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Teacher Education and Special Education

Teacher Education and Special Education

The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children

eISSN: 19444931 | ISSN: 08884064 | Current volume: 47 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE) creates a research forum dedicated to the preparation and professional development of teachers, scholars, leaders, and other support personnel who serve children, youth, and adults with disabilities and their families.

TESE publishes original quantitative and qualitative research, systematic reviews of the literature, theoretically grounded position papers, evaluations of personnel preparation and professional development programs, and policy analyses.

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Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE) is the official journal of the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). The primary purpose of TED is to lead and support teacher education on behalf of students with exceptional needs and their families. Secondary purposes are to advance teacher educators’ implementation of evidence-based practices and collaboration between general and special education, influence policy through strong advocacy for teacher education in special education, and disseminate research and issues-related information. The purposes of TESE are to support the goals of TED and to stimulate in-depth reflection of the critical issues shaping the future of teacher education and special education. TESE publishes original quantitative and qualitative research, systematic reviews of the literature, theoretically grounded position papers, evaluations of personnel preparation and professional development programs, and policy analyses.

Cynthia C. Griffin University of Florida, USA
Melinda Leko University of Florida, USA
Margaret P. Weiss George Mason University, USA
Kyena Cornelius Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA
Past President
Frank Dykes The University of Texas at Tyler, USA
Treasurer/ Representative to the CEC Representative Assembly
Kathleen Randolph University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, USA
Secretary/Representative to the CEC Representative Assembly
Jennifer Sears University of North Georgia, USA
Member-at-Large: Membership/Diversity
LaRon Scott University of Virginia, USA
Member-at-Large: Political Action
Loretta Mason-Williams Binghamton University, USA
Member-at-Large: SIG/Caucus Liaison
Shantel Farnan Northwest Missouri State University, USA
Member-at-Large: Knowledge & Skills and Professional Development
Stephanie Morano University of Virginia, USA
Member-at-Large: Publications and Communications
Andrew Markelz Ball State University, USA
Executive Director
Board of Reviewers
Zhe An University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Darlene Anderson Brigham Young University, USA
Kelly Anderson UNC Charlotte, USA
Jessica Bacon Montclair State University, USA
Sarah Ballard Illinois State University, USA
David Bateman American Institutes of Research, USA
Elizabeth Bettini Boston University, USA
Cheryl Beverly James Madison University, USA
Bonnie Billingsley Virginia Tech, USA
Linda Blanton Florida International University, USA
Alison Boardman University of Colorado-Boulder, USA
Daniel Boudah East Carolina University, USA
Mildred Boveda Pennsylvania State University, USA
Mary Brownell University of Florida, USA
Mark Buckman University of Kansas, USA
Kaitlin Bundock Utah State University, USA
Andrea Capizzi Vanderbilt University, USA
Eric Common University of Michigan-Flint, USA
Laurie deBettencourt Johns Hopkins University, USA
Lindsay Dennis Florida State University, USA
Lisa Dieker University of Kansas, USA
Melissa Driver Kennesaw State University, USA
Charles Dukes Florida Atlantic University, USA
Stacey Dymond University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dave Edyburn University of Central Florida, USA
Erin Fitzpatrick University of North Carolina - Charlotte, USA
Marilyn Friend University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA
Janet Gaffney University of Auckland, New Zealand
Deborah Gartland Towson University, USA
Joyce Gomez-Najarro California State University, Fullerton, USA
Mary Hanline Florida State University, USA
Sara Hooks Towson University, USA
Brittany Hott University of Oklahoma, USA
David E. Houchins Georgia State University, USA
Maya Israel University of Florida, USA
Lewis Jackson University of Northern Colorado, USA
Bree Jimenez University of Texas-Arlington, USA
Meg Kamman University of Florida, USA
Michael Kennedy University of Virginia, USA
Elizabeth Kozleski Stanford University, USA
Jemma Kwon California State University , USA
Kathleen Lane The University of Kansas, USA
Alexandra Lauterbach University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Mary Little University of Central Florida, USA
Hailey Love University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Lawrence Maheady SUNY Buffalo State, USA
Nancy Mamlin North Carolina Central University, USA
Andrew Markelz Ball State University, USA
Loretta Mason-Williams Binghamton University, USA
Hannah Mathews University of Florida, USA
Erica McCray University of Florida, USA
Patricia McHatton Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity, USA
Kevin Miller SUNY Buffalo State, USA
Kristi Morin Lehigh University, USA
Carlyn Mueller University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Kristin Murphy University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Sarah Nagro George Mason University, USA
Christopher O’Brien University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
Ann-Marie Orlando University of Florida, USA
Alba Ortiz University of Texas at Austin, USA
David Peyton University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA
Sekhar Pindiprolu University of Toledo, USA
Filiz Polat Nazabayev University, Kazakhstan
Daisy Pua University of West Florida, USA
Marleen Pugach University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA
Nicole Pyle Utah State University, USA
Tamar Riley Florida Memorial University, USA
Carly Roberts University of Washington, USA
Marcia Rock UNC Greensboro, USA
Wendy Rodgers Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
John Romig University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Michael Rosenberg New Paltz State University of New York, USA
David Royer University of Louisville, USA
Andrea Ruppar University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Kristin Sayeski University of Georgia, USA
Mary Catherine Scheeler Penn State University, USA
Jack Scott Florida Atlantic University, USA
Terry Scott University of Louisville, USA
Molly Siuty Portland State University, USA
Sean Smith University of Kansas, USA
Melinda Snodgrass Illinois State University, USA
Fred Spooner University of North Carolina - Charlotte, USA
Nicole Swoszowski University of Alabama, USA
Marie Tejero Hughes University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Naomi Tyler Vanderbilt University, USA
Cynthia Vail University of Georgia, USA
Margaret P. Weiss George Mason University, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Science Citation Index
  • EBSCO: Education Abstracts (H.W. Wilson)
  • EBSCO: Education Research Complete
  • EBSCO: Sales & Marketing Source
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Exceptional Child Education Resources
  • Gale: Educator's Reference Complete
  • ProQuest: Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • Taylor & Francis: Educational Research Abstracts (Online)
  • Taylor & Francis: Sociology of Education Abstracts
  • Taylor & Francis: Special Educational Needs Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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