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In observance of the 2024 holiday season, Sage offices will be closed Monday December 23rd through Wednesday January 1st. Normal operations, including shipping for orders placed during the closure, will resume on Thursday January 2nd. For technical support during this time, please visit our technical support page for assistance options. 

We wish you a wonderful holiday season. Thank you. 

Heloise Weber University of Queensland, Australia

Heloise Weber was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where she spent her childhood before growing up and studying in England. She completed her undergraduate degree in International Politics from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth (now Aberystwyth University), and received her doctorate from the University of Southampton. She held a research fellowship and also taught at the University of Warwick and has held tenure track positions at the University of Aberdeen and the University of Sussex. Her current position is in International Relations and Development, at the School of Political Science and International Studies, the University of Queensland. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Political Economy/Department of Political Science Carleton University (Canada), Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University, and with the Normative Orders Research Cluster, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

Her research interests are in the politics of global development and inequality, and critical approaches to international relations. Her publications include Rethinking the Third World: International Development and World Politics (coauthored with Mark T. Berger), and Politics of Development: A Survey (edited). She also coedited a special section of the Review of International Political Economy on the political economy of the GATS/ WTO and development as well as a special issue of Globalizations on Rethinking Development: Beyond Recognition and Redistribution. She has published on the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda in the SAIS Review of International Affairs, Globalizations and World Development (the latter coauthored with Martin Weber). Her work engaging international relations includes “Colonialism, Genocide and International Relations: Struggles for Restorative Relations” in the European Journal of International Relations (coauthored with Martin Weber).

She is an active member of the Global Development Studies (GDS) Section of the International Studies Association (ISA), and has served twice as GDS program and section chair.