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The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

Fifth Edition
Edited by:

February 2017 | 992 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The substantially updated and revised Fifth Edition of this landmark handbook presents the state-of-the-art theory and practice of qualitative inquiry. Representing top scholars from around the world, the editors and contributors continue the tradition of synthesizing existing literature, defining the present, and shaping the future of qualitative research. The Fifth Edition contains 19 new chapters, with 16 revised—making it virtually a new volume—while retaining six classic chapters from previous editions. New contributors to this edition include Jamel K. Donnor and Gloria Ladson-Billings; Margaret Kovach; Paula Saukko; Bryant Keith Alexander; Thomas A. Schwandt and Emily F. Gates; Johnny Saldaña; Uwe Flick; Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Maggie MacLure, and Jasmine Ulmer; Maria Elena Torre, Brett G. Stoudt, Einat Manoff, and Michelle Fine; Jack Bratich; Svend Brinkmann; Eric Margolis and Renu Zunjarwad; Annette N. Markham; Alecia Y. Jackson and Lisa A. Mazzei; Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon, and Bronwyn Davies; Janice Morse; Peter Dahler-Larsen; Marc Spooner; and David A. Westbrook.

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Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln
Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research
Part One: Locating the Field
Frederick Erickson
Qualitative Methods: Histories in Social and Educational Research
Clifford Christians
Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research
Gaile S. Cannella ad Yvonna S. Lincoln
Ethics, Research Regulations and Critical Social Science
Part Two: Paradigms and Perspectives in Contention
Egon Guba, Yvonna Lincoln, Sue Lynham
Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions, and Emerging Confluences
Virginia Olesen
Feminist Qualitative Research: in the Millennium’s First Decade Challenges and Contours
Marjorie Lyne DeVault
Feminist Qualitative Research in the Millennium’s Second Decade
Jamel Donnor and Gloria Ladson-Billings
Critical Race Theory Scholarship and the Post-Racial Imaginary
Margaret Kovach
Doing Indigenous Methodologies—a letter to a research class
Joe L. Kincheloe, Peter McLaren, Shirley R. Steinberg, and Lila D. Monzo
Critical Pedagogy and Qualitative Research: Moving to the Bricolage
Paula Saukko
Methodologies for Cultural and Social Studies in an Age of New Technologies
Bryant Alexander
Queer/Quare Theory: Worldmaking and Methodologies
Part Three: Strategies of Inquiry
Julianne Cheek
The Marketization of Research: Implications for Qualitative Inquiry
Thomas Schwandt and Emily F. Gates
Case Study Methodology
Judith Hamera
Performance Ethnography
Johnny Saldaña
Ethnodrama and Ethnotheatre: Research as Performance
James A. Holstein
Advancing a Constructionist Analytics
Kathy Charmaz, Robert Thornberg and Elaine Keane
Evolving Grounded Theory and Social Justice Inquiry
Uwe Flick
Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Maggie MacLure and Jasmine Ulmer
Data and Its Problematics
Antjie Krog
TESTIMONIO, and Narrative Authority
Maria Elena Torre, Brett Stoudt, Einat Manoff, Michelle Fine
Critical participatory action research on State violence: Bearing wit(h)ness across fault lines of power, privilege and dispossession
Part Four: Methods of Collecting and Analyzing Empirical Materials
Jack Bratich
Observation in a Surveilled World
Susan Chase
Narrative Inquiry: Toward Theoretical and Methodological Maturity
Susan Finley
Critical Arts-Based Inquiry
Svend Brinkmann
The Interview
Eric Margolis and Renu Zunjarwad
Visual Research
Tami Spry
Autoethnography and the Other: Performative Embodiment and a Bid for Utopia
Annette N. Markham
Ethnography in the Digital Internet Era: From fields to flows, descriptions to interventions
Anssi Perakyla and Johanna Ruusuvuori
Analyzing Talk and Text
George Kamberelis, Greg Dimitriadis, Alyson Welker
Focus Group Research and/in Figured Worlds
Alecia Y. Jackson & Lisa A. Mazzei
Thinking with Theory: A New Analytic for Qualitative Inquiry
Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon, and Bronwyn Davies
Creating a Space in between: collaborative inquiries
Part Five: The Art and Practices of Interpretation, Evaluation, and Presentation
Harry Torrance
Evidence, Criteria, Policy and Politics: the debate about quality and utility in educational and social research
Janice Morse
Reframing Rigor in Qualitative Inquiry
Laurel Richardson, Elizabeth Adams St. Pierre
Writing as a Method of Inquiry
Norman K. Denzin
The Elephant in the Living Room, or Extending the Conversation about the Politics of Evidence
Barbara Tedlock
Braiding Narrative Ethnography with Memoir and Creative Nonfiction
Peter Dahler-Larsen
Qualitative Evaluation: Methods, Ethics, and Politics with Stakeholders
Part Six: Into the Future of Qualitative Research
Marc Spooner
Qualitative Research and Global Audit Culture: The Politics of Productivity, Accountability & Possibility
David Westbrook
Critical Issues for Qualitative Research
Yvonna S. Lincoln and Norman K. Denzin
Epilogue: Toward a “Refunctioned Ethnography”
Key features

  • New contributors offer 19 completely new chapter topics, including indigenous methodologies, methodologies in an age of new technologies, queer/quare theory, ethnodrama, data and its problematics, triangulation, collaborative inquiry, digital ethnography, the global audit culture, and much more.
  • Substantial revisions from returning authors provide reinvigorated content resulting in very different chapters.
  • Content on a wide range of key topics, diverse perspectives, and current controversies derived from members of an international and interdisciplinary editorial board ensure the timeliest revision.

  • Six classic chapters cover topics from paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging confluences, to performance ethnography, writing as a method of inquiry, strategies for composition, and creating narratives and research reports.
  • Contributions from well-known international scholars allow readers to study the differences in approach among European, Australian, and American practitioners and theoreticians, as well as to hear the voices of non-Western authors.
  • Coverage of state-of-the-art topics include critical social science, critical pedagogy, mixed methods, narrative inquiry, qualitative research and technology, online ethnography, oral history, human rights, disability communities, queer theory, and performance ethnography.
  • Discussions on a wide range of methods expand the reader's repertoire of methodologies, enlarging the range of data that can be brought to bear on social and educational issues. 

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

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ISBN: 9781506365442

ISBN: 9781483349800