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Networked Governance

Networked Governance
The Future of Intergovernmental Management

Edited by:

October 2011 | 360 pages | CQ Press
In a unique contributed volume that features chapters written by top scholars paired with practitioner responses, students can see just how much the landscape of intergovernmental relations has evolved in recent years, with diminishing vertical flows of resources, and increased horizontal flows in the form of cross-jurisdictional and interlocal collaboration. Contributors include Robert Agranoff, J. Edwin Benton, Beverly A. Cigler, Brian K. Collins, Mauricio Covarrubias, Raymond W. Cox II, John Kincaid, Christopher Koliba, William Lester, David Y. Miller, Beryl A. Radin, Juan M. Romero, and Eric S. Zeemering.

Jack W. Meek and Kurt Thurmaier
John Kincaid
The Rise of Social Welfare and Onward March of Coercive Federalism
Raymond C. Scheppach
A Practitioner Responds—Social Welfare Spending Dominates
J. Edwin Benton
State-City and State-County Fiscal Relations: A Look at the Past and Present, and a Glimpse at the Future
Raymond C. Scheppach
A Practitioner Responds—Making Crisis an Opportunity
Christopher Koliba
Administrative Strategies for a Networked World: Intergovernmental Relations in 2020
Keith Schildt
A Practitioner Responds—Information and Power in a Networked Administrative State
David Y. Miller and Raymond W. Cox III
Reframing the Political and Legal Relationship between Local Governments and Regional Institutions
Stephen G. Harding
A Practitioner Responds—Home Rule and Regional Governance—Shall the “Twain” Ever Meet?
Brian K. Collins
Agency Forms and Reforms: Institutional Design for State-Centric Networks and Block Grant Administration
Terrell E. Ford
A Practitioner Responds—The Promise of Reform and Local Agency Capacity
William Lester
Disaster Response 2020: A Look into the Future
R. Leon Churchill, Jr.
A Practitioner Responds—The New Intergovernmental Role and the Necessity for Organizational Duality
Beryl A. Radin
Performance Measurement and Accountability in the Intergovernmental System in 2020
Elizabeth G. Hill
A Practitioner Responds—The Promise and Realities of Performance Measurement and Accountability
Robert Agranoff
Managing Externalization: New Intergovernmental Roles for Public Managers
R. Leon Churchill
A Practitioner Responds—Networks and Hierarchies Can Co-exist
Beverly A. Cigler
International Intergovernmental Relations and Impacts on American Federalism
Mauricio Covarrubias
The Challenges of Interdependence and Coordination in the Bilateral Agenda: Mexico and the United States
Elizabeth K. Kellar
A Practitioner Responds—Hidden Tiger: The View from the State and Local Government Lair
Eric S. Zeemering and Juan M. Romero
The Evolution of Sustainable Cities as a Metropolitan Policy Challenge
Jill Boone
A Practitioner Responds—Sustainability: A View from the Trenches
Jack W. Meek and Kurt Thurmaier
Conclusion: The Future of Intergovernmental Relations in Networked Governance

As supplementary reading for PhD students

Professor Lisheng Dong
Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
January 27, 2016

not suiteable for undergraduate students

Mr Frank Luik
Urban Management, Amsterdam University of Prof Education
June 27, 2013
Key features
Key Features

Government at all levels must respond to increasing demands in both of these dimensions giving these contributors plenty to say about the future of intergovernmental management in such areas as:

  • the changing role of managers,
  • disaster response,
  • social welfare spending,
  • cross-boundary management,
  • regional public-private partnerships, and
  • sustainable cities.

Sage College Publishing

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