support research
- Custom inquiry workshops (department/discipline-specific): to demonstrate the practical application of the resource using a research scenario that aligns with courses, programs, or initiatives at your library
- Email to schedule a custom instruction session.
In addition to live instruction sessions, our SAGE Engagement team members can partner with librarians and faculty to provide other customized support materials.
- Curriculum Alignment: Map SAGE content in your collections to specific course syllabi, learning outcomes, or academic programs at your institution
- Resource LibGuides: Use our resource-specific community LibGuides to optimize your subject guides
- Email to request customized support material