The Narrative Study of Lives
Volume 5
- Ruthellen Josselson - Towson State University, USA
- Amia Lieblich - Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
May 1997 | 264 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The narrative approach is a relevant and enriching technique for uncovering, describing, and interpreting the meaning of experience. This collection explores the challenges of performing narrative work in an academic setting, writing about it in an ethical and revealing fashion, and drawing meaningful conclusions. This stellar collection of scholars examine such topics as how the larger construct of "personality" can be read out of life story; life narratives of reform, i.e., the transition away from delinquent behavior; the importance of cultural continuity for understanding loneliness in elderly refugees; race relations and how it relates to the meaning of the decade in which the interviewees came of age; the experience and meaning of resilience among survivors of childhood sexual abuse; and the use of narrative work as an additional approach within a larger quantitative research project. Amia Lieblich and Ruthellen Josselson provide insight into how the narrative appraoch enriches the study of the rare, the unusual, the common, and the prevalent, always searching for meaning in peopleÆs lives.
Amia Lieblich
Pertti Alasuutari
The Discursive Construction of Personality
Gabriele Rosenthal
National Identity or Multicultural Autobiography
Susan Starr Sered
Arbiters of Female Purity
Conversations with Israeli Ritual Bath Attendants
Shadd Maruna
Going Straight
Desistance from Crime and Life Narratives of Reform
Ruth Linn
Soldiers' Narratives of Selective Moral Resistance
A Separate Position of the Connected Self?
Jane A Bennett and Daniel F Detzner
Loneliness in Cultural Context
A Look at the Life History of Older Southeast Asian Refugee Women
Jannelle L Wilson
Lost in the Fifties
A Study of Collected Memories
Phame M Camarena, Pamela A Sarigiani and Anne C Petersen
Adolescence, Gender and the Development of Mental Health
Jacquelyn Boone James, Joan Huser Liem and Joan Gately O'Toole
In Search of Resilience in Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Linking Outlets for Power Motivation to Psychological Health