Robert B Cairns, Jerome Kagan and Lars R Bergman
Lawfulness in Individual Development
Robert A Hinde
Through Categories towards Individuals
Attempting To Tease Apart the Data
David Magnusson
The Logic and Implications of a Person-Oriented Approach
Jerome Kagan, Nancy Snidman and Doreen Arcus
The Value of Extreme Groups
Lars R Bergman
A Pattern-Orientated Approach to Studying Individual Development
Joan Stevenson-Hinde
The Individual in Context
Richard W Robins, Oliver P John and Avshalom Caspi
The Typological Approach to Studying Personality
Lea Pulkkinen
Levels of Longitudinal Data Differing in Complexity and the Study of Continuity in Personality Characteristics
Rolf Loeber et al
A Prospective Replication of Developmental Pathways in Disruptive and Delinquent Behavior
Sir Michael Rutter et al
Retrospective Recall Recalled
Robert B Cairns and Philip C Rodkin
Phenomena Regained
From Configurations to Pathways