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Critical Sociology

Critical Sociology

Published in Association with Association for Critical Sociology

eISSN: 15691632 | ISSN: 08969205 | Current volume: 50 | Current issue: 7-8 Frequency: 8 Times/Year

Now indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index®

Please visit the Association for Critical Sociology website

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"At a time when many are buried in narrow crevices of knowledge, Critical Sociology has the boldness and courage to take on the ‘big questions’. For those who would break out of the straitjacket of the methodological imperative Critical Sociology is a necessary and vital forum for alternative ideas." Stanley Aronowitz, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA

"Critical Sociology provides in-depth symposia and challenging articles on current issues in mainstream and critical sociological inquiry." Robert Perrucci, Past President of SSSP and Professor of Sociology, Purdue University, USA

"Critical Sociology offers a much-needed forum for research on alternatives to our capitalist/racist system that isn't cautiously concerned with pleasing the establishment. Thank goodness it exists!" Edna Bonacich, Chair of the Political Economy of the World System section of ASA, and Professor of Sociology, University of California, Riverside, USA

"Without critique sociology is lost, and Critical Sociology delivers this in spades - it is a pillar of our discipline." Michael Burawoy, Past President of ASA, and Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, USA

"Publishing insightful and careful work from left perspectives, including those of feminists, Critical Sociology is an essential scholarly resource for sociologists and others committed to knowledge that helps to confront pervasive societal problems." Joan Acker, recipient of the ASA Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award and the ASA Jessie Bernard Award, and Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon, USA

"Critical Sociology continues in its great tradition of bringing new ideas to the forefront and keeping the mainstream on its toes." G. William Domhoff, Research Professor in Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA

Critical Sociology is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research. For over three decades Critical Sociology has been a leading voice of sociological analysis from a political economy perspective. This journal is a must for sociologists and anyone else seeking to understand the most pressing issues of the day as they are informed by race, class and gender.

Originally published as the Insurgent Sociologist, formed as a result of the social action of the 1960s "Sociology Liberation Movement" which erupted at the 1969 meetings of the American Sociological Association, Critical Sociology has been committed to publishing scholarship from a Marxist, post-Marxist, Feminist, and other critical perspectives. Its current editorial mission is to encourage scholarship that seeks to understand contemporary Capitalist society.

Today the journal remains one of the few sources of critical research on a wide range of topics within sociology, and increasingly from an international perspective. Recent articles on globalization, economic development, religion, the environment, labor movements, social policy, and the sociology of work reflect the journal's commitment to a broad range of topics, all linked by common goals of critically examining how society functions and of exploring the potential for progressive social change.

In addition, special issues and thematic symposia enable Critical Sociology to engage in a discussion about contemporary issues through groundbreaking and important new scholarship. Recent examples include: 

· Global Capitalism and Labour in the Age of Monopoly: Hong Kong and Mainland China, 2022 (48:7/8)

· Contentious Politics of Right-wing Authoritarianism, 2022 (48/6)

· Political Economy of Education, 2021 (47:7/8)

· Transversal Solidarities and the City, 2021 (47:6)

· Solidarity in Motion, 2021 (47:2)

· Age of Precarity: Reimaging Economic Security in a Precarious World, 2020 (46:4/5)

· Neo-Liberalism and Ordoliberalism: One or Two Critiques? 2019 (45:7/8)

· Global Conflicts and Local Interactions, 2019 (45:6)

· Precarious Work, 2019 (45:4/5)

· Deception, Coercion and Propaganda, 2019 (45:3)

· Nietzsche and Critical Theory, 2019 (45:2)

· Carework in Transition, 2018 (44:7/8)

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Critical Sociology is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research. The journal seeks to engage and promote critical thinking by publishing articles from all perspectives broadly defined as falling within the boundaries of critical or radical social science. Originally appearing as The Insurgent Sociologist, it grew out of the tumultuous times of the late 1960s and was a by-product of the "Sociology Liberation Movement" which erupted at the 1969 meetings of the American Sociological Association. At first publishing work mainly within the broadest boundaries of the Marxist tradition, over the past decade the journal has been home to articles informed by post-modern, feminist, cultural and other perspectives that critically evaluate the workings of the capitalist system and its impact on the world. The journal is a platform for scholars whose work explores the relationship between race, gender and class in their quest for a deeper understanding of society writ large. It will continue in this fashion in order to preserve its position as one of a select few "alternative" journals having widespread recognition and respect within the world of social science scholarship.

