R. Kelemen
Chapter 1: Introduction: Why Look to Europe for Lessons?
Janet C. Gornick and Ariane Hegewisch
Chapter 2: Gender, Employment, and Parenthood: The Consequences of Work Family Policies
Lawrence D. Brown
Chapter 3: The Role of Regulation in Health Care Policy
Mitchell A. Orenstein
Chapter 4: Pensions: Who is Learning from Whom?
Tobias Schulze-Cleven
Chapter 5: Labor Market Policy: Toward a ‘Flexicurity’ Model in the US?
Martin Schain
Chapter 6: Immigration Policy: A Transatlantic Comparison
Frank Convery
Chapter 7: Climate Change Policy: Progress and Persistence
Ralph Buehler and John Pucher
Chapter 8: Urban Transport: Promoting Sustainability in Germany
Steven Hill
Chapter 9: Political Democracy: Consensus Building through Democracy in Europe
R. Weaver
Chapter 10: Transatlantic Lesson-Drawing: Utopia, Road to Ruin, or Source of Practical Advice?