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The Little Quick Fix Series


The Little Quick Fix book series

Doing a research project, thesis or dissertation? Stuck? Not confident?

Little Quick Fix (LQF) books are inexpensive booklets that tackle specific areas of your research assignments, answering questions like:


Where do I start? What Methodology should I use?


How do I turn my literature review into an essay?


How do I run my survey or questionnaire?


The Little Quick Fix series covers 24 specific research challenges. Click here to browse the full series, or discover more about the series below...


Little Quick Fix: Plan Your Research Project                                        

Check out a recent Instagram Live video featuring author Kelly Trivedy discussing how to Plan Your Research Project


The 3 Little Quick Fix Categories

There are nine LQF books on the key direction and theory behind your project, nine on statistical skills or understanding, and six on data collection. Click on the button that best represents your hurdle...



Statistics Skills


Data collection



The books help to break down the all the complicated jargon and literature and simply highlight all the ‘need to know’ without all the waffle...and you can follow the guides over and over again for each future project.  —Danielle, PhD Student

This semester is my first time having to go through the official research proposal process, and it was a little terrifying! So having this book (and the Little Quick Fix: Research Question) available was super helpful. It really helps you get over that initial "What the heck am I even going to DO?!?!    —Amazon Reviewer (Research Proposal & Research Question)


Sage Campus courses:

The following online courses are inspired by the Little Quick Fix books:SAGE Campus

Research Question, Research Proposal, Present Your Research from Zina O'Leary

Statistical SignificanceSee Numbers in Data, & Know Your Numbers from John MacInnes

Gather Your Data Online from Janet Salmons

Plan Your Project by Kelly Trivedy



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