David Fasenfest York University, Canada
Senior Associate Editor
Michael McCarthy University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Associate Editors
Angie Beeman Baruch College, USA
Daniel Bin University of Brasilia, Brazil
Victoria E. Collins Eastern Kentucky University, USA
Cedric de Leon University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Mathieu Desan University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Corey W. Dolgon Stonehill College, USA
Zophia Edwards Johns Hopkins University, USA
Barry Eidlin McGill University, Canada
Kevan Harris University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Elaine Hui Penn State University, USA
Ricardo Jacobs University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Greta Krippner University of Michigan, USA
Zachary Levenson Florida International University, USA
Jordanna Matlon American University, USA
Pun Ngai Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Kristin Plys University of Toronto, Canada
Gretchen Purser Syracuse University, USA
Dawn L Rothe Florida Atlantic University, USA
Alan Rudy Central Michigan University, USA
Alfredo Saad Filho Queen's University, Belfast, UK
Cihan Ziya Tugal University of California, Berkeley, USA
Camila Vergara University of Essex, England
Latin American and Caribbean Editor
R.A. Dello Buono Manhattan College, USA and Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico
East Asian Editor
Hideo Aoki Institute on Social Theory and Dynamics, Japan
African Editor
Abu Bah Northern Illinois University, USA
North African and Middle East Editor
Aylin Topal Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Editorial Board
David Arditi The University of Texas Arlington, USA
Timothy Black Case Western Reserve University, USA
Melanie E. Bush Adelphi University, USA
Eric Bonds University of Mary Washington, USA
Myles Carroll Ochanomizu University, Japan
Rodney Coates Miami University of Ohio, USA
David Embrick University of Connecticut, USA
Soribel Genao Queens College CUNY, USA
Anna Guevarra University of Illonois at Chicago, USA
Mahito Hayashi Kinjo Gakuin University, Japan
Dan Krier Iowa State University, USA
Lisa Martinez University of Denver, USA
Paul Paolucci Eastern Kentucky University, USA
Raúl Pérez University of La Verne, USA
Jean-Pierre Reed Southern Illinois University, USA
Saher Selod Simmons University, USA
Robert Mark Silverman University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA
David Norman Smith University of Kansas, USA
Hephzibah V. Strmic-Pawl Manhattanville College, USA
Advisory Board
Jose Bell Lara FLACSO-Cuba, University of Havana, Cuba
Rose Brewer University of Minnesota, USA
Michael Burawoy University of California, Berkeley, (Retired) USA
Val Burris University of Oregon, USA
Chris Chase-Dunn University of California at Riverside, USA
Penelope Ciancanelli University of Strathclyde, UK, (Retired,) UK
Raewyn Connell University of Sydney, (Retired), Australia
Raju Das York University, Canada
Victor M. Figueroa Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico
Vassilis Fouskas University of East London, UK
Christian Fuchs Paderborn University, Germany
Martha Gimenez University of Colorado (Emeritus), USA
Karin Gottschall University of Bremen, Germany
Ruri Ito Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
Bob Jessop Lancaster University, UK
Andrew Jorgenson University of British Columbia, Canada, USA
Walda Katz-Fishman Howard University, USA
Rebecca King-O'Riain National University of Ireland, Kildare, Ireland
Lauren Langman Loyola University of Chicago (Retired), USA
Michael Löwy Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Julien Mercille University College Dublin, Ireland
Yuan Shen Tsinghua University, China
Teivo Teivainen University of Helsinki, Finland
Goran Therborn University of Cambridge, UK
Sylvia Walby Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
  • Abstracts of Military Bibliography
  • Alternative Press Index
  • Bibliography of Asian Studies
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online - e-Psyche
  • Excerpta Indonesica
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
  • International Political Science Abstracts
  • Left Index
  • Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts
  • Mechanical Engineering Abstracts
  • Middle East Abstracts & Index
  • Political Science Abstracts (Part of CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)
  • Race Relations Abstracts
  • Race Relations Abstracts (Ceased circa 2002)
  • Scopus
  • Social Science Citation Index
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts
  • The Left Index
  • The Philosopher's Index
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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