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Special Education in Contemporary Society

Special Education in Contemporary Society
An Introduction to Exceptionality

Seventh Edition
Available with:

January 2020 | 656 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Special Education in Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Exceptionality offers a comprehensive, engaging, and readable introduction to the dynamic field of special education. Grounded in research and updated to reflect the most current thinking and standards of the field, this book provides students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs that are crucial to constructing learning environments that allow all students to reach their full potential. Authors Richard M. Gargiulo and Emily C. Bouck encourage a deep awareness and understanding of the “human” side of special education, providing students with a look into the lives of exceptional students and their families, as well as the teachers that work with exceptional persons throughout their lives. The Seventh Edition maintains the broad context and research focus for which the book is known while expanding on current trends and contemporary issues to better serve both pre-service and in-service teachers of exceptional individuals.

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Special Features
A Special Thank-You to Our Filming Participants
About the Contributors
About the Authors
Chapter 1 • Special Education in Context: People, Concepts, and Perspectives
Definitions and Terminology

Categories and Labels

Prevalence of Children and Young Adults With Disabilities

A Brief History of the Development of Special Education

Cooperative Teaching

Universal Design for Learning

Exceptionality Across the Life Span

Chapter 2 • Policies, Practices, and Programs
Litigation and Legislation Affecting Special Education

Educational Reform: Standards-Based Education

Civil Rights Legislation

Identification and Assessment of Individual Differences

Referral and Assessment for Special Education

Designing Individualized Instructional Programs

Service Delivery Options: Where a Special Education Is Provided

Chapter 3 • Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and Exceptionality
Cultural Diversity: The Changing Face of a Nation

Multicultural Education, Bilingual Education, and Student Diversity

Disproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education Programs

Issues in Assessing Students From Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups

Educational Programming for Students With Exceptionalities Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

Chapter 4 • Parents, Families, and Exceptionality
Parent–Professional Relationships: Changing Roles

A Family Systems Approach

The Effects of a Child’s Disability on Parents and the Family

Stages of Parental Reaction to Disability

Disability and the Family

Working With Families Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

Cultural Reactions to Disability

Suggestions for Facilitating Family and Professional Partnerships

Chapter 5 • Assistive Technology
Technology in Education

Assistive Technology

History and Legislation of Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Decision Making

Assistive Technology and the IEP

Assistive Technology Categorization

Devices and Tools

Issues With Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Future Trends

Chapter 6 • Individuals With Intellectual Disability
Defining Intellectual Disability: An Evolving Process

Assessing Intellectual Ability and Adaptive Behavior

Classification of Individuals With Intellectual Disability

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Intellectual Disability

Etiology of Intellectual Disability

Characteristics of Individuals With Intellectual Disability

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Intellectual Disability

Services for Young Children With Intellectual Disability

Transition Into Adulthood

Adults With Intellectual Disability

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 7 • Individuals With Learning Disabilities
Defining Learning Disabilities

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Learning Disabilities

Etiology of Learning Disabilities

Characteristics of Individuals With Learning Disabilities

Assessment of Learning Disabilities

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Learning Disabilities

Services for Young Children With Learning Disabilities

Transition Into Adulthood

Adults With Learning Disabilities

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 8 • Individuals With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Defining Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Etiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Characteristics of Individuals With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Adolescents and Adults With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Issues of Diversity

Chapter 9 • Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
Defining Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Classification of Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Etiology of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Prevention of Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Characteristics of Children and Youth With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Assessing Students With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Services for Young Children With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Transition Into Adulthood

Adults With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

Family-Centered Interventions

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 10 • Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Defining Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Evolving Process

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Characteristics of Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Services for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Transition Into Adulthood

Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 11 • Individuals With Speech and Language Impairments
The Nature of Speech, Language, and Communication

Defining Speech and Language Impairments

Classifying Speech and Language Impairments

Historical Perspectives

Prevalence of Speech and Language Impairments

Etiology of Speech and Language Impairments

Prevention of Speech and Language Impairments

Characteristics of Individuals With Speech and Language Impairments

Assessing Speech and Language Impairments

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Speech and Language Impairments

Services for Young Children With Speech and Language Impairments

Adolescents and Adults With Speech and Language Impairments

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 12 • Individuals With Hearing Impairments
Definitions and Concepts of Hearing Impairment

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Hearing Impairment

Etiology of Hearing Impairment

Characteristics of Individuals With Hearing Impairments

Assessment of Individuals With Hearing Impairments

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Hearing Impairments

Services for Young Children With Hearing Impairments

Transition and Individuals With Hearing Impairments

Services for Adults With Hearing Impairments

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 13 • Individuals With Visual Impairments
Defining Visual Impairments

The Eye and How It Works

Classification of Visual Impairments

A Brief History of Visual Impairments

Prevalence of Visual Impairments

The Vision Process and Etiology of Visual Impairments

Prevention of Visual Impairments

Characteristics of Individuals With Visual Impairments

Assessment of Students With Visual Impairments

Educational Considerations

Orientation and Mobility

Technology and Individuals With Visual Impairments

Young Children With Visual Impairments

Transition Into Adulthood

Adults With Visual Impairments

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 14 • Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities
Defining Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

A Brief History of the Field

Prevalence of Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Etiology of Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Characteristics of Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Assessment of Students With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Services for Young Children With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Transition Into Adulthood

Adults With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence Disabilities

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Chapter 15 • Individuals Who Are Gifted and Talented
Defining Giftedness: Refining the Meaning

Assessing Giftedness and Talent

Differences Among Children Who Are Gifted and Talented

A Brief History of the Field of Gifted and Talented Education

Prevalence of Giftedness and Talent

Etiology of Giftedness and Talent

Characteristics of Individuals Who Are Gifted and Talented

Educational Considerations

Technology and Individuals Who Are Gifted and Talented

Services for Young Children Who Are Gifted and Talented

Adolescents Who Are Gifted and Talented

Family Issues

Issues of Diversity

Trends, Issues, and Controversies

Appendix A: Federal Definitions of Disabilities
Appendix B: Professional Standards: Council for Exceptional Children
Author Index
Subject Index


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“Introductory texts in special education have a monumental task. They must provide a full overview of the field, which continues to grow in breadth and depth, while remaining accessible to students who are new to the field. Special Education in Contemporary Society provides the right combination and balance so that students understand the complexity of the field and feel energized and ready to take the next steps in their journey.”

Beverly Barkon
Carlow University

Special Education in Contemporary Society is a well-organized introductory textbook for education and non-education majors who may work with children with exceptionalities. A definite resource textbook for those just beginning in the field.”

Brian Littleton
Mott Community College

Special Education in Contemporary Society is very 21st Century Learner friendly. It contains the pertinent information needed to provide preservice teachers with an extensive overview of special education while providing a wealth of supplemental materials for both the instructor and the student.”

Katrina Jordan
University of Louisiana

Special Education in Contemporary is the quintessential text for an introduction to special education course. The authors and publisher have taken great care to understand the needs of the students. Special Education is a vast topic and this text delivers the information necessary to engage today’s learners. An instructor or teacher using this text has everything they need to successfully deliver, assess, and understand special education.”

Kelly Brooksher
Georgia Southern University–Armstrong Campus

This is a great resource--especially for an intro class. Used it with grad students already.

Dr Alison M Polly
Education/Special Educ Dept, Mansfield University
February 4, 2021

I have used the book by Gargiulo, et al for some years and was glad to get the revised edition which I used this school year in the Spring of 2021. I have always enjoyed using this very informative textbook.

Dr Jane C. Chauvin
Accounting, Loyola University-New Orleans
April 13, 2021
Key features
  • The new edition is available as a digital option through SAGE Vantage, an intuitive digital platform that offers auto-graded assignments and interactive multimedia tools—including video—all designed to enable students to better prepare for class. Learn more.
  • Several new chapter openers are included and portray individuals with an exceptionality.
  • Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter have been expanded and are revisited in each respective section of the Chapter in Review, reinforcing key concepts.
  • Each chapter utilizes the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) initial-level special educator preparation standards.
  • A discussion on the impact of charter schools on students with a disability is now included in Chapter 2.
  • Two new First Person features addressing the impact of a disability on family dynamics are now included in Chapter 4.
  • The most current ideas on using assistive technology with individuals with exceptionalities are in Chapter 5.
  • The latest thinking found in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) on ADHD is now included in Chapter 8.
  • All chapters in Part II incorporate a new Spotlight on Technology feature focusing on technological tools special educators can use in the classroom.
  • A glossary of key terms in Spanish is available on the SAGE Edge website.
  • Updated or new tables and figures illustrate current information.
  • References have been revised and updated to reflect the most current thinking in the field.
  • The end-of-chapter key terms provide the page number where each is introduced.


  • The text is organized into two distinct parts to offer students a truly comprehensive and humane understanding of exceptionality:
    • In Part I, readers are provided a strong foundational perspective on broad topics that affect all individuals with an exceptionality.
    • In Part II, the authors engage students with thorough examinations of individual exceptionalities and discuss historical, personal, and educational details of each exceptionality as it affects a person across the lifespan.
  • Chapter-opening vignettes in the categorical chapters, primarily written by parents of children with disabilities, offer personal stories on the exceptionality studied in a specific chapter. Through these vignettes, students gain a firsthand, vivid account of these parents, their fears and frustrations, their accomplishments and triumphs, and the issues they face on a daily basis.
  • Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning boxes provide instructional strategies, tips, techniques, and other ideas for the classroom.
  • The Insight feature contains relevant information that adds depth and insight to particular discussion topics.
  • The First Person feature adds a human touch to the information students are learning. These stories, written by or about individuals with exceptionalities, provide an up close and personal encounter with children, adults, and families.
  • The Making Inclusion Work feature highlights special and general educators offering candid perspectives and practical advice about providing services to students with special needs in inclusive settings.
  • A chapter-specific Spotlight on Technology feature illustrates the value of technology for individuals with exceptionalities.
    Each chapter concludes with study questions designed to help students focus on key chapter content and gauge their understanding of the material.
  • A series of learning activities brings the content to life, many asking students to engage in a wide variety of meaningful and worthwhile tasks.
  • A list of professional organizations and associations to contact is provided to those seeking additional information about a topic of particular interest.
Vantage Reference: 
Special Education in Contemporary Society- Vantage Learning Platform

Sage College Publishing

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