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In observance of the 2024 holiday season, Sage offices will be closed Monday December 23rd through Wednesday January 1st. Normal operations, including shipping for orders placed during the closure, will resume on Thursday January 2nd. For technical support during this time, please visit our technical support page for assistance options. 

We wish you a wonderful holiday season. Thank you. 

Carlos Sanchez-Runde IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain

Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde is professor and director in the Department of Managing People in Organizations. His areas of specialization include cross-cultural management, strategic human resource management, compensation and pay policies, and cooperative labor-management relations. He has held teaching and research appointments in the US, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and Peru. Prof. Sanchez-Runde earned his Ph.D. in management (human resources management) from the University of Oregon and his MBA from IESE. He also holds a law degree from the Universitat de Barcelona. He is the author or coauthor of the books Management across Cultures (Cambridge University Press, second edition in march 2013), Retos de la dirección de personas (FT-Prentice Hall, 2012), Competencias de la dirección de personas: Un análisis desde la alta dirección (People Management Skills: A Senior Management Analysis, 2004), Dirección estratégica de recursos humanos (Strategic Human Resource Management, 1997), and Firm strategy and human resource management: A case-study approach (doctoral dissertation, 1996). He has recently co-edited the following volumes: Innovative Forms of Organizing: International Perspectives (2003), and Multinationals, Institutions and the Construction of Transnational Practices (2006). He has also published numerous articles in both specialized and popular outlets such as Journal of World Business, Journal of Management Development, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of Business Ethics, Advances in International Management, Harvard-Deusto Review, Revista de Empresa y Humanismo, and Revista Internacional de Organizaciones. In addition, he has published several book chapters, research papers and technical notes and has delivered numerous presentations at international conferences. He also serves as consultant to companies like Accenture, Dow Chemical, Haier, Outokumpu and Roche.