Undoing Aesthetics
First Edition
- Wolfgang Welsch - Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, Jena
January 1998 | 224 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Wolfgang Welsch examines global aestheticization phenomena, probes the relationship of aesthetics and ethics, and considers the broad relevance of aesthetics for contemporary thinking. He argues that modes of thought familiar from the aesthetic realm comprise fundamental paradigms for understanding todayÆs reality. The implications for specific and everyday issues are demonstrated in studies of architecture, advertising, the Internet, and our perception of the life world.
Surgically precise, innovative, and, above all, relevant, this book is an essential resource, providing the analysis of contemporary culture with philosophical bite. Aesthetics is to transcend itself, address the whole realm of aethesis, and hence enable orientation in the contemporary condition. Undoing aesthetics means releasing it from old cultural binds and giving it new ties with the future.
Aestheticization Processes
Phenomena, Distinctions and Prospects
Basic Aesthetic Features in Contemporary Thinking
Ethical Implications and Consequences of Aesthetics
Aesthetics beyond Aesthetics
For a New Form to the Discipline
How Modern was Modern Architecture?
Contemporary Art in Public Space
A Feast for the Eyes or an Annoyance?
On the Hermeneutic Constitution of Art
Cities of the Future
Aspects from Architectural Theory and Cultural Philosophy
On the Way to an Auditive Culture
Artificial Paradises?
Considering the World of Electronic Media - and Other Worlds
Information Superhighway or Highway One?