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Three-Day Training Workshop

Provider Three-Day DWC Training Workshop Agenda

Day One: 7 Hours

  • Introduction and Orientation
  • Core Strategies
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Theoretical Underpinnings
    • CBT
    • Brief Interventions
    • Motivational Interviewing
  • Integration of Therapeutic and Correctional
  • What does and does not work 
  • Shifting the DWI Education and Treatment Paradigm
  • DWI Screening, Assessment, Placement and Education/Treatment Planning
  • Education and Treatment Level Overview 
  • Specialized Services
  • Successful Use of Written Exercises
  • Fidelity to Model Guidelines
  • Summary of Key Concepts
  • Required Skills
  • Brief Overview of Providers Guide and the three Participants Workbooks
  • DWC Mantra
  • Instructions, assignments and preparation for Lesson and Session Presentations (Individual and/or team presentation approaches will be determined by the number of attendees)

Day Two:

  • Modeling presentation of Lessons 1 and 2 of Level 2 Education
  • Individual and/or team presentation of Level 2 Education Lessons
  • Review and summary of Level 1 and 2 Education assignments and preparation for Level 2 treatment preparations

Day Three:

  • Level 2 Treatment presentations
  • Review of approaches for DWI offenders needing more than the 21 sessions
  • Wrap-up and summary

Provider Three-Day Trainer of Trainers (TOT) Workshop Agenda

Day One: 7 hours

  • Meeting at lunch for TOT Component Orientation
  • Assist in presenting select topics
  • Working with individuals or teams in preparing presentations

Day Two:

  • Work with trainers in presenting feedback to individuals and/or teams regarding presentation of assigned lessons.
  • Lunch meeting with trainers to review involvement and address questions
  • Process meeting with TOT at end of day

Day Three:

  • Work with trainers to present feedback to individuals and/or teams regarding presentation of assigned sessions
  • Feedback to Trainers in Training from SSC basic training participants