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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Published in Association with IOS Press

eISSN: 18786316 | ISSN: 10522263

The Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation will provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of information about the major areas that constitute vocational rehabilitation.

Periodically, there will be topics that are directed either to specific themes such as long-term care or different disability groups such as those with psychiatric impairment. Often a guest editor who is an expert in the given area will provide leadership on a specific topic issue. However, all articles received directly or submitted for a special issue are welcome for peer review. The emphasis will be on publishing rehabilitation articles that have immediate application for helping rehabilitation counselors, psychologists and other professionals in providing direct services to people with disabilities.

Original research articles, review articles, program descriptions, and case studies will be considered for publication. Ideas for special topical issues are welcomed as well.

For over 30 years, the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation (JVR) has provided a forum for discussion and dissemination of information about the major areas that constitute vocational rehabilitation. In recent years, however, more and more emphasis has been placed on the role of the rehabilitation counselor, special educator, psychologist, occupational therapist, and others in research and disseminator of work programs. Popular areas of interest have been, though not limited to, supported employment, customized employment, transition from school to work, return-to-work, and other topics related to employment for people with all disabilities. JVR emphasizes publishing articles that provide evidence-based practices for employment specialists, rehabilitation counselors, psychologists, educators, and other professionals in providing direct services to people with disabilities. Original research articles, review articles, program descriptions, and case studies will be considered for publication. Guest editors with specific areas of expertise may provide leadership on special topic issues. Ideas for special topical issues are welcomed as well. All manuscripts received are welcome for double-blind peer review if they meet these aims and scope.

Paul H. Wehman Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Technical Editor
Carina Rumrill Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Editorial Board Members
Siri Yde Aksnes Work Research Institute – OsloMet, Norway
Mohammad Al-Rashaida University of Deusto, Spain
Anwar Alsalamah Unaffiliated Researcher, KSA
Cayte Anderson University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Lauren Avellone Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Jessica Awsumb Vanderbilt University, USA
Fernando Bellver EMPLEA Foundation, Spain
Julia Bloom Griffith University, Australia
Gary Bond Westat, USA
Lauren Bruno University of Kansas, USA
John Butterworth University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Maria Cabre Fundació Privada Projecte Aura, Barcelona, Spain
Julie Chronister San Francisco State University, USA
David Cifu Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Briano Di Rezze McMaster University, Canada
Abdoulaye Diallo Northern Illinois University, USA
Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga University of South Florida, USA
Nicole Ditchman Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Shengli Dong Florida State University, USA
Nishita Doolabh West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Ellen Fabian University of Maryland, USA
Susan Foley University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Lucy Gafford University of North Texas, USA
Teresa Grenawalt University of Alabama, USA
Margaret Haddock World Ass. Supported Employment, Canada
Ellie Hartman, PhD, BCBA-D Wisconsin PROMISE Grant Project Manager, USA
Julie Hill University of Arkansas, USA
Todd Honeycutt Mathematica Policy Research, USA
Mary Huber Wright State University, USA
Sara Johnston Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, USA
Lennart Jonsson MISA, Sweden
Borja Jordan de Urries University of Salamanca, Spain
Tammy Jorgensen-Smith University of South Florida, USA
Dongil Kim Seoul National University, South Korea
Jaeyoung Kim Michigan State University, USA
Harold Kleinert University of Kentucky, USA
Leena Landmark Sam Houston State University, USA
Bob Lawhead Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council, USA
Beatrice Lee Michigan State University, USA
Mykal Lesie Kent State University, USA
Robyn Lewis Illinois Department of Human Services, USA
Lauren Lindstrom University of California-Davis, USA
Shondra Loggins Clay University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Joseph Madaus University of Connecticut, USA
Paul Malette CBI Consultants, Canada
Valerie Mazzotti University of Kansas, USA
Michele McDonnall Mississippi State University, USA
Elias Mpofu The University of North Texas, USA
Derek Nord Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Kathleen Marie Oertle Utah State University, USA
Doxa Papakonstantinou University of Macedonia, Greece
Ioanna Papavassiliou University of Macedonia, Greece
Wendy Parent Johnson The University of South Dakota, USA
Brian Phillips Utah State University, USA
Anthony Plotner University of South Carolina, USA
Susann Porter Malmö University, Sweden
Bobby Quamar California State University, USA
Tim Riesen Utah State University, USA
E. Sally Rogers Boston University, USA
Magen Rooney-Kron University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
Dawn Rowe East Tennessee State University, USA
Phillip Rumrill University of Kentucky, USA
Stuart Rumrill University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, USA
Carol Schall Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Jared Schultz Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Ben Schwartzman Vanderbuilt University, USA
LaRon Scott University of Virginia, USA
Karrie Shogren University of Kansas, USA
Oystein Spjelkavik Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Norway
David Strauser University of Illinois, USA
Connie Sung Michigan State University, USA
Timothy Tansey Queen Mary University London, UK
Colleen Thoma Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Magnus Tideman La Trobe University, Australia
Ayse Torres Florida Atlantic University, USA
Gemma Traguany Fundació Privada Projecte Aura, Barcelona, Spain
Audrey Trainor New York University, USA
Wei-Mo Tu University of North Texas, USA
Phil Tuckerman Jobsupport, Australia
Veronica Umeasiegbu The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD, USA
Emre Umucu Michigan State University, USA
Miguel Angel Verdugo University of Salamanca, Spain
Donna Wandry West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ming Hung Wang National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Katie Whaley University of Kentucky, USA
Holly Whittenburg Washington State University, USA
Dave Wittenburg Mathematica, USA
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • ProQuest
  • PsycINFO
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