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Contemporary Trends in Evaluation Research

Contemporary Trends in Evaluation Research

Four Volume Set

October 2015 | 1 600 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Evaluation is an essential characteristic of the human condition, and perhaps the single most important and sophisticated cognitive process in the repertoire of human reasoning and logic. Evaluation serves society by providing affirmations of worth, value and improvement to name just a few, and is a process which permeates all areas of human activity, scholarship and production.


This work is split into four volumes:


Volume One: Contains articles featuring contemporary issues and emerging trends in evaluation
Volume Two: Contains articles highlighting recent theoretical, methodological, and empirical developments in quantitative evaluation designs
Volume Three: Contains a summation of articles on recent developments in qualitative and mixed methods evaluation practice
Volume Four: Contains a synthesis of articles on enduring issues of evaluation training and practice

Volume One
Part One: Contemporary Trends
Section One: Research on Evaluation Theory, Method, and Practice
Advancing Empirical Scholarship to Further Develop Evaluation Theory and Practice

Christina Christie
Developing Standards for Empirical Examinations of Evaluation Theory

Robin Miller
Research on Evaluation: A Needs Assessment

Michael Szanyi, Tarek Azzam and Matthew Galen
Taking Stock of Empowerment Evaluation: An Empirical Review

Robin Miller and Rebecca Campbell
Designing Evaluations: A Study Examining Preferred Evaluation Designs of Educational Evaluators

Tarek Azzam and Michael Szanyi
A Systematic Review of Theory-Driven Evaluation Practice from 1990 to 2009

Chris Coryn, Lindsay Noakes, Carl Westine and Daniela Schröter
Evaluator Characteristics and Methodological Choice

Tarek Azzam
Research on Evaluation Use: A Review of the Empirical Literature from 1986 to 2005

Kelli Johnson, Lija Greenseid, Stacie Toal, Jean King, Frances Lawrenz and Boris Volkov
Evaluation Use: Results from a Survey of U.S. American Evaluation Association Members

Dreolin Fleischer and Christina Christie
Going through the Process: An Examination of the Operationalization of Process Use in Empirical Research on Evaluation

Courtney Amo and J. Bradley Cousins
An Empirical Examination of Validity in Evaluation

Laura Peck, Yushim Kim and Joanna Lucio
Part Two: Emerging Issues
Section One: Visualizing Evaluation Data
Data Visualization and Evaluation

Tarek Azzam, Stephanie Evergreen, Amy Germuth and Susan Kistler
GIS in Evaluation: Utilizing the Power of Geographic Information Systems to Represent Evaluation Data

Tarek Azzam and David Robinson
Section Two: Communication
Unlearning Some of Our Social Scientist Habits

E. Jane Davidson
Reconceptualizing Evaluator Roles

Gary Skoltis, Jennifer Morrow and Erin Burr
Volume Two
Part One: Methodological Developments
Section One: Perspectives on Validity
Validity Frameworks for Outcome Evaluation

Huey Chen, Stewart Donaldson and Melvin Mark
Reframing Validity in Research and Evaluation: A Multidimensional, Systematic Model of Valid Inference

George Julnes
Recommendations for Practice: Justifying Claims of Generalizability

Larry Hedges
Section Two: Perspectives on Causality
Campbell and Rubin: A Primer and Comparison of Their Approaches to Causal Inference in Field Settings

William Shadish
Contemporary Thinking about Causation in Evaluation: A Dialogue with Tom Cook and Michael Scriven

Thomas Cook, Michael Scriven, Chris Coryn and Stephanie Evergreen
Campbell’s and Rubin’s Perspectives on Causal Inference

Stephen West and Felix Thoemmes
Evaluating Methods for Estimating Program Effects

Charles Reichardt
Reflections Stimulated by the Comments of Shadish (2010) and West & Thoemmes (2010)

Donald Rubin
An Economist’s Perspective on Shadish (2010) and West and Thoemmes (2010)

Guido Imbens
Part Two: Empirical Developments
Section One: Quasi-Experiments that Resemble Experiments`
Three Conditions under Which Experiments and Observational Studies Produce Comparable Causal Estimates: New Findings from Within-Study Comparisons

Thomas Cook, William Shadish and Vivian Wong
Can Nonrandomized Experiments Yield Accurate Answers? A Randomized Experiment Comparing Random and Nonrandom Assignments

William Shadish, M.H. Clark and Peter Steiner
Comment: The Design and Analysis of Gold Standard Randomized Experiments

Donald Rubin

William Shadish, M.H. Clark and Peter Steiner
An Assessment of Propensity Score Matching as a Nonexperimental Impact Estimator: Evidence from Mexico’s PROGRESA Program

Juan Diaz and Sudhanshu Handa
Examining the Internal Validity and Statistical Precision of the Comparative Interrupted Time Series Design by Comparison with a Randomized Experiment

Travis St. Clair, Thomas Cook and Kelly Hallberg
Section Two: Improving the Design of Cluster-Randomized Trials
Emergent Principles for the Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Cluster-based Experiments in Social Science

Thomas Cook
Using Covariates to Improve Precision for Studies That Randomize Schools to Evaluate Educational Interventions

Howard Bloom, Lashawn Richburg-Hayes and Alison Black
Strategies for Improving Precision in Group-Randomized Experiments

Stephen Raudenbush, Andres Martinez and Jessaca Spybrook
New Empirical Evidence for the Design of Group Randomized Trials in Education

Robin Jacob, Pei Zhu and Howard Bloom
Intraclass Correlations and Covariate Outcome Correlations for Planning Two- and Three-Level Cluster-Randomized Experiments in Education

Larry Hedges and Eric Hedberg
The Implications of “Contamination” for Experimental Design in Education

Christopher Rhoads
Stratified Sampling Using Cluster Analysis: A Sample Selection Strategy for Improved Generalizations from Experiments

Elizabeth Tipton
Volume Three
Part One: Developments in Qualitative Methods
Section One: Advances in Qualitative Analysis Techniques
A General Inductive Approach for Analyzing Qualitative Evaluation Data

David Thomas
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Systematic Comparative Methods: Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges for Social Science Research

Benoît Rihoux
A New Realistic Evaluation Analysis Method: Linked Coding of Context, Mechanism, and Outcome Relationships

Suzanne Jackson and Gillian Kolla
A Proposed Model for the Analysis and Interpretation of Focus Groups in Evaluation Research

Oliver Massey
Part Two: Developments in Mixed Methods
Section One: Defining Mixed Methods
Mixed Methods Research: A Research Paradigm Whose Time Has Come

R. Burke Johnson and Anthony Onwuegbuzie
Toward a Methodology of Mixed Methods Social Inquiry

Jennifer Greene
Toward a Definition of Mixed Methods Research

R. Burke Johnson, Anthony Onwuegbuzie and Lisa Turner
Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research: How Is It Done?

Alan Bryman
Is Mixed Methods Social Inquiry a Distinctive Methodology?

Jennifer Greene
Putting the MIXED Back Into Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Educational Research and Beyond: Moving toward the Radical Middle

Anthony Onwuegbuzie
Section Two: Mixed Methods Typologies
A General Typology of Research Designs Featuring Mixed Methods

Charles Teddlie and Abbas Tashakkori
Conducting Mixed Analyses: A General Typology

Anthony Onwuegbuzie et al.
A Typology Of Mixed Methods Research Designs

Nancy Leech and Anthony Onwuegbuzie
Section Three: Mixed Methods in Practice
Transformative Paradigm: Mixed Methods and Social Justice

Donna Mertens
Grounded Theory in Practice: Is It Inherently a Mixed Method?

R. Burke Johnson, Marilyn McGowan and Lisa Turner
Communities of Practice: A Research Paradigm for the Mixed Methods Approach

Martyn Denscombe
A Theory-Driven Evaluation Perspective on Mixed Methods Research

Huey Chen
Mixed Methods and Credibility of Evidence in Evaluation

Donna Mertens and Sharlene Hesse-Biber
Guidelines for Conducting and Reporting Mixed Research in the Field of Counseling and Beyond

Nancy Leech and Anthony Onwuegbuzie
The Validity Issue in Mixed Research

Anthony Onwuegbuzie and R. Burke Johnson
Mixed Data Analysis: Advanced Integration Techniques

Anthony Onwuegbuzie et al.
Volume Four
Part One: Enduring Issues of Evaluation Practice
Section One: Metaevaluation
Quality, Context, and Use: Issues in Achieving the Goals of Metaevaluation

Leslie Cooksy and Valerie Caracelli
Concurrent Meta-Evaluation: A Critique

Carl Hanssen, Franz Lawrenz and Diane Dunet
Metaevaluation in Practice: Selection and Application of Criteria

Leslie Cooksy and Valerie Caracelli
Evaluating the Quality of Self-Evaluations: The (Mis)match between Internal and External Meta-Evaluation

Jan Vanhoof and Peter Van Petegem
Meta-Evaluation Revisited

Michael Scriven
Section Two: Ethics
Expanding the Conversation on Evaluation Ethics

Thomas Schwandt
The Good, the Bad, and the Evaluator: 25 Years of AJE Ethics

Michael Morris
Ethics and Development Evaluation: Introduction

Patrick Grasso
Everyday Ethics: Reflections on Practice

Gretchen Rossman and Sharon Rallis
Nonparticipant to Participant: A Methodological Perspective on Ethics

Scott Rosas
Section Three: Using Program Theory in Evaluation
Constructing Theories of Change: Methods and Sources

Paul Mason and Marian Barnes
Unpacking Black Boxes: Mechanisms and Theory Building in Evaluation

Brad Astbury and Frans Leeuw
Using Programme Theory to Evaluate Complicated and Complex Aspects of Interventions

Patricia Rogers
Part Two: Enduring Issues of Evaluation Training
Section One: Evaluation Capacity Building/Development
A Research Synthesis on the Evaluation Capacity Building Literature

Susan Labin, Jennifer Duffy, Duncan Meyers, Abraham Wandersman and Catherine Lesene
A Multidisciplinary Model of Evaluation Capacity Building

Hallie Preskill and Shanelle Boyle
Measuring Evaluation Capacity – Results and Implications of a Danish Study

Steffen Nielsen, Sebastian Lemire and Majbritt Skov
A Self-Assessment Procedure for Use in Evaluation Training

Daniel Stufflebeam and Lori Wingate
Section Two: Evaluator Competence
Establishing Essential Competencies for Program Evaluators

Laurie Stevahn, Jean King, Gail Ghere and Jane Minnema
Evaluator Competencies: What’s Taught versus What’s Sought

Jennifer Dewey, Bianca Montrosse, Daniela Schröter, Carolyn Sullins and John Mattox II
A Conversation on Cultural Competence in Evaluation

Joseph Trimble, Ed Trickett, Celia Fisher and Leslie Goodyear
Development and Validation of the Cultural Competence of Program Evaluators (CCPE) Self-Report Scale

Krystall Dunaway, Jennifer Morrow and Bryan Porter
Emphasizing Cultural Competence in Evaluation: A Process-Oriented Approach

Luba Botcheva, Johanna Shih and Lynne Huffman

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ISBN: 9781446266373