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Young Buddies

Young Buddies
Teaching Peer Support Skills to Children Aged 6 to 11

July 2005 | 120 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
`For any teacher or school wanting to set up a buddy scheme, or to explore the possibility of doing so, this book contains some useful suggestions, ideas and guidelines. Even if a school did not wish to adopt the buddy system itself, the book contains useful material relating to citizenship and specific problems, like bullying which makes it a potentially useful resource for teachers and schools in general' - Early Education

Peer buddy systems have been demonstrated as very successful with older students. Positive effects are recognized for the individuals befriended and also for the whole community.

Margaret has used her vast experience with younger children to develop a programme which achieves these outcomes at the stage when they are learning the skills of friendship and co-operation.

Using her popular style of differentiating activities and teaching for two age groups, 6-8 and 9-11, Margaret has provided an exciting, innovative and challenging programme which enhances the citizenship curriculum and the atmosphere of the school.

Margaret Collins is a former headteacher of an infant and first school. She is now Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Southampton. She researches children's perceptions of health education topics, writes and co-writes teaching materials for children, books and articles on personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE).


Section 1
What is a Buddy?

What is a Friend?

What is a School Buddy?

How is a School Buddy Different from a Friend?

What Does a School Buddy Need to Do?

Where Can You Buddy?

Section 2
What Skills Does a Buddy Need?

Listening Skills

Body Language

Questioning Techniques


Section 3
What Skills Does a Chum Need?

Listening Skills

Body Language

Questioning Techniques


Section 4
Observing Anything Untoward

Special Needs of Chum

Worries and Bullying

Taking Decisions


Section 5



Reporting Back When Necessary

Section 6
Peer Tutoring

Helping Chum to Take Decisions


Feelings of Buddy and Chum

Making Chum 'Feel Good'

Section 7
Manifesto - What can I do to be a Successful Peer Buddy?



Compiling for Self a Peer Buddy Handbook

Section 8 for Chum
Role/Responsibilities of Chum

Appreciation of Buddy


Peer Teaching

Sharing Experiences

Section 9
Various Options of How to Set Up the Scheme


Reading List


`For any teacher or school wanting to set up a buddy scheme, or to explore the possibility of doing so, this book contains some useful suggestions, ideas and guidelines. Even if a school did not wish to adopt the buddy system itself, the book contains useful material relating to citizenship and specific problems, like bullying which makes it a potentially useful resource for teachers and schools in general' - Early Education

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ISBN: 9781446266274

ISBN: 9781412911566

ISBN: 9781412919890

This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.