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Psychological Insights and Perspectives

Second Edition
Edited by:
  • Timothy C. Brock - Ohio State University, USA
  • Melanie C. Green - University at Buffalo, State University of New York, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Persuasion | Persuasion

January 2005 | 368 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

"It bodes well for the teaching and giving away of psychology that so many respected researchers are able and willing to write well and simplify without oversimplifying their findings. ... The contributors represent an unusual breadth of disciplines and academic rank… The scholarship behind the writing and the findings is incontrovertible. This book should have wide appeal not only for advanced undergraduates in psychology but also to a variety of other disciplines, such as marketing, political science, and advertising." -- PsycCRITIQUES:Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books (2005, Vo.50, No. 28, Article 8)

Continuing chapter contributors include:

Timothy C. Brock
John T. Cacioppo
Robert B. Cialdini
Joel Cooper
Russell H. Fazio
Jon A. Krosnick
Howard Leventhal
Richard E. Petty
David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen

New chapter contributors include:
David M. Amodio
Patricia G. Devine
Leandre R. Fabrigar
Melanie C. Green
Shanto Iyengar
Elaine A. Leventhal
Charlan Jeanne Nemeth
Frank R. Kardes

Persuasion is a powerful force - it can be used to reconfigure millions of minds and hearts. The key targets of persuasion are our attitudes and opinions. Whether it is an attitude toward a political candidate, a social policy, an organization, a person, or a consumer product, the power of persuasion can remake us into persons who are irrevocably changed. Sometimes imperceptibly, oftentimes dramatically.

Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives, Second Edition brings together leading persuasion researchers who write engagingly and authoritatively on the basics of persuasion theories. This edited book highlights important and influential views on persuasion and guides users through the important contemporary centers of basic and applied persuasion research. The renowned contributors to this volume apply cutting-edge knowledge from their current research across a variety of domains, including health, advertising, prejudice, political communication, group decision making, and the impact of narratives

This Second Edition has been revised and updated to reflect new research from the past decade. It includes entirely new chapters on prejudice, persuasiveness of narratives, mass media and political persuasion, small groups, and advertising.

Key Features

  • Includes up-to-date coverage of key topics that are authored by leading psychology-of-persuasion researchers, making this the most comprehensive and authoritative textbook on persuasion
  • Uses an engaging writing style that avoids highly technical language, along with syndicated cartoons, photos, and ads to enhance student comprehension
  • Includes a comprehensive glossary at the end of the book for the necessary technical terms
  • Provides end-of-chapter summaries and a full set of references to guide users to more in-depth resources on each topic

This is an ideal book for everyone interested in persuasion processes. The concepts and tools are central to application in Psychology, Business, Marketing, Communication, Journalism, Sociology, and Political Science.

About the Editors
Timothy C. Brock and Melanie C. Green
1. Domains of Persuasion: An Introduction
Leandre R. Fabrigar, Jon A. Krosnick, and Bonnie L. MacDougall
2. Attitude Measurement: Techniques for Measuring the Unobservable
Russell H. Fazio and David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen
3. Acting as We Feel: When and How Attitudes Guide Behavior
Joel Cooper, Robert Mirabile, and Steven J. Scher
4. Actions and Attitudes: The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
Richard E. Petty, John T. Cacioppo, Alan J. Strathman, and Joseph R. Priester
5. To Think or Not to Think: Exploring Two Routes to Persuasion
Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock
6. Persuasiveness of Narratives
Robert B. Cialdini and Brad J. Sagarin
7. Principles of Interpersonal Influence
Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Jack A. Goncalo
8. Influence and Persuasion in Small Groups
Howard Leventhal, Linda Cameron, Elaine A. Leventhal, and Gozde Ozakinci
9. Do Messages From Your Body, Your Friends, Your Doctor, or the Media Shape Your Health Behaviors?
Shanto Iyengar and Jennifer McGrady
10. Mass Media and Political Persuasion
David M. Amodio and Patricia G. Devine
11. Changing Prejudice: The Effects of Persuasion on Implicit and Explicit Forms of Race Bias
Frank R. Kardes
12. The Psychology of Advertising
Katherine Walker-Smith and Melanie C. Green
Name Index
Subject Index

"It bodes well for the teaching and giving away of psychology that so many respected researchers are able and willing to write well and simplify without oversimplifying their findings. ... The contributors represent an unusual breadth of disciplines and academic rank, yet, while preserving their own style of writing, they present important material in a provocative, engaging, and interesting fashion. The scholarship behind the writing and the findings is incontrovertible. This book should have wide appeal not only for advanced undergraduates in psychology but also to a variety of other disciplines, such as marketing, political science, and advertising."

PsycCRITIQUES:Contemporary Psychology
APA Review of Books
(2005, Vo.50, No. 28, Article 8)

While some of the psychological aspects were suitable for my course objectives - it is a communication course, not a psychology course, so a lot of it focused too much on the psych for my purposes. However, incredibly well written and insightful!

Dr Marie Mallory
Communication Studies, Liberty University
November 21, 2019

The book may be used for teachers / instructors on developing themselves and bring onwards a shorter version to the students.

Mr Knut Steinar Dyrkorn
Special Education , Fagskolen i Aalesund
May 6, 2016

This book really supported my understanding in a fascinating area. The aspects that focus on attitudes really aided my knowledge for a non-specialist in psychology field.

Mr Tom Williams
Business School, Chester University
May 2, 2012

Covers most of the topics I am interested to address in my class, and written in a way appropriate for undergraduates

Ms Riva Tukachinsky
Communication Dept, University of Arizona
February 9, 2012

Well constructed and structured, Illustrations/examples provided are sufficient. Good balance btw scientific research and down-to-earth elements, a pre-requisite for French Business School students.
Should definitly be considered for an "introduction" course

Karine Charry
Please select your department, Please select your institution
January 26, 2011
Key features

Key topics authored by leading persuasion researchers make this the most comprehensive and authoritative book on persuasion.

A "New Yorker" style of writing rather than highly technical language or presentation, along with syndicated cartoons, photos, and ads make the book engaging to readers.

Chapters end with summaries or conclusions and a full set of references to guide users to more in-depth resources on each topic.  

Although authors were encouraged to avoid technical terms, such terms are often necessary and when used, they are defined in a comprehensive glossary at the end of the book. 

New to this edition:

Entirely new chapters by David M. Amodio and Patricia G. Devine (Changing Prejudice), Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock (Persuasiveness of Narratives), Shanto Iyengar and Jennifer McGrady (Mass Media and Political Persuasion), Charlan J. Nemeth and Jack A. Goncalo (Influence and Persuasion in Small Groups), and Franke R. Kardes (The Psychology of Advertising).

All chapters retained from the first edition have been revised and updated to reflect new research from the past decade; some have been so extensively revised that they are essentially new chapters (e.g., Howard Leventhal et al's chapter on health behaviors).

In response to recommendations from first edition adopters, discussion of psychophysiological indicators was incorporated into the attitude measurement chapter and the chapter on subliminal persuasion was replaced by the new, broader, chapter on advertising.

Sage College Publishing

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