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Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy

Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy
Advancing Social Justice Through Eight Policy Sectors

Second Edition

March 2019 | 552 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Social Welfare Policy and Advocacy presents a multi-level framework to show students how micro, mezzo, and macro policy advocacy can be used effectively by social workers in eight policy sectors: healthcare, gerontology, safety-net, child and family, mental health, education, immigration, and criminal justice. Author Bruce S. Jansson identifies seven core problems within each sector and discusses the skills social workers need, the challenges they face, and the interventions they can use at each level of advocacy. Readers will gain knowledge of social welfare policy issues and be equipped with essential tools for engaging in policy advocacy.

A Brief Bio-Sketch of Bruce S. Jansson
1. Becoming a Policy Advocate in Eight Policy Sectors
Learning Objectives

Engage Social Welfare Policy Whether You Are Micro or Macro

Conceptualizing Policy Practice

Understanding How a Multilevel Policy Advocacy Framework Was Developed

Linking the Multilevel Advocacy Framework to Eight Policy Sectors

Using This Book as a Road Map for Your Student and Professional Career

Contrasting Micro Policy Advocacy With Clinical Practice

Understanding How the NASW Code of Ethics Requires Use of Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Policy Advocacy

Using Policy Advocacy to Help Vulnerable Populations

Analyzing a Multilevel Policy Advocacy Framework

Providing Policy Advocacy at Three Levels

Linking Three Levels of Advocacy for Pregnant Teens and Teen Mothers

Developing Micro Policy Advocacy Red Flag Alerts

Developing Red Flag Alerts at Three Levels

Learning Outcomes


2. Advancing Social Justice With Seven Core Problems
Learning Objectives

Defining Social Policies

Defining Social Justice

Core Problem 1: Advancing Ethical Rights, Human Rights, and Economic Justice

Core Problem 2: Improving the Quality of Social Programs

Core Problem 3: Making Social Programs and Policies More Culturally Responsive

Core Problem 4: Developing Preventive Strategies to Decrease Social Problems

Core Problem 5: Improving Affordability and Access to Social Programs

Core Problem 6: Increasing the Scope and Effectiveness of Mental Health Programs

Core Problem 7: Making Social Programs More Relevant to Households and Communities

Recognizing the Seven Core Problems in the Eight Policy Sectors

Joining the Reform Tradition of Social Work

Learning Outcomes


3. How Policy Advocates Advanced Social Justice Through American History
Learning Objectives

The Colonial Period

The Gilded Age

The Progressive Period

The Great Depression

The Great Society

Nixon’s Surprise

Conservative Counterrevolutions

Preparing for a New Reform Period

Learning Outcomes


4. Providing Micro Policy Advocacy Interventions
Learning Objectives

Defining Micro Policy Advocacy

Reading the Context

Challenge 1: Deciding Whether to Proceed

Challenge 2: Deciding Where to Focus

Challenge 3: Obtaining Recognition That a Client Has an Important, Unresolved Problem

Challenge 4: Analyzing or Diagnosing Why a Client Has an Unresolved Problem

Challenge 5: Developing a Strategy to Address a Client’s Unresolved Problem

Challenges 6, 7, and 8: Implementing and Assessing Micro Policy Starategy

Measuring and Predicting Micro Policy Advocacy of Specific Frontline Professionals

Learn How a Social Worker Engaged in Micro Policy Advocacy

Learning Outcomes


5. Practicing Mezzo Policy Advocacy Interventions
Learning Objectives

Defining Mezzo Policy Advocacy

Identifying Five Skills Needed for Mezzo Policy Advocacy

A Preliminary Challenge: Reading the Context of Agencies and Communities

Challenge 1: Deciding Whether to Proceed

Challenge 2: Deciding Where to Focus

Challenge 3: Obtaining Decision Makers’ Recognition of Unresolved Problems

Challenge 4: Analyzing Why the Problem Exists

Challenge 5: Developing a Strategy or Proposal to Address the Problem

Challenge 6: Developing Support for a Strategy or Proposal

Challenge 7: Implementing a Strategy or Policy to Address the Problem in Agencies and Communities

Challenge 8: Assessing Whether the Implemented Strategy or Policy Was Effective in Agencies and Communities

A Case Example of Mezzo Policy Advocacy

Measuring Skills Needed for Mezzo Policy Practice

Learning Outcomes


6. Engaging in Macro Policy Advocacy
Learning Objectives

Understand the Context of Public Policies

How Macro Policy Advocates Engage the Eight Challenges

Identifying Macro Policy Advocacy Skills

Facilitating Macro Policy Practice Among Frontline Health Professionals

Learning Outcomes


7. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Health Care Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective Toward Persons With Unaddressed Health Problems

Analyzing the Evolution of the American Health Care System

Identifying Health Problems Caused by Economic Inequality

Analyzing the Political Economy of the American Health System

Analyzing the Seven Core Problems

Thinking Big as Advocates in the Health Care Sector

Learning Outcomes


8. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Gerontology Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective Toward Seniors

Analyzing Problems of Seniors Caused by Economic Inequality

Analyzing the Political Economy of the Gerontology Sector

Analyzing Seven Core Problems in the Gerontology Sector

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Gerontology Sector

Learning Outcomes


9. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Safety Net Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective Toward Persons Who Need Safety Net Programs

Analyzing the Evolution of the American Safety Net System

Analyzing How Defects in American Safety Net Programs Often Exacerbate Income Inequality

Analyzing the Political Economy of the Safety Net Sector

Using American Safety Net Programs to Improve Consumers’ Well-Being

Job-Related Programs

Nutrition-Enhancing Programs

Shelter-Enhancing Programs

Asset-Creating Programs

Home Ownership Programs

Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)

Understanding How Seven Core Problems Exist in the Safety Net Sector

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Safety Net Sector

Learning Outcomes


10. Practicing Policy Advocacy in the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective About Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Analyzing the Impact of Income Inequality on Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Analyzing the Political Economy of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Analyzing the Evolution of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Sectors

Addressing Seven Core Problems in the Mental Health Sector With Advocacy

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Sector

Learning Outcomes


11. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Child and Family Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective with Respect to the Child and Family Sector

Understanding the Current State of Children

Strengthening Families by Meeting Basic Needs

Understanding the Journey of Children Through the Child Welfare System

Analyzing the Quest for Algorithms to Predict the Odds that Specific Children Will Be Harmed

Analyzing the Challenges of Emancipation

Analyzing the Evolution of the Child and Family Sector

Understanding the Scope of Child Abuse and Neglect

Understanding the Political Economy of the Child and Family Sector

Recognizing Child and Family Problems That Are Created By an Inegalitarian Nation

Understanding How Seven Core Problems Exist in the Child Welfare Sector

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Child and Family Sector

Learning Outcomes


12. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Education Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective With Respect to Education

Analyzing the Evolution of the American Education System

Recognizing Education Problems That Are Created By And Cause an Inegalitarian Nation

Analyzing the Political Economy of the Education Sector

Analyzing Seven Core Problems in the American Education System

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Education Sector

Discussion Questions

Learning Outcomes


13. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Immigration Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective With Respect to Immigrants

Analyzing the Evolution of America’s Immigration Policies

Analyzing the Movement of Persons Across National Boundaries

Analyzing the Legal Status of Immigrants in the United States

Recognizing Problems for Immigrants Created by Extreme Inequality

Understanding the Political Economy of the Immigration Sector

Back to Values and Data

Analyzing Seven Core Problems in the Immigration Sector

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Immigration Sector

Discussion Questions

Learning Outcomes


14. Becoming Policy Advocates in the Criminal Justice Sector
Learning Objectives

Developing an Empowering Perspective about Criminal Justice

Analyzing the Evolution of the American Criminal Justice Sector

Identifying Connections between Mass Incarceration and Economic Inequality

Analyzing the Political Economy of the Criminal Justice Sector

Analyzing Seven Core Problems in the Criminal Justice Sector

Thinking Big as Policy Advocates in the Criminal Justice Sector

Learning Outcomes




Instructor Resource Site  

Free online resources for instructors accompany this text on the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.

  • Test banks provide a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity to edit any question and/or insert personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
  • Editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides offer flexibility when creating multimedia lectures.
  • Lecture notes summarize key concepts on a chapter-by-chapter basis to help with preparation for lectures and class discussions.
  • Discussion questions help students engage with the material by reinforcing important content and inspiring critical thinking.
  • Chapter exercises direct both instructors and students to video interviews and useful multimedia content, while providing activities to extend and reinforce learning on chapter topics.
Student Study Site  

Free online resources for students accompany this text on the open access Student Study Site.        

  • Mobile-friendly practice quizzes allow students to independently assess their mastery of course material.         
  • Chapter exercises direct students to video interviews and useful multimedia content, while providing activities to extend and reinforce learning on chapter topics.

A required course for several majors, this text allows students to focus on the policy sector they are most interested in.

Laurel Brown
Sociology/Anthro/Soc Wk Dept, Whittier College
November 26, 2019

Love the update to today's modern needs.

Ms Maria Weidinger
Human Services, Gwynedd-Mercy College
August 5, 2019

Excellent and easy to follow framework for understanding explicit development of social justice in historical and current policy considerations.

Stacy Kratz
School Of Social Work, Univ Of Southern California
December 3, 2019
Key features


  • More emphasis on the multi-level policy advocacy framework, which now appears in Chapter 1 and informs discussions in every succeeding chapter, gives importance to policy advocates being able to work across the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.         
  • A new chapter on the evolution of the American welfare state covers shifts in the 20th and 21st centuries.          
  • Updated policy sector chapters include recent policy enactments up to the presidency of Donald Trump.  


  • An innovative multi-level framework links policy advocacy at micro, mezzo, and macro levels.          
  • Empowerment sections discuss how social workers can assume critical advocacy roles in each of the eight policy sector chapters.
  • Vignettes demonstrate the micro, mezzo, and macro interventions social workers use in policy advocacy for each sector. 
  • Historical timelines describe how policies have changed and evolved.        
  • Red Flag Alerts identify opportunities for policy advocacy on all three levels of practice.          
  • Chapter-ending challenges encourage students to "think big" by proposing major policy initiatives